Feeling like a "vampire"

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by N.Augusta 18.07.13 7:07

The other day, someone posted on another forum that they feel "different." I will share this and my response as I would like some feed-back here. Honestly, I truly do not understand this, but as we know, I don't get the whole online "real vampire" thing.

The person said: "I find it hard to identify with being human. I have a human body with all its vulnerabilities, I get sick, I will die but mentally, emotionally and psychologically I am not human being both a sanguinarian and having some psychic abilities. Does anyone else feel this way?" <--- I have, absolutely, no idea what that means! ---> Maybe it is because, I do not think that because one chooses to "feel"/ identify that way, then that by no means makes them a "vampire." Is that all there is to many of those online "real vampires?" If one chooses to feel that way, is that all it takes to make them a "vampire?" Oo If so, that seems quite shallow to me.

My response: " I have a totally different perspective! Also, my views on vampirism are far from common, but that is a totally different story and irrelevant. Do not get me wrong, I understand the point of view you are describing and I respect it! I think it is good to have different views, respectfully shared in the group. Each and every one of us, change our views on things/ life as we evolve and grow spiritually, in our discovery of the True Self. We are all the creators of our own inner Universe and of our own lives.

Here is why I disagree with the point of view you have described. We are all here living the human experience, there is no if's and's or but's about that. We all go to school, work, have families (either ones we grow up with or later have of our own) or have children, or pets, (they become our kiddos. ) The life experience is a human one, and all vampires are also human, and there is no getting around that. Some may argue, human only in shell, however, all humans have psychic abilities to tap into, all human's can partake in psychic feeding. Anyone can drink "safe/clean/disease tested" blood in a mature and responsible way, if they so choose, granted in small amounts or else one will become sick. Any human and donors can act vampiricly...Those who partake in vampiric feeding, in the end, boils down to preference/choice like everything else, be it who we date, the company we keep, etc. A very common factor with all humans, is this need to separate from each other, and "vampires" do this separation as well. We use all these different categories to separate us all, be it sex, race, color, creed, country, religion, class, wealth, and all that gets broken down further and further. However, we all feel, we all bleed, we all cry, kick and scream, hurt, have desires, have attachments, strengths and weaknesses, etc... In the end, we are all similar in all these areas..Yet, there is a need, no-- desire, to feel "better than" or "different from" and these very desires divide us all. Each and everyone of us, regardless of how we Self-identify, are beautiful in our own unique way, and that includes both the good and bad in all of us . (Minus rapists, etc. of course) Thus, in all these areas that we are all so much alike and do experience many similarities, thus, I do not see how we cannot feel human.

There are those who argue that humans are shit! And to those who do, I say get off your moronic high-horse, and take a damn good look in the mirror and do some deep inner Self-Work. Figure out where that desire to feel "better-than" comes from, and realize just how "human" you are actually behaving."

While I am not trying to be harsh, but I think the discriminatory practices of many of these people in their "desire" to feel "different," are what holds back their very own growth. It is quite common/humanish for one to fell "different" in some way, or another.

Regardless, these things are not important. As a whole, humans and whatever else one self-identifies with, we are all facing much more important matters on a global scale. Be it the food supply, gmo's, world wide hunger and starvation, economic failures on a grand scale, poverty, failing education systems, human rights being taken away, etc..., etc..., etc.... We really need to think about future generations too and what we are setting them up for. Though, I guess some will find these issues to be too "human" even though they are part of the society. :O

Am I missing something?

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by N.Augusta 18.07.13 8:53

Ahh, let me be clear, I was not referring to Asetians in anyway, and due to the location of the original posting, it would of been irrelevant and not constructive. Wink

"Mentally, emotionally and psychologically I am not human being." I really do not understand this! Seems to imply a sense of superiority to me, which, again seems like such a human thing to do, and reflects human thinking. A true vampire is so uncommon yet, so common "online."

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Jonathan 18.07.13 8:58

I agree with what you're trying to say. Most people who self-identify as vampires in online communities and love to speak how vampiric they are and how humans are beneath them are for the most part needy. As you say it's a desire to feel different. They want to feel important and more than others.

