Elemental symbolism

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Elemental symbolism Empty Elemental symbolism

Post by Stapleraindrop 10.05.14 8:30

For all of you with the AB, on p. 159 the 4 watchtowers are described. Each is inscribed with 3 hieroglyphs, laid out vertically. The topmost 2 seem obvious; the top referring to the element, and the second to the animal, but I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to the bottommost hieroglyphs on the jars?

I can't just ask that without sharing, so I'll add my interpretation of one of them. On the fire jar, at the bottom is the tijet, the symbol for the sacral Shen. Though fire rules the Ba, the currents of flame must be cycled throughout the body to maintain balance. To me, that Tijet is a reminder of the whole of the subtle body, with the Ba, or soul being at the core. Of course many interpretations are possible, this is just my way of looking at things.

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Elemental symbolism Empty Re: Elemental symbolism

Post by Pyrene 19.05.14 5:28

I believe the answer is rather obvious. The hieroglyphs at the bottom are directly related to the goddess protecting each Watchtower, so that:

- Duamutef is protected by Neith;
- Imset is protected by Aset;
- Qebehsenuf is protected by Serket;
- Hapi is protected by Nephthys.

Each goddess is represented by her special symbol.

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Elemental symbolism Empty Re: Elemental symbolism

Post by Kalb 19.05.14 10:01

I think Imset is protected by Aset, exactly by the story that is tech us in the Book of Nun, and we all know well. The scene here is with Serket, who is a demon and protects Qebehsenuf, the water element. We're all used to seeing that the demons are beings of fire. In this field I don't understand nothing, but inferring logically, I think everything is related to the Asetian tree of Life, When we look at the center of the universe we see Maat, and on the left side, Apophis, Ra and a third consciousness Shu, the primordial essence of fire. The three all inter-connected, and on the right side of the tree, we see Tefnut the primordial essence of water,Thoth and Khepri. We know that the moon has great influence on the tides of the sea. So my point here is that by nature the water element is genuine to demons and Asetians, and the element fire, is something that they earn through practice. Hence Aset represent fire and water Serket.

What do you think? Makes sense or is barbaric?

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Elemental symbolism Empty Re: Elemental symbolism

Post by Jonathan 19.05.14 10:37

I'm confused by your logic here Kalb.

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Elemental symbolism Empty Re: Elemental symbolism

Post by Kalb 19.05.14 12:12

Ra, God of the Sun, can I assume he is a master of the fire element? Though he is the representation of the element itself? Or he is the God of the Sun and lacks ability to control the fire element? Or it's a separate things? I'm assuming that the perfect domain from the element of fire is in the hands of Aset, after he defeated Ra. I will try to explain this in other words, in Kabbalah, Mercury, is a representation of Thoth, and this represents the Letter The Magician, connecting Kether to Binah. My focus is on Binah, because is the great primordial Sea, where the divine feminine is represented by Aset, known for the holy virgin and the Sexual Flame. (page 112, Book of Orion). Passing a few pages on page 109, we see an example straight to Binah, across the Three of Cups. I could talk more about Binah, but I believe you are much better than I in this field. Looking again to the Asetian Tree of Life (Asetian Bible), we see that on the right side of Maat, we have the Moon God Thoth, the pillar Khepri, and Tefnut the water consciousness . As I said above, Thoth connects Kether to Binah in Kabbalah. I can't tell you exactly why Serket protects Qebehsenuf, but I see connections directly connected to the water element.

Make more sense? Mad

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Elemental symbolism Empty Re: Elemental symbolism

Post by Stapleraindrop 19.05.14 12:50

Hm I see the symbolism of the link you described as The Magician. In qllipoth the names are a bit different though lol. Binah, in qllipothic terms is referred to as Lucifuge, the record keeper so that connection fits pretty well.

Before anything, this is all personal bias/opinion, yada yada

Where our views differ is how you see Binah as the primordial sea, where I personally view Astaroth, or Hesed as the representative of the sea. In the book of the dead it is said that the 4 pillars stand upon the boat of Ra, which (I think) may be able to be interpreted as the tree. I personally see Gevurah as the flame opposite Hesed where the two powers balance out under Ma'at. Likewise with Binah and Hokhmah, representing air and earth respectively.

If opposing forces were to stand on the same pillar I think it might screw with things, because the opposites are usually balanced by harmony, or Ma'at in the center.

There's so many ways to interpret this subject and being able to reflect upon it with other people definitely helps seeing things from multiple points of view.

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Elemental symbolism Empty Re: Elemental symbolism

Post by Kalb 20.05.14 22:54

Re-read many time, "nothing" what I wrote make sense, lol

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
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