Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Divine 277 Fri 21 Feb - 13:26

I have read quite a few articles as of now, about these so called "end of the world kind of thing".

Tomorrow or to day, depending on where you are in the world, the beginning of Rangnarok is about to occur…

Do you think there is something to these things just seem to be escalating or is it just coincidences ?

How many texts actually agree on the "end of the World" theory ?

Have you gotten feelings with this on a personal level `?

Divine 277
Divine 277

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Matttt Fri 21 Feb - 13:30

It's funny that you posted this because I was planning to do the same thing hmmm.
Also, in my area, it was snowing early in the morning and the temperature was 55 degrees farenheit. Odd.

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Divine 277 Fri 21 Feb - 14:53

Why is that odd?

The wether has not been very stabile lately …

Its been getting worse since november.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Matttt Fri 21 Feb - 15:59

It was way too warm to be snowing. While hours before we had raging thunderstorms. It was on the local news how it should have been impossible.

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Maxx Fri 21 Feb - 19:11

Divine 277 wrote:I have read quite a few articles as of now, about these so called "end of the world kind of thing".

Tomorrow or to day, depending on where you are in the world, the beginning of Rangnarok is about to occur…

If one has any kind of metaphysical ability at all one will know if such a large calamity is to occur.  Your third shin area would notify you and you would become very uncomfortable and have strange thoughts of impending doom.

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Divine 277 Sat 22 Feb - 4:41

What I feel and what I see, isn't always relevant Smile sometimes delusions will take over Smile

When it comes to the end of things as we know it… I still think that the humans them self has the power to decide …
How they choose however, is getting more and more obvious …

Butterfly effect is sometimes a bitch …

@seekerofba yes, you are right… but you also have to remember the nothing is really impossible… just because we don't have the knowledge of it … doesn't mean it does not exist … or is plausible … the lingering patterns of the tapestry of life and reality, is getting thinner as we speak.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by N.Augusta Sat 22 Feb - 11:05

Ironically, we have "mass and confirmations" set up today. Smile
Turns out that today we are celebrating the end of the world in style with the Egyptian Gods. There will be wine, great wine from a BOX, that will serve many, but that's not all, there will be fried chicken that's better than "finger licking good" too. Though those cookies, those awful cookies....

Be sure to celebrate the end of the world in style every time one comes around. It just makes the proclamation of "There is no part of me that is not of the Gods," all the more special today while focusing and sending the intentions of the Will out there. Smile

Though, really, personally, I'd skip the box and go for a nice bottle instead. Wink

Now you guys go have fun!!! Carpe diem! Smile

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Divine 277 Sat 22 Feb - 11:28

*N.Augusta .. I will join you in spirit .. lol..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by Maxx Sat 22 Feb - 12:36

N. Augusta......I bet your new nickname is ......


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Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?  Empty Re: Viking apocalypse 21.02.14 ?

Post by N.Augusta Sun 23 Feb - 7:59

Luna, join me any time. Smile

Lol, Uncle Fester! Smile

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