Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 17.11.19 9:02

Here is some info about Aye which I found fascinating.  I know it is said his body has never been found in Egypt.  This may be the reason why.  LOL.

Back in 1955 Prof O'Riordain discovered a burial in the mound at Tara of the so-called (Egyptian) Prince of Tara. This name was given to this 13th century BC burial because the boy wore a necklace containing Egyptian faience beads, which would have been inordinately expensive in this early era. This was interesting for my theory that Scotichronicon, the ancient chronicles of the Scots, was based upon fact - that a royal family from Bronze Age Egypt had settled in Ireland. (This appears to have been the exodus of Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun.)

However, when I visited the wonderful Dublin museum in 2005, the necklace could not be found - indeed the curator wrote to me and said that no such necklace existed. Eventually, I found a newspaper clipping of the excavation and its necklace and sent it to them, and the reply came back:

Quote: Although this necklace was excavated in the 1950s it has only recently come into our possession and has not yet been photographed.

So here we have one of the most interesting finds in Irish history, and it had been totally ignored and covered up. Finally, due to my incessant prompting, two sponsors came forward to document and photograph the many finds, and place them in the Dublin museum. The 2006 University of Dublin Newsletter then announced:

Quote: The findings ranging from about 3500 BC were cataloged and stored at University College Dublin’s School of Archaeology. And there they have rested, undisturbed for nearly 50 years until Dr. Muiris O’Sullivan and publisher Nick Maxwell took the initiative to share this treasure trove from the oldest visible monument on the Hill of Tara.

No mention of how they were rediscovered, of course. But this cataloging was still a slow process, and I finally got a picture of the Prince of Tara's Egyptian necklace in 2009.   Ralph Ellis.

This is an example of how I am impressed that so much of Egyptian history has been purposely wrongly written about and the facts can actually be found in other areas that would tell a different story.  I am already familiar with items found in the area around Cairo that have never been mentioned at all and other items disappearing from museums never to be heard from again which appear to have been sold and removed.

Personally, Aye has been an interest of mine for a while now.  This was a welcome bit of information.  I find it also interesting that other subjects from the Egyptian past have led a path to Scotland and Ireland.  Aye is not the first that I have seen a connection there.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 17.11.19 10:13

I dont know if you already read it, but have a look at the oera linda book. Its still easy to find online and talks about the frysian people from the time before the flood and after. Who knows, you might be able to connect some dots. I got some, but no proof. So i wont speak about those here.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 17.11.19 10:39

Yes.  I had heard of it.  Thank you.

It surfaced in the 1200s and the manner of how it was presented reminds me of the Archko volume.  It (The Archko) was held up to a little more scrutiny and was declared a fraud.  I understand how the Archko volume needed to be created as there is no written INDEPENDENT proof of any records showing that Jesus ever went about healing thousands and turning the countryside upside down. The Romans kept perfect records of anything that happened in that time frame and none can be found describing those occurrences  that are mentioned in the Bible.

But thanks for the info.  I became interested in Aye as I went back and watched some of his activity opening portals with the black stone as well as some other meeting activity in two of the Temples.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 17.11.19 11:14

I've always had a sort of aversion of egyptian lore, so i know very little about it. (it might be time for me to research why) I do know however certain pathways from megalithic time where the stone buildings are used as portals, the kaaba being one of them.
I've always been very interested in European history and ive noticed to many missing links to create a coherent story. Most of my research has come to a standstill due to that. I believe my last big irritation was the erasure of knowledge during the inquisition. I hate sell outs and im trying to get past that.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 17.11.19 12:49

I understand the comment about either being drawn to something or being repelled from it as a study topic.  

Might I give you something to consider?

The lore of Ancient Egypt and its Majesty began almost overnight.  No one can understand how this fact took place in a short, say, 100-year timeframe.  It was found to use building techniques and accomplish things that even our present-day engineering cannot build.  Also, in the midst of this, there is the Egyptian religion.  

Now then, from that instant, the Egyptian culture was at its peak.  it then began a slow, slow decline and it may be said that things deteriorated into what one sees today.  John West has made the statement that the religion of Egypt declined and then reappeared in the form of the Christian religion.  Not what you see all over the world called that, but the Coptic Christian sect.  This is what rose from those ashes.

Where I pick up with study is that there is prime evidence that the Pharaoh's names were changed in history to become re-tuned to the Christian story from history as the freak monk writers wrote additional things to make up their history.  This Egyptian rise from the ashes was stolen, one might say.  Dates were also changed.

