Good guide on Therianthrophy?

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Good guide on Therianthrophy? Empty Good guide on Therianthrophy?

Post by Lightseeker 03.05.13 18:24

I was wondering if anyone can recommed a good book or a good site about therianthrophy (shape shifting into an animal on the astral plane). I don't mean a book on animal spirits/guides but something that really gives rituals for shape shifting.

The only things I have found deal only with lycanthrophy (changing into a wolf), such as the ritual from Anton LaVey. I can't find anything for other animals though. Can anyone help?

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Registration date : 2012-08-06

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Good guide on Therianthrophy? Empty Re: Good guide on Therianthrophy?

Post by Naoom 11.01.17 7:13

A Rite of the werewolf is a good book written by Michael W.Ford.For other animals I will suggest you to read Vox Sabbatum from the same author.

Number of posts : 367
Location : Europe
Registration date : 2016-11-17

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