Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)

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Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)  Empty Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 29.05.19 6:02

In what way do you think that monotheism specifically is manipulated by the ROS; either that, or invented by them, if that is at all the case? What are the particular flavours of their monotheism? How does it stand in relation to all other -theisms? What are its components, or more hidden ingredients?

My personal beliefs are that of an all-pervading force and Creator, Sustainer and Dissolver of Creation (or Generator, Operator and Destroyer - GOD), that is more pantheistic and not exclusive but inclusive to other deities, gods and goddesses; calling it a god, like we call the Gods as Gods, might be a misnomer, since it is beyond that level altogether. Maybe this is a unifying understanding. It is an Infinite Essence that is at the core and heart of every creature, being and living thing, the essence of divinity. But how does this relate to the monotheism of the ROS that they employ in psychological manipulations and from the supposed teachings of Moses that carried those or other elements, whether that be true or not as drawn from the Asetian Bible? How does this relate to the monotheism of which Asetians are proclaimed to be adversaries?

Maybe the answer lies in that it is not an exact monotheism but, nevertheless, it has a component or an element of a singular Deity that is above all else however not in a psychologically dominating manner, but just as the pure essence of what is and the support of all that is. It is in a hierachical manner but that has to be understood correctly and not as the social dominance hierarchies of mortal men but as the pure extension of mathematics from One to Many. Certain systems speak of "The One" out of which came "The Many" and the Ancient Egyptians had their Neters probably as derivatives out of this source that helped to sustain the Creation, intertwined with the mathematical and philosophical and theological system of it (they had it all enmeshed in a complete understanding).

It is all a huge puzzle for me. It might not look like a huge puzzle from a clearer view but my perspective is at the moment limited in this way; hence there is seeking for other thoughts and understandings.


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Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)  Empty Re: Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)

Post by Veiled One 23.07.19 16:14

I agree with your theory - if monotheism meant reverence for the most fundamental creative principle in the Universe, I think the Asetians would support it. Instead in religion it is almost always worship of a deity.

Fundamental principles are hijacked and re-appropriated within certain entities' energetic signatures. For instance, the solar logos is one manifestation of the masculine divine; however, at some point Seth decided that he would steal the energy of people who connected to this raw force of nature by pretending himself to be the sun. Then when people would intend to connect to the solar logos, they would unwittingly create an energetic link with him.

If you want to learn about the greater history of the beings of the Egyptian pantheon and their interaction with the human race, I highly recommend you check out As I understand it and if I'm not mistaken, Seth's participation in this realm predates the inception of the ROS, and understanding the more cosmic picture could provide clues as to the ROS' intentions and ultimate aims.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)  Empty Re: Red Order of Seth and Monotheism (Questions/Discussion for Forum Participants)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.07.19 21:33

Interesting thoughts. I might agree, or have thought similar things. I might even have felt the same things as described, maybe or maybe not... As you probably know, I used to be heavily into Christianity and Right Hand Path spirituality. Nothing wrong with Right Hand Path spirituality, depending upon how you define it, but it also depends upon how it is wielded. Both can learn from each other; LHP and RHP. I prefer not to polarize myself in either direction and becoming stuck to my own philosophies but expand my view. To me that has proven most favourable. I'll try to check out the website later. Smile

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Registration date : 2014-02-02

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