Now, I mentioned my interest lies in Pharaoh Aye.  Moses and Aye were contemporaries.  Aye's name is
a-iy or a-yi which is I AM.  Then the Hebrew God and Aye had the same name... lol.  They were both called I AM.  Aye's name was Aye Atifneter meaning I am God's Father or it could be Father-in-law.  Also Aye married his daughter to make appearance sake continue into the bloodline.  Her name....wait for  She was Aye's daughter.  Also the brother of Akhenaton was TuthMoses, which I believe was Moses of the Bible.  

Akhenaton was a weak personality.  He could not have maintained any control over the country at all and I believe it was Aye that kept everything together.  The similarity between Akhenaton and Hitler has been made similar to the end of World War II when Hitler was leaving in secret.  The new city that Akhenaton built was abandoned just like Hitler left the heat.  Aye recommended this and was the only one that could keep both sides from actually destroying each other.

Then we see Aye and an his exodus to Ireland,  and it picks up from there.  Any interest from there?  I believe you would find a great deal of satisfaction when you discover who the Pharaohs of Egypt were and who they were connected to in the real story of the Jewish and the Christian religions.  This is why you hear that the one God was originated from Egypt and came forward into the Christian era as it rose from the ashes.  lol.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 17.11.19 20:25

for those that are serious about Egypt, you have probably seen this.  For those that have not seen this West interview, it is over 3 hours long and he covers information about many things.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 19.11.19 6:22

Thank you. Im watching the vid now and it brings up a lot. Even on the back of my mind and also some more complicated things, which i really like. Bows 😉

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 19.11.19 7:42

Come to think of it, you mention the christian and Jewish god. I once was on a quest to find myself and noticed along the road that all of a sudden that god you mention wasnt any part of islam anymore. While the qoran is stating that it is the same one.

Now ive been doing some research on the berhatiah. This occult work uses a lot of old names and seem to be part of a covenant made at the ashtar gate in babylonia. This is all fun and stuff until the moslims of old gained an interest and decided to work with it. They put their own prayers with it as a working. Commanding the names with gods(allah) command and also use the covenant to make the names listen to the human commanding. Before this there was only the ark of the covenant for humans and the covenant at the gate for other beings. Now they got combined.

The thing with this is, that the god of the berhatiah is marduk. There are several sufi tariqa's around the world that use the berhatiah as daily prayer and/or initiation for their cause.

The time you speak of is also the era where, generally speaking, egypt and mesopotamia influence each other the most.

Now for my own little ramble: you say akhenaten was too weak and i say that god is marduk. (online reading sais it is osiris, but imo he was too weak too). Now when spirituality is part of life, you probably notice that and might find it necessary to leave and go live with a people not under that influence. So why the old coast of europe (ie scotland and ireland)? And might that have to do with the knowledge of the scottish rite masons, since they work different then other similar groups?


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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 8:09

You bring too many questions in one piece. lol.

but one thing you mention is very similar to something I was sent yesterday in the mail by someone very close to me.  It was a section from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.  I could not believe what I was seeing.
Gaia had taken a section from the Theban Recension and added and changed the wording in it to make it adapt to the opening of the chakras as one repeats the wording and put their name into it.  It was an interesting concept but I am not so sure this was really designed for that purpose.  lol.   This creates a change of many things around you for a different purpose, or so it is my own belief.  This is an example of one part of your comment where changing something to suit one's own purpose makes a change to the entire use.

Below I will try to post this for your view.  Do not know how long it will stay up.  Let me know your thoughts on this.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 8:18

Also, that comment on the Masons is another all-encompassing statement.  As civilization grew, simply put, there were sections all over the world that one common denominator appears.....The Masonic connection.  In earlier history it's influence was known by some other name, but an undercurrent in all leadership all over the world seems to come forth with the development of this historical design.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 9:14

Also, this video presents some examples of what John West described as the many things still undiscovered in the area of the pyramids.  It is put together in such a way to make one want to become a tourist and head to Cairo.  lol.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 19.11.19 9:36

Ive watched the gaia vid and although i wont play with my chakras again (it wasnt much appreciated when i did that) i sure notice a lot just by just watching the vid. Not really on my chakras since i follow a different chakra system then they suggest, but it grounded immediately. Also when they say god i got a vision of an ibisheaded god landing on my head. Now i have to say im bussy helping some putting up a learning space so for that purpose alone it seems to be quite initiatory. Id have to await the results over time of course, but for now it seems to fit my task. Thank you and your friend.

To make clear i just listened and watched the vid. In no way did i do the meditation or did i read it with my name. I still feel the energies and got visuals.


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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 19.11.19 12:22

[quote="Maxx"]Also, that comment on the Masons is another all-encompassing statement.  As civilization grew, simply put, there were sections all over the world that one common denominator appears.....The Masonic connection.  In earlier history it's influence was known by some other name, but an undercurrent in all leadership all over the world seems to come forth with the development of this historical design.[/quote]

Im aware of the old design and the workings of it. What ive noticed is that this design is being removed and replaced with so called democratia.