Where did you find such post if you don't mind me asking?

I'm just not sure if I agree when you say that we're all beautiful and special but that's really an issue with my own personal philosophy. I have struggled with that concept for a long time now. I mean, you even added except rapists and others, so there are exceptions. If we're introducing exceptions based on our own set of morals and ethics, then we're conditioning and judging beauty, and since we can all agree that rapists aren't beautiful and special, I personally can't say those common sentences that everyone is special. I know that many may disagree with me but in fact I think that most people are very common and nothing more than that. We all have seen and see every day people being dumb, living empty lives and building a future based on vanity and ego. So many people find more important to bring down others than to improve themselves, than to learn something new. Is that their life's purpose? It can't be. So many people can't be that special when they do nothing for the growth of Self or to help others. To push others forward. To understand Self, life and the world. I know this is a tricky subject but for me, at this point in my life, I really can't see that everyone is special and beautiful...

I think people want to believe that everyone is special because that would make everything more simple and easy to accept, but life isn't easy or simple. If everyone was special then they would have to do nothing and just live to die. It's what we make out of life that makes us special or to die as nothing. This has nothing to do with being important or recognised either, many special people accomplish greatness without ever being known or heard. But it's still true that those are a rare minority and that most people still end up being nothing special and doing nothing for Self or for others.

I'm just being honest.

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Jonathan 18.07.13 9:02

I forgot to add that I'm not saying that humans are not special and vampires are great. My thought really has nothing to do with vampires but with people in general and how I don't agree that people are special just for the sake of being people. There are amazingly special people out there, but the majority just aren't.

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Kalb 18.07.13 9:24


When I read this kind of things, I see a lot of joke. I liked the response of N.Augusta, was mature. I understand her point of view and I also accept the point of view of Jonathan. In my eyes, both are right. I believe that people are special, all of them, but they prefer to follow weakness. It is true too that the future is not written, at any time people can change their lives and follow the path of wisdom.

But it's like the old saying, "there are no ugly women, there is only poor and rich women".

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by N.Augusta 18.07.13 10:39

Thank you for sharing!

The post was found in a FB group. My own analytical nature couldn't make sense of what the person had been describing in regards to their being a "vampire."

I understand what you mean, and do not disagree with you, as I agree, on some levels.

What I meant by that was, beautiful in a simplistic sense that we are all unique and have our very own unique journeys, as no two people are the exact same, and that alone makes us special. But, we are all unique, and where one finds beauty, another may not. Like they say, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." Now to quote you, "If we're introducing exceptions based on our own set of morals and ethics, then we're conditioning and judging beauty..." However, we all do this, and limit it (not only to morals and ethics, as there are personal tastes, etc.) in our own ways. For example, we may look at a painting, and while you may find it beautiful, I may find it terrible. I'm left wondering why you see it beautiful, and you're left wondering what is wrong with me, and why I am unable to see the beauty in it. Razz

And, we have to be careful not to judge superficially too, be it on an individual level or as a whole, which I, obviously, am guilty of... We often take a quick glance on what we see on the "surface" of another make a quick judgment that we stick to. While it may seem a man is dumb and living an empty life, we do not know what goes on his home. For example, he could be one hell of a great father who directs all his love and his attention to his children, but most do not see that side of him, and because of a few dumb things he has done, or the way he carries himself in what may seem stand-offish, some look down upon him, and judge him as ugly for the rest of his life for his mistakes. We see what we want to see! None of us are perfect. I think we also have to be careful not to raise the "bar" so high on people, as that will leave us always being unsatisfied with others, which further may cause disappointment, separation and division, depression and alienation to unhealthy levels. Most everyone is special to someone in this world.

