The Famous Virgin

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The Famous Virgin Empty The Famous Virgin

Post by Troublemaker 19.09.15 12:35

Hello all,

I have happened upon some rather interesting details during my studies that I would enjoy sharing with the forum.

Now, we all know of the parallels drawn between the great Isis/Aset and the Virgin Mother Mary. In my opinion it is rather obvious that the Mother Mary, God, and Jesus holy trinity is a blatant echo of Aset, Osiris, and Horus.

I have seen in some places that Aset is highly connected with the constellation Virgo. The most prominent star in the constellation of Virgo, Spica, is quite an fascinating subject of observation.

From this article: "Spica looks like one star, but it is at least two stars, both larger and hotter than our sun, orbiting only 18 million kilometers (11 million miles) apart. That’s in contrast to 150 million kilometers for Earth’s distance from our sun. Their mutual gravity distorts each star into an egg shape, with the pointed ends facing each other as they whirl around, completing a single orbit in only four days."

The Famous Virgin Hieroglyph-isis

Is it simply an odd coincidence that the (possibly) binary star Spica forms an egg shape as these stellar bodies orbit each other? Especially since an egg may also be found in Aset's hieroglyphic name? A binary star also seems to be an interesting representation of duality. These details caught my attention, but I was curious as to what everyone else would think.

Turning my attention to the stars today. Wink

Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The Famous Virgin Empty Re: The Famous Virgin

Post by Stellana 25.01.16 19:21

I really enjoyed your post.

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Age : 92
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Registration date : 2016-01-24

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The Famous Virgin Empty Re: The Famous Virgin

Post by Stellana 25.01.16 19:21

I completely agree.

Number of posts : 64
Age : 92
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Registration date : 2016-01-24

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The Famous Virgin Empty Re: The Famous Virgin

Post by Tehom 27.01.16 17:23

The Universe is a gigantic canvas of consciousness eagerly striking brushes away in an unusual fashion to create the most interestingly bizzare work of art we're ever likely to comprehend as spectators and laborers. All interesting details are found within us as much as they are within the Universe itself. Coincidence is no coincidence, at all. It's a necessity.

I doubt this is the illusion of chance. It's more likely to be deliberate, in some distant form or another.

I continue to be amazed at the many stories written in the stars for us to read and learn of. So many are personal in ways we'd never imagine before contemplating their significance.

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The Famous Virgin Empty Re: The Famous Virgin

Post by Troublemaker 27.01.16 17:25

Thank you Stellana, I am glad I shared the post.

And Tehom that was quite a beautiful response, your writing was nice to read.

Number of posts : 1625
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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