The first vampires

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The first vampires Empty The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.08.13 11:02

After the primordials, when Aset created the first Asentians, did she create the asentians solely from her essence, or infuse humans with her essence? Odd question, I know but it's just something that always confused me.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Jonathan 08.08.13 13:27

From my interpretation of Asetian texts, Aset only directly created the original Primordials. The following Asetians were created by the Primordials, starting the Asetian bloodline. It is however possible that Aset intervened in the process of creation/birth of the Elders, which happened during the Sep Tepy and early Egyptian dynasties.

Even if not directly created by Aset never forget her importance and influence in such process known as the Dark Kiss, which uses her essence that the Asetians call the Violet Flame. This connection back to Aset and her Will is recurrently mentioned by Luis Marques not only in his books but also in the teachings that he shares on Twitter. If you don't have access to his Twitter account I would suggest leaving him a request as although some of the messages he shares there may seem simple and others too complex they all form a compendium of esoteric teachings of great value to both advanced and beginner initiates. His language is full of symbolism so it helps meditating upon what he shares and the way he shares it. There is great magickal value in that little tool which is often overlooked, sometimes I'm surprised not seeing it more globally used and discussed by Asetianists.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.08.13 23:02

Thanks Jonathon, checked out his twitter. I know this is kind of unrelated, but do you think asentians would reincarnate as a human in every lifetime?

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Jonathan 09.08.13 6:01

Asetians reincarnate in a human body, just like everyone else. They don't always reincarnate however, as that is their own choice made on the other realm of the dead. They have power over the reincarnation process but not always chose to incarnate all the time, some may wait a long time on the other side. It also depends on the spiritual lessons they seek and their purpose to be in this realm for the Aset Ka.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Kalb 09.08.13 9:11

Jonathan wrote:They don't always reincarnate however, as that is their own choice made on the other realm of the dead. They have power over the reincarnation process but not always chose to incarnate all the time, some may wait a long time on the other side. It also depends on the spiritual lessons they seek and their purpose to be in this realm for the Aset Ka.
Things are changing... Remember that We are now in the Djehuty of the Serpent.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Jonathan 09.08.13 9:19

Kalb wrote:
Jonathan wrote:They don't always reincarnate however, as that is their own choice made on the other realm of the dead. They have power over the reincarnation process but not always chose to incarnate all the time, some may wait a long time on the other side. It also depends on the spiritual lessons they seek and their purpose to be in this realm for the Aset Ka.
Things are changing... Remember that We are now in the Djehuty of the Serpent.
You mean that there is an increased potential for Asetians to incarnate in this renewed era?

While I think that is likely true as Asetian power is clearly growing if we compare it to the last few centuries, I also hold the belief that the vast majority of the Asetians remain not incarnated compared to the small number that is here with us on Earth.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 09.08.13 10:27

Have your guys ever heard of 'indigo kids'? If not, they're basically children of the new generation in whom psychic abilities more commonly manifest. Also, because their auras tend to be purple, I believe there may be a link between these kids and Asentians.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Kalb 09.08.13 10:38

Actually, we don't know for sure how many Asetians are incarnated here on Earth, though according to Asetian history, the numbers mean nothing. In other hand, in the current Djehuty, is the era where the lost Asetians will return to home, return the Their Lovely Family: The reawakening of the Second Age of Vampires. This new Djehuty Inspire the feelings of each Asetian, is an extra motivation, and an opportunity for everyone to get together again.

It is the main rule of Asetian Culture... "Union Above All".

