The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart

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The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart  Empty The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 31.03.19 14:40

Well met...

Of course, and most certain... all the seven sacred pillars are important within the Asetian(ist) path. However, how much prominence do you think this particular pillar - the Ib - holds within your own practices and life or dedicated path and studies? In my own life and personally, when first purchasing the Violet Throne and practicing vampiric methods a lot of the attention was shifted from heart to mind in an albeit developing but later on darkening way where much light was snuffed out due to a certain phenomenon in my own energy that is entirerly my own responsibility. It is only now that I return to more heart-based orientations, however, and a new level of balanced progression has been achieved - a very important step in my journey. I find great spiritual medicine in living in the Heart, practicing the Way of the Heart. Hence, I came to think of the Ib pillar within Asetianism - a noteworthy and significant one like all other sacred pillars - thinking of it in this context [of my personal experience]. Just was wondering what are the thoughts of the members of this forum upon this and how would you relate to or put it within practice personally? Or, what is your own particular knowledge to be shared, if any, and if you are willing? I ask merely due to interest and sparking some discussion here since I know the forums have been quite silent and inactive for a little bit now.

But, I would also like to add one noteworthy point that I found in my own experiential practice, namely that the Heart might be through which you have greater access in connection to other Shen centers, or chakras. It is like a doorway, a very significant one, to the three higher and three lower Shen, above and below the fourth of seven, or middle one - the Heart. This doorway would lead to an even higher form of balance than the mind can achieve in terms of connecting with the primary Shen centers and between the different primary Shen. So, in my understanding there would be mainly two ways in which you can connect with the different Shen, one through the Heart and another through the intentions and workings of the mind. The Heart I have found to be a far more efficient and wholesome way, at least when connecting with the Crown but also among other Shen. This speaks from my own realization and may or may not be more or less complete... so I value others input. Maybe the Heart would work better for connecting with some Shen but the mind with others? Or, maybe they fulfill separate roles in the sense of connecting with the Shen in different ways that can be used for distinct purposes? Maybe it in a very crucial and significant way ties into subtle anatomy and utilization of magick upon the basis of that knowledge? Just food for thought.

I also believe this sacred pillar, the Ib, might be overly neglected in some, because so much energy is placed in the mind and they live a very cerebral existence that might be good for them in their development at the moment, depending upon where they are, but might also wreak havoc in the end if the Heart is not nurtured properly. Favourably for those who live in the Heart, living in the Heart and from the Heart has a much more powerful and stronger navigational system than the mind, which can be measured by its emitted electro-magnetic fields; heart and brain in comparison, to which the heart's field is much stronger and larger around the body. So a stronger intuition also ties into this and knowing what is right to do at a given instant of time. Heart is very patient; mind usually is not, unless tamed and controlled by the Consciousness and Heart in a certain way of procedure (the Heart, when listened to, will actually begin to communicate and act upon the mind in a very transformative and fulfilling way). Listening to the Heart is a certain discipline of self-containment and control, not cerebral, but also of trust and surrender. It is truly a flight of freedom as its wings are unfolded and you live with the awareness and consciousness of the spiritual heart - Ib. A healthy balance between mind and Heart is of course most useful too, if not just outright necessary...

Heart is the throne of inner silence... when lived in and from the Heart... as well... An important point to discover to not forcefully "quiet the mind" as so many say, as that is a futile and noisy effort of the mind itself but making the mind more quiet by its [the Heart's] own power and accord, like the force of gravity that pulls everything into place... in similitude... Also relevant within Asetianism where Silence is of great importance... so this is what I connect to the Ib pillar on that level...

Also I do not believe there should be any confusion that listening to the Heart is some New Age nonsense or fluffy stuff - connecting to what I mentioned about it being neglected in some as some may perceive it that way. It is veritably a profound and powerful inner navigational system but also the medium through which we express Love and may aid in boosting higher consciousness likewise, tying into what I referred to above about smoother access and easier connection to other Shen centers.

That is all...
Thanks and good cheers!

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The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart  Empty Re: The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart

Post by Kalb 07.04.19 14:38

I think that of all the Asetian Pillars, the Ib and the Khepri are the ones that the Asetianists most vibrate. After the first reading of any of the books, the khepri pillar manifests itself. The point is that anyone who engages in Asetianism will never take the first step without first feeling the connection of the Ib pillar. Said that, I believe that any student's path is definitely traced on two pillars: Ib and Khepri. As well as the Asetian Immortality by two pillars: Ankh and Khepri. Therefore, at the beginning of each book you have the chapter called "Disclaimer", not just an alert, but, a tip to tread the path, the ego is the enemy of feelings, if your ego is hurt, you will not be able to see the way clean and clear, and the further you move the ego, the more likely you are to see and understand. It is not only in Asetianism that the path of the Heart is important, in other cultures this also happens, such as Shin Buddism, but, the core of the issue in Asetianism is that many who find Asetianism again consided themsehlf a past-life followers due to their sense of "Home", which in many followers causes the blind belief that they really are Asetianists not only in this life, but also in many others in the past. There is an important alert coming directly from AK, and in matters of past lives, and memories, we must be skeptical and critical, for this is our greatest weapon so we do not fall into the deep abyss of illusions, to avoid such sorts of abyss, the Asetians use the Triangulation technique always formed by 3 different Asetian Elders of each lineage to avoid any illusion or false information, and how can a mere student validate their feelings and memories? "Feeling"? I have a hard time noticing where Asetian magnetism works, whether on the Khepri pillar or on the Ib pillar, maybe it works on the 7 pillars. I am interested in knowing the opinion of the other members about the Ib pillar.

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The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart  Empty Re: The Ib Sacred Pillar - Spiritual Heart

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 08.04.19 11:25

Thank you for your reply, Kalb. Much valued and appreciated. I can also see how other pillars come in on this one, however I do not have any formulated thought at the moment.

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