When does the spirit enter?

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When does the spirit enter? Empty When does the spirit enter?

Post by Syrianeh 22.01.09 8:30

I know this question might sound naive, but I don't think it's been discussed before on this forum.

I am wondering when or how does the spirit, Ka, subtle body ... whatever you wish to call it, "enter" the physical body at the beginning of a new life cycle?

Is it at the moment of conception? is it at some point during the gestation? is it at birth? Or does it all start some time before that? I don't suppose anyone knows for sure.

I also know that some evolved Beings can actually somehow choose the circumstances of their next life, because they are inmortal and have developed the ability to remember. The AK speaks largely about that subject. In this case, how would this take place? Through "waiting" for the right chance?

In other cases, where the subtle body is mortal or newly formed from the universal source, does it just ... er... "pop up" spontaneously there?

I would welcome any opinions and perhaps some enlightement from already established theories on the matter.

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Talibah 24.01.09 6:35

Great question, Syrianeh. And to be truthful I dont have a sufficient answer to reply with...but I'm also intrigued to see what other responses we get, because it too is something I would like to hear about - on a scientific basis more than anything else....

*waits patiently* Smile

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Ankhhape 24.01.09 9:01

Kemetically speaking:
A person's Ka passes into the next world, but returned regularly to the tomb to partake of the food offerings.

The Ka could be regarded as the essential self of an individual, acting as his guide and protector.
However, the Ka only resided temporarily in the living body; at death, it became a separate entity that was non-corporeal and immortal.

The sacred science of the afterlife focused on two things. One was the halting of the reincarnation process of the Ba. The second was the termination of the dreamlike states of the Ka. This science attempted to reunite the essence of the Ka and the Ba at the moment of death in a way so that they would not separate.

Hence the Asetian saying "May your Ka be with your Ba" or vica versa ( I can never remember the order but you get it)

I know I didn't address your inquiry concerning incarnation, sorry.

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Overall

Post by Maxx 24.01.09 9:03

There is no certain time frame on this. Each case is separate and depends on many different things. There can even be last minute changes and adjustments on that spirit. Look at it from the viewpoint of the two spirits that created the body for that spirit in the first place. "Ye are Gods" says one fella from the past. Look at the overall picture, instead of looking at just one frame of the picture.



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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Syrianeh 25.01.09 11:19

Thank you all for your answers. Ankhape, what you expose is a very interesting concept that I hadn't paid much attention to. I am sure it can be applied to modern philosophy and of course to Vampirism. I will look further into it. Thank you for pointing it out.

Maxx, as always you are right. The big picture is also important Smile

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Ankhhape

Post by Maxx 25.01.09 13:47

Your reply is very interesting. I am looking at it as the Vampire at the moment of leaving the anchor moving into another physical body or anchor here in this dimension. To move in and out of any anchor or body at anytime would also be associated with the explanation you just gave above.......don't you think?

That also means that the astral has learned to maintain itself and feed from the human race here, so as to keep enough lifeforce as well as keep the memory bank intact.



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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Ankhhape 25.01.09 17:58

Maxx . . yes, and you have just confirmed some of the Coffin Text from which I got my info from . . . this is the stuff that the AK are talking about!
Finding the truth behind the texts . . . I am not a vampire so I really would like to hear more associations like this.

Thank you

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Jonathan 26.01.09 15:20

Ankhhape wrote:Maxx . . yes, and you have just confirmed some of the Coffin Text from which I got my info from . . . this is the stuff that the AK are talking about!
Finding the truth behind the texts . . . I am not a vampire so I really would like to hear more associations like this.

Thank you
What Coffin Texts are you talking about specifically Ankhhape? It would be interesting to go deeper into that.



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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Ankhhape 26.01.09 16:36

Jonathan wrote:
Ankhhape wrote:Maxx . . yes, and you have just confirmed some of the Coffin Text from which I got my info from . . . this is the stuff that the AK are talking about!
Finding the truth behind the texts . . . I am not a vampire so I really would like to hear more associations like this.

Thank you
What Coffin Texts are you talking about specifically Ankhhape? It would be interesting to go deeper into that.


Jonathan: There are only one set of 'Coffin Texts'
In the Funerary Texts & Book of Dead you can find parallels to this . . . I am not sure exactly where, I would need to research where I remember this stuff (there is a 'lot' of information) to sift through.

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Syrianeh 27.01.09 13:43


Stirred by what you said, I took the liberty to search through Ani's Book of the Dead. There is a chapter, called "The Chapter Of Making The Soul To Be Joined To Its
Body In Khert-Neter" that says the following:
(...) Grant thou that my soul may come to me from any place wherein it may be. Even
if it would tarry, let my soul be brought unto me from any place wherein it may be. Thou
findest the Eye of Horus standing by thee like unto those beings who resemble Osiris, who
never lie down in death. Let not the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, lie down dead among
those who lie in Anu, the land wherein [souls] are joined to their bodies in thousands. Let me
have possession of my Ba-soul and of my Spirit-soul, and let my word be truth with it (the
Ba-soul) in every place wherein it may be. (...)

The entire collection of chapters can be read in http://www.touregypt.net/bkofdead.htm. (among other places).

Particularly interesting is the plead ".. let my word be truth with the Ba in every place where it may be." Could it be referring to the power of Will?


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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Ankhhape 27.01.09 16:57

Syrianeh: now, that is what I'm talking about!!
It makes me happy to see someone 'do the work' themselves . . . much more rewarding, more fulfilling.

Thank you

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Syrianeh 28.01.09 8:55

No problem, Ankhape. Researching is in itself a pleasure.

That text is definitely impressive. Second and third readings reveal a lot too. Such as the plead not to lie in death in Anu, the land wherein [souls] are joined to their bodies in thousands. That would be what I imagine the universal source of life, from which mortal souls are produced and to which they are attached all their physical lives only to return and die again.

In fact, there is another encription there which talks about the desire not to die a second death.

I will find that later on...

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Syrianeh 28.01.09 8:57

... encryption.


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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

Post by Talibah 28.01.09 10:25

*smiles* Syrianeh beat me to it in posting her findings..well done!

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When does the spirit enter? Empty Second Death

Post by Maxx 29.01.09 18:46

Ah, now you are getting into the meat and potatos......Not to die the second death..........that is exactly what I am talking about


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When does the spirit enter? Empty Re: When does the spirit enter?

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