Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Eugeniu 12.12.15 11:23

Or maybe I am a vampire. Sucking your answers.

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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Eugeniu 12.12.15 11:24

Sad no one wants to play with me...

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Location : Republic of Moldova
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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Eugeniu 12.12.15 11:25

(this is my next quick reply)

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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Maxx 12.12.15 11:28


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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Jonathan 12.12.15 13:04

The american group called Strigoi Vii is in reality a group of roleplayers created by Father Sebastiaan. They have no real credibility in the community and aren't considered real vampires. This is well known by most people who have been in the vampire community for a while but since you're new you may not be aware of that yet or just read a book by Sebastiaan and is being deceived by contents he plagiarised. The Sanguinomicon is just a commercial book with glued bits of information stolen from different sources. Again its contents are not accepted by occultists or any tradition.

Well you did ask for honesty so there it is.

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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Witchboy1698 12.12.15 13:37

Thank you


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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Kalb 12.12.15 16:24

Well said, Jonathan.

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Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii  - Page 3 Empty Re: Asetian vs. Strigoi Vii

Post by Naoom 09.12.16 4:53

Just as the ToV borrowed from the Order of the Vampyre,its ideas were in turn borrowed and modified to create Ordo Strigoi Vii.''Strigoi vii'' is a Romanian term,which is translated as ''vampire witch'' in the group's literature.The Ordo Strigoi Vii was founded by a New York vampire known as Father Sebastiaan Tod van Houten.In 1997,Sebastiaan organized an entity known as THe Sanguinarium as an umbrella organization for a number of other vampire groups.Ordo Strigoi Vii evolved out of The Sanguinarium as an initiatory group.Sebastian has told that he first learned about occult forms of vampirism in the mid-1990s through a Romanian man called Dimitri.Dimtri also ran a small coven of vampires who called themselves strigoi vii.The story implied that Dimitri gave Sebastiaan a copy of The Vampire Bible and other ToV resources and told him that the ToV methods were the closest thing in print to the secret techniques of his coven.However in the opinion of Dmitri the ToV is a fascist and Satanic organization.Dimitri and most of his coven disappeared in 1996.When Sebastian heard that Dimitri died,he took this as a sign to implement Dimitri's teachings into The Ordo Strigoi Vii.Obviously,some vampires have expressed skepticism that Dimitri ever existed.In addition the the strigoi morte,the Ordo Strigoi Vii also work with a ''collective thought-form'' called Elortah,Sebastian wirtes.
If you want more information i can give it to you.My opinion is that Strigoi is a pathetic group of wannabees just consider what elorath means and you will notice that.


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