Some things about me

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Some things about me Empty Some things about me

Post by Lupus 11.07.23 19:01

Greetings everyone,
You can call me Lupus! I have gone through what many call "the awaken" as a vampire for some time now, but that apart from helping me understand and explain why certain things happen to me at the same time made me have even more questions. Also i want to say that I don't relate to most of the Vampire Community because first of all i don't dress up or have/had (ever) a fascination with blood or vampires from movies, novels, mythology etc.. Secondly i don't feel that i have a damaged center or defeciency in any way and i know for a fact that this is a condition of the soul that also manifests in various ways in the physical body. Before i dive deep i want to say that i haven't been able to get in my hands the AB, but I'm looking forward on getting it hopefully within the next month. So now about my story.... Well it all started as i was a kid, growing up i felt different because i had different experiences than most around my age. Some of these experiences were metaphysical, but i won't analyze them because i didn't give them much thought back then. Around my puberty i noticed that most people don't have the physical senses i do (once smelled blood from a kids bloody nose from 3 floors ahead of him and i ran down the stairs with my buddy souting i smell blood, here i must say that i didn't have any fascination with blood or mythological vampires and frankly i still don't) nor the reflexes i do (like my body reacts with precision before anything happens) and same kind of experiences led me to search what was going on. Leaping a lot of years from then to now i have a pretty good knowledge about occult in general and I now know why certain things were happening back then. For example building drama without understanding how or why i did it in groups that i whole heartedly didn't want to upset in any way and while that affected energeticaly others "badly" i was getting "jumpier". Don't get me wrong this is not something a vampire does, but little things like this makes me understand the passive feeding i was doing back then. Also currently Im working with Hecate heavily in the astral realm and she is really helpful in anything that has to do with my vampiric nature. I learned with the help of Hecate that my soul isn't the one of a humans, but the one of a vampire and that i have lived some lives before this one. I've tried to remember some of them or at least parts from them and i have managed to remember that in all of them i was like this (a vampire) and in one of them killed from my village because word got out that i drank blood from someone i had an intimate moment. They got scared and stoned me. Back on topic! I recently tracked down that vampires began with someone killing his brother (Hecate showed me the scene in the Astral realm), which at first i thought it was Caine and Abel, but after stumbling in here i started thinking that maybe that was Set and Osiris. Also for a very weird reason i have bumbed on the Asetians and the Aset Ka Order from day 1 i started investigating more deeply what i might be, so maybe that wasn't a random coincidence. Either way if anyone is knowledgable i'd like you to share your thoughts or anything that could help me in any way until i read the AB.
Thanks for your time, glad to be here!


Number of posts : 5
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2023-07-11

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Some things about me Empty Re: Some things about me

Post by Lupus 11.07.23 19:12

Also im very fond of privacy and that's why i have left out a on about me and my "story". But i really am intrigued to see what other people think

Number of posts : 5
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2023-07-11

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Some things about me Empty Re: Some things about me

Post by Lupus 11.07.23 19:14

Lupus wrote:Also im very fond of privacy and that's why i have left out a on about me and my "story". But i really am intrigued to see what other people think

Number of posts : 5
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2023-07-11

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Some things about me Empty Re: Some things about me

Post by Lightseeker 03.08.23 15:33

May I please ask a question before I address your other points? If you identify as a vampire and if you say that you don't have a "fascination" for vampires from movies etc, then why do you use "Blade" as your profile pic? Don't get me wrong, I like those movies, but it is a curious choice for someone who defines himself as a vampire....

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Some things about me Empty Re: Some things about me

Post by Lupus 05.08.23 16:36

Honestly I just didn't like the automatic profile picture you get when signing in and while browsing I saw that there are some pictures that you can select. Of course I have seen Blade not because it's about vampires, but because I've seen most of the marvel franchise and I chose to select that. Plain and simple

Number of posts : 5
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2023-07-11

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