About a decade and a half ago

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 19.11.19 12:42

Sorry pushed a wrong button, ill continue here:
I found that the coptic church was more meritocratic in set up and style. (Im trying to find it in my papers, but seem to have lost it.) it seems that the course of political leadership is trying to get that into play. Even if its only as a play, which seems to be the case. Why i mention democratia in combination with that is because the greek philosopher's version is about the upperclass male. And therefore doesnt concern itself with others and there is an old poem were marduk states the greek are lying. Still this seems to be the development worlwide.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 12:43

Yes, somewhat.  New Masons are no longer given a book by Albert Pike.  They give out a newer author's book. Also, a short time back they could not make up their mind if they would split entirely from the section that actually taught secret high magic and just go public with their fundraisers for becoming a better person advertisement. This group is just for the common man.  I actually think there was a behind the scene split.  I talked to the head guy at Washington DC about it and he was rather evasive about the entire matter.  I called him 3 times and I finally let the matter die.  But there is a secret section that meets once a year inside the National Center and performs rituals. The regular office personnel vacates the building for 48 hours and no one is allowed in or out once it begins.  I have spoken with the head of the Magic group personally and his regular office is not located in the Nat. Center.  Many would know his name if mentioned but I will not.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.11.19 13:05

Maxx, in spite of mishappenings on the last thread I jump in because you're referencing the Masons. I'm currently reading a book named The Illuminati's Secret Religion in a PDF form. If I remember correctly, those were the sources that referenced an Old World Order Masonic worldwide system. The Illuminati, according to this book, seems to wish to implement a meritocratic New World Order system. They are opposed to rich old dynastic families ruling over the planet. That said, I haven't been able to find any sources on this book yet, apart from some website, but its authors remain widely unknown. But is the OWO/NWO split something you're familiar with? And, no, I'm not referencing conspiracy theorists' versions of the NWO - that'd be merely an extension of the OWO. Answer as you please, if at all. Just thought it interesting to throw this into the cooking pot for discussion.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 15:20

there was a split that took place as I understand it and it was rather recent, but it is or was not at all how you described it.  The old families are still running the show.  There are at least 3 different sections and maybe four, that interact on details.  What is different is that they had some row among themselves and one part kicked the other out of close-knit co-operations.  If how you described what is happening from that book, then I would question any of the material they put out entirely.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.11.19 15:43

I read a little bit more in it. I might have been wrong about the mention of a historical OWO Masonic system. That might have come from elsewhere. In fact, according to the book, the Freemasons originated as a project of the Illuminati for their purposes, like the French revolution and founding of the United States of America, according to the creation of a more meritocratic and republican (not the political party) design of society. However, the Freemasons soon were overcome with corruption and succumbed to become a main fortress of the OWO, serving the very royalty and dynastic families that they were originally meant to oppose and overthrow. Today we can hear the Freemasons sing "God bless the Queen".

And, yes... indeed, the old families are still running the show, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. What the Illuminati is doing is striving for a New World Order, opposing the OWO. What has been falsely called as the Illuminati by conspiracy theorists have been the people of the Old World Order themselves, the very enemies of the Illuminati. I'm of course only referencing the book, not in quotation but in theory. The Illumianti, according to it, are Gnostics.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 15:52

and the gnostics are closer to the truth, although not truth, itself.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.11.19 16:05

I believe I agree. You can check out the book on I think it's about 2500 pages.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 16:09

I will repeat what I have previously said....the entire God thing is made up by mankind....and to know God is to understand the way of Nature.  I personally believe that is what the Egyptians were saying when so many of the Gods were designed with animal heads on their statues.  Earlier depictions of Gods and actual Beings who were here earlier came from other places and were just called Gods when they arrived by those here.  But I am sure there are many here that do not agree with me.  HA.

The actual God thing is not centralized.  It is in and around everything as one describes energy.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.11.19 16:13

Its center everywhere and its circumference nowhere.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by 8lou1 19.11.19 17:39

Im not here to discuss theology. Godforms can be used and abused, whether real or fake. What im interested in is the different ways of using such power and the implications of using such skills in the greater scheme of things.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 18:07

Well then, let me reveal how one can do that.  

Connect to your higher self.  Once one learns to do that, one can ask any question for guidance and direction. Personally, I can see the direction you have been taking based on some of the material or postings you suggested.  Not trying to be extra critical but just offering the answer as far as I personally know mine.

I can offer the above suggestion because I was once chasing that which you seek.  Good Luck.

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Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun Empty Re: Pharaoh Aye and Queen Ankesenamun

Post by Maxx 19.11.19 18:10

and I assume your meaning of the greater scheme of things meaning you are in the midst of the power stream......??????

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