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Nightshade 09.08.13 12:03

Stapleraindrop wrote:Have your guys ever heard of 'indigo kids'? If not, they're basically children of the new generation in whom psychic abilities more commonly manifest. Also, because their auras tend to be purple, I believe there may be a link between these kids and Asentians.
I'm familiar with indigo children and I can see how you would relate them with the Asetians, especially those undergoing the awaking and finding their hidden metaphysical abilities. However I usually take indigo information with a grain of salt as you can see all sorts of nonsense surrounding the overuse of such term to a point that we can easily find mothers labeling their children as indigo simply out of their own selfish need to see their children as special and different than other kids, using that term as means of reassurance and validation, which is obviously an ignorant thing to do.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 31.08.13 23:48

When I use the term I refer to the true indigo children, not the ones labeled as such.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Filia Noctis 01.09.13 12:07

Stapleraindrop wrote:Have your guys ever heard of 'indigo kids'? If not, they're basically children of the new generation in whom psychic abilities more commonly manifest. Also, because their auras tend to be purple, I believe there may be a link between these kids and Asentians.
Those "indigo children" are not as new as people say they are, they just never got much attention until more people started to get into aura's and metaphysics. It's also believed that many children have some degree of psychic abilities, but most of those children lose it along the way.
And I don't think the fact that those children have purple in their aura (I've never seen an aura that only had one color) links them to gods/goddesses, of course some might be linked to a divine being, but most won't be. If any person with purple in their aura would be linked to asetians in a way there would be an awful lot of people linked to the asetians.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Daniel09 01.09.13 13:34

Vampirism manifests in many forms. The Asetians are Vampires as a result of their state of being, in connection with Aset.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 01.09.13 16:03

Filia, when I speak of indigo kids I am talking about anybody, child or not, who has a solid and strong purple aura. This trait is what defines one as an 'indigo child', and, if I am not mistaken, Asentians have a similar condition due to the violet kiss being within them. Anybody can have any colour in their aura, but when a colour is distinct enough to not be one of many, but to be the aura itself, I think it is more than coincidence.

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Divine 277 02.09.13 1:35

When It comes to the Aura, it will never stay completely purple ... it constantly changes colors, as your mood and energy system changes. The Aura is a reflection of your subtile system, that also reflects and show you inner self. For a aura (hypothetical ) to stay just one color, I would say you most likely would have had some mayor blockages and damaged energy system( in other words, not possible to not have more then one color ) since our subtile bodies consist of 7 chakra centers with each its own specific colors and feels to it ( that makes it: us as a whole ) ... there are also other colors (then the 7 base colors ) that is defined as different kinds of energy a person can have in their subtile system.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 02.09.13 2:30

Insightful observation Divine. Speaking from personal experience however, my aura is always a dark purple with an exterior layer of 'earthy' green.

I don't know about auras, but my eyes certainly change colour with my mood :p

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Divine 277 02.09.13 4:41

Stapleraindrop* can I ask how you can be positive about that ? and are you having troubles with your subtile system ? cause a balanced one would have more colors then that ... unless you are a very stagnant being ...
My eyes change colors to, all between grey tones, green tones and blue tones, its up to my mood, lighting and energy levels.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Divine 277 02.09.13 4:46

(sorry for double post Smile ), I forgot .. if i am in the sun with out sun glasses they look purple .. cause the white in my eyes turn red ...
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Filia Noctis 02.09.13 10:49

Stapleraindrop wrote:Anybody can have any colour in their aura, but when a colour is distinct enough to not be one of many, but to be the aura itself, I think it is more than coincidence.
I think that will be right for some people with a (mostly) purple aura, but then again I don't believe it's true for all of them. Purple as a main color (60%of it or more) is as far as I've seen not much less common than blue, or orange, or yellow etc.
Of course I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying what I think. And I'm mostly doing so because I tend to be the one who disagrees with something when all the others agree.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Stapleraindrop 02.09.13 11:04

Filia, do you disagree because of scholarly curiosity, or simply to be the one who doesen't swim in the main stream?

And Divine, I have had some... issues within my subtle system, but those were buildups of negative energy as the result of self-destructive behavioral patterns. I now regularly ground and meditate, so I doubt there would be any serious blockages.

I can be positive about my assumptions because, (thankfully) I am not the only one in my group o' friends who is spiritually aware, if you will.


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The first vampires Empty Re: The first vampires

Post by Filia Noctis 03.09.13 10:06

If I disagree with something I disagree because I have reasons to believe something different than the person to disagree with and then I don't count not wanting to be part of the "main stream" as a reason.
Although I'd also say I don't "swim in the main stream", but who of the people here actually does so? Wink
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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