Also, to quote you on something else:
"We all have seen and see every day people being dumb, living empty lives and building a future based on vanity and ego. So many people find more important to bring down others than to improve themselves, than to learn something new. Is that their life's purpose? It can't be. So many people can't be that special when they do nothing for the growth of Self or to help others. To push others forward. To understand Self, life and the world. I know this is a tricky subject but for me, at this point in my life, I really can't see that everyone is special and beautiful... "  If the world we lived in were to promote Self-growth, if it were to promote working on Self and doing the Self-work, then our world would be very different. We live in the modern Dark-Ages, and we are a dumbed-down society over all. We have Athletes, musicians, reality TV stars being paid millions and some how become assigned as role-models when many of them didn't make it to college. We have $300 sneakers (Jordan's) being used as a status identifier. How dumb! TV programs have been filled with the reality TV bull shit, making many morons into house-hold name super stars. That is just sad! Our society is controlled, we are told what to wear, how to dress, how to act, what to do, what we can and cannot do as rights are being taken away. We are controlled, be it by religion, wealth and wage, the elite few in power, etc., and were the people really to wake-up, our world would be quite different. In a sense I see humanity has been caught up in the chains of slavery for a very long time. So, which poses my question, how can we truly blame them when they know no better? A shift, though, is coming as we are in a new Era. When one wakes up, they realize that we have been living in the Twilight Zone.
Oh dear! I am sorry, I swayed a bit there. My point though, is while it is easy to take a glance from the surface level, there is more than meets the eye. So while I understand and agree with much of what you are saying, we have to look at the cause.. Also, I think most will and do help others in many ways, be it directly or indirectly, be they big or small things. Helping a friend move, taking care of ones grand children, donating time to help teach others to read, etc.... all are acts of kindness.

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by N.Augusta 18.07.13 10:42

Thank you, Kalb! I agree with all you have said. Smile I love it when we "all" put our heads together and share. Smile

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Divine 277 18.07.13 12:53

Most of what you wrote in your last post N.Auguseta Is very true, they do want us to feel bad about our selfs, so we will consume more, so they make more ...
However concerning TV series, Music , different "stars" and so on... is however chosen by the of the people ... If you don't sell, you will not be of interest to the industry ...

I dont think that once occupation define what you may or may not like, or may or may not be, or may or may not practice, to judge what one does not have a clue about, would be kinda stupid in my eyes, but then again that just a mater of opinion.

I am all for that people try to realize and live their life's as they see fit, Im not saying I like it all, or even accept it when it comes to harming others.
Like you said: we all judge one way or the other ...

I really try hard not to judge based on the opinions on others, cause my eyes are not theres, and their eyes are not mine, and Im in no possession to say/tell what people should do with their own time ..

I however , do wish for all: that they will not regret their life's when it suddenly is over, cause as you say often, life is really to short. So make the best out of it...

I kinda feel that this post ( mine ) was a bit unnecessary to write, since you did kinda cover a lot of ground here Smile thank you for sharing Smile

Med vennlig hilsen Luna Aurora Divine
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Maxx 18.07.13 13:24

interesting comments and I can understand the questions each have in looking at the world and the people around them.  But after reading the books by Dolores Cannon (and I realize some will not even begin to consider this material)......the 4 books on the convoluted universe and the book between life and death and a couple of others.......if one considered her material and looked at things from the way her clients have presented it from their previous lives....then all of the above situational questions would be answered.  Actually the situation which started this commentary would be viewed as nothing but a childish involvement to aid one to find their path in their design.  I see many of these kinds of opening posts here on this forum made by youngsters that really have no idea what they are doing here in this world...but later on when maturity affords them an opportunity to make intelligent decisions they can "up the bar" so to speak.  Many of those posts just illustrate that the kiddies are in game mode with their life in the early stages and have a great deal of growing up to accomplish.

Dolores Cannon has interacted with thousands of clients over the years and demonstrated the material comes out from different people from different cultures and have no contact with each other.....and again, as N. Augusta said, we all look at everything differently.  I tend to view the Cannon material as somewhat credible as I have spent time with her process and been one of the "victims".  LOL.......But this is just a means to consider in your evaluation process to find "answers"

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Gunnar 18.07.13 16:40

I agree with most of what everybody has said so far. I would say "all" but some things conflict. Got me thinking.

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Feeling like a "vampire" Empty Re: Feeling like a "vampire"

Post by Maxx 18.07.13 19:53

Fox, Let not your heart be troubled.....just watch and listen and in your life experiences into the future you will put it all together.....that is what our soul turns us toward.....to accomplish what we came here to do and learn this fantastic experience.

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