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Good news about me Empty Good news about me

Post by Daniel09 01.05.09 19:04

Well, it's taken long enough, and I mean LONG enough, but I've finally settled down into myself and who I am, or at least started to. It's all thanks to my friend, who has a very powerful gift for counseling and therapy, that I've dropped all the delusions that I had before. I'm starting with a clean slate on my habits, preferences, etc. It's all new as I really learn who I am. I still think the Guardian is very much like me, and the Asetians have an allure that pulled me like nothing else, but I have no misconceptions or unfounded beliefs about being one ((The Concubine episode was dropped entirely, not even a shred of that belief exists anymore)) or what-not. I am Daniel. My mind works in a unique way, and I don't need an identity to cling to in stressful times.

It used to worry me what you all would think about me, and I'd mull for hours over the things I said that could have been seen so easily as stupid and misguided, especially since I had yet to read the AB. In fact, I still need to read it, if anything for peace of mind, because Luis Marques knows how to make something eat away at you and have you itch for it like no other.

So, um, I just wanted to let you all know this. I hope I haven't degraded my reputation too much already in the past with the things I said while hallucinating in my mind because of the kind of stress I was going through. It's all gone away, and I hope to form a positive reputation from now on.

That's about it... this is the only site I feel is mature enough to say things like this. Other sites I've decided to drop going to at all, because they served no purpose other than to further my delusions. My interest in Egypt has not waned, and Asetianism is still a path that feels right for me, so I'll be sticking around. Erm, thanks for reading, and hopefully understanding. Embarassed

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Post by Gilded 01.05.09 19:32


I have read your first posts within VF, and I am glad that you decided to open up to us all about your inner feelings and thoughts. You said “...because Luis Marques knows how to make something eat away at you and have you itch for it like no other.”, and I must tell you one thing I have noticed when it comes to Asetianism. When people first come in touch with the Asetian path, especially ones who are not familiar with the occult world much, such as myself when I first heard of the Aset Ka, tend to get way too overwhelmed for a very long time at first, being overly fascinated with every little drop of knowledge they absorb, pushing them many times towards confusion and even emotional collapse. A lot of people whom I have spoken with, from this forum alone, have told me how finding the Aset Ka so deeply changed their lives that sometimes it was just too much for them to handle, either in an amazing and ecstatic way, or in a way that was simply too 'different' for them to understand, as I said, pushing them towards confusion and even depression, with a thirst to 'evolve and find their spot'. This path is just so divine, so special and so beautiful... we have to cherish it and strive to evolve and complete ourselves...

Anyways, I wish you luck in your evolution.

Number of posts : 100
Location : On the Golden Sand...
Registration date : 2009-03-21

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Post by Phoenix 01.05.09 22:08

Daniel, I have no negative thoughts at all. We all struggle within ourselves. The constant change and development of who we are is part of being alive. I think it is great that you are more comfortable with who you really are. I congratulate your newfound awareness.

Gilded, I could not express you thoughts more eloquently.

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Post by Vertigo 02.05.09 4:04

I second Gilded and Phoenix. Smile
Iam happy your mind is clearer.

I understand you fully. Wink

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Good news about me Empty Re: Good news about me

Post by Jonathan 02.05.09 12:06

Daniel, first of all let me thank you for being so open about your feelings and honest with yourself and with everyone around here. That shows a strong maturity and evolution which I can admire. Second I must say that you have nothing to worry about your reputation around here. You have done some good posts in this forum, and we all have our ups and downs. No one will judge you for that. We all make assumptions, sometimes we fail other times we nail it. Just continue to evolve in this path without any fears or being judged or being wrong. We don't have to be an Asetian or a Keeper to be a devoted, evolved and knowledgeable Asetianist. The Asetians themselves teach us that. It is a path for everyone that is mature and evolved enough to embrace it. All it takes is dedication and loyalty to the Aset Ka.
As far as the subject of being attracted and moved by one lineage, giving it a thought of maybe being a part of that same Asetian lineage, is nothing weird or stupid. I am sure that a big part of the users in this forum, if not all, have those thoughts and doubts. Some may be right, others may be wrong, but it is all part of the path of finding ourselves, who we are and were we belong. With time, things will become more clear, strong and secure... wether you (or anyone else) is an Asetian or not.

Hope to see you more active in the threads now that you're back on your feet.

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Post by Syrianeh 03.05.09 13:00

Daniel, you have not ruined your reputation in any way. We have all here said things that could be considered naive or misleaded, and I am pretty sure I have as well. You have always shown a genuine desire to learn and to get to know yourself, and a mature way of communicating with others. Your honesty and clarity of ideas is commendable and I congratulate you. Thank you for sharing it.

Keep up the good work! Smile

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Post by Syrianeh 03.05.09 13:06

Gilded rose: this anxiety and "itch" you speak about is very common, yes. And it can easily lead to confusion. But you said that the AK inspires a thirst to evolve and find your spot. That is indeed one of the greatest powers of the Asetian Bible. Whatever you are, if you have just enough sensitivity, it will pierce through your membranes and move you. It will certainly awake you if you let it, as whatever it is that you really are.

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