How to find direction in the beginning

Divine 277
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How to find direction in the beginning Empty How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Troublemaker 20.12.13 9:39

I know I have been redirected to this path for a very good reason. But it's really disorienting at first. Many people see me as being an extremely intelligent person (whether or not I agree is an entirely different thing) but I read the first several pages of the Asetian Bible that is included on the website and it was like a huge jolt to my system. I am not used to reading things that take work to understand.
So, I know that this new interest of mine isn't the result of some passing fad but rather a need to discover the truth. But honestly, I have no idea how to even meditate. I guess I could search places on the internet but I don't know what is credible/isn't. Last time I tried to meditate (several years ago) I ended up falling asleep... oh the shame :/


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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Divine 277 20.12.13 11:20

There are several metodes to do this ... I even think there are you tube videos that walk you true it Smile my biggest problem with this is to relax my body, not empty my mind Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Troublemaker 20.12.13 12:28

Thanks! I will keep searching the Internet. Whew. They really weren't kidding when they said this would be a major change. I like that this is a community where people find their own way, rather than dictate to others what they should be doing, although I'm a bit nervous about picking up the Asetian Bible. I feel like I won't be able to understand a lot of it due to being new to the occult but I'm excited to continue learning.

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Kalb 20.12.13 13:52

Rhea Kaye: Just follow your heart and you will find the strenght. No need more guides, only your own Soul. If you seek your inner desire, you seek evolution and if you seek evolution truth finds you.

This is the method of Asetianism....Be Free and let the freedom teach you how to survive.

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Jonathan 21.12.13 18:01

Rhea Kaye wrote:Many people see me as being an extremely intelligent person (whether or not I agree is an entirely different thing) but I read the first several pages of the Asetian Bible that is included on the website and it was like a huge jolt to my system. I am not used to reading things that take work to understand.

As I said learning this will be hard work. It's not a path for those who seek the easy and the obvious. Don't worry if you don't understand many things in the Asetian Bible at first, not sure if someone already taught you this but the books by Luis Marques are meant to be read many times, not just one, and new teachings will emerge as you progress in the system and evolve your soul. It will make sense in due time. Don't do the mistake many others do of thinking his books are just books.

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Troublemaker 22.12.13 4:44

Thank you for the advice Smile

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Lynskha 15.09.17 22:59

Rhea Kaye: Just follow your heart and you will find the strenght. No need more guides, only your own Soul. If you seek your inner desire, you seek evolution and if you seek evolution truth finds you.

This is the method of Asetianism....Be Free and let the freedom teach you how to survive.

I was just overwhelmed by what you said, that really talks to me , and what I have been feeling.

It is like finding something within yourself, and that thing just vibrates, like it was about to break a shell...

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Lynskha 25.10.17 13:25


After a month I got Violet Throne, I may say it is very interesting the way things develop.

I have some issues to work on, related to anxiety, impatience.

To observe and learn about myself, and the traps created by the mind.

My comment is that, I feel glad, and in peace, feeling that it is something because it IS. And not alwyas so peaceful, since chaos ir always present.

( And I liked that this is 666 post hehehe)

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Lynskha 25.10.17 13:27

correcting - not 666 comment, when I came to post, it was going to be the 666 VIEW.

I want to add something

Kalb said

"This is the method of Asetianism....Be Free and let the freedom teach you how to survive."

I agree.

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Morticia 03.01.18 18:31

IDK if this relates or not, but, I used to do biofeedback...It involved meditation and controlling things like pain in your body with your mind....I could not do that myself, I get migraines and the lady that was teaching me told me to tell myself I was not in pain, I could not block the pain with my was tough for me to try to learn this method....

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Maxx 29.05.18 3:34

Morticia. Are you still here? I would like to know how you are progressing with the biofeedback method in blocking pain.

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How to find direction in the beginning Empty Re: How to find direction in the beginning

Post by Troublemaker 29.05.18 4:29

Ah, the memories!

One of my earlier posts here. I'd like to say that the messages from Jonathan and Kalb were pretty helpful to me at the time.

Maxx, this thread is four and a half years old... the reply comes at a strangely coincidental time when we were just having discussions about meditation and the like. It seems a bit like you are trying to call forth examples of why my statements on meditation are silly, by calling attention to an earlier time of uncertainty on the topic when I was just finding out about Asetianism, which was my introduction to energy work.

It seems unneeded and underhanded to me.

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