Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Selene Skotia
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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Nightshade 02.07.24 14:48

I know that I have not been present very often in the last few years when compared to our past(s) together, but I wanted to share some thoughts and feelings towards what is not only one of the oldest but also more capable and accomplished occult communities in the world. In an era of so much falsehood and dishonesty that surrounds us from all sides, where the weak and the fake thrive by preying on the ignorance of others, I just can’t avoid being proud of this tradition and realizing how blessed I am to be able to walk the Immortal Road of the ancients, the first path of magic and the original Art.

Aset Ka as a legacy is the very first stone in the Stellar Pyramid of the immortal soul. It is the ineffable path that ignites eternal fire and the true alchemy of mystical wisdom at the core level of the soul. It is the origin. The nexus of witchcraft.

Often imitated but never replicated, the wisdom and teachings of this community, culture, path and tradition are undeniably unparalleled. It may very well be the most dangerous path in existence, with initiations that literally touch the very fabric of death and life, but its power is not only palpable but factually verifiable to those who humbly walk it. And only those do Know.

Alas, it is not a path for the weak, the arrogant and the dishonest. It is not a path for those unable to put in the hard work to unleash the phoenix of their own creation. And the world is littered with the decaying husks of many who have failed to walk this road. We all know the diversity of their names. We all have seen it time and time again, like flawless clockwork that never fails to point towards the uncomfortable truth behind the terrifying field of Asetian psychology. Corrupted by their own ego, vanity and a deluded sense of false power, perpetually severed from magical spark under a life of no meaning or direction. This is a path of lifetimes...

Hail the Triad! Hail the Primordial Dragon!
Eternal gratitude to Her Highness Aset and the labyrinth of Her Wings mirrored in the night sky. The first initiatrix, true creator of magic and the crown of all mysteries, in honor to Her and all Her Dragon kin, I lay myself bare in mind, body and spirit.

Number of posts : 441
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Jonathan 02.07.24 15:08

Incredible post. Not only truthful but also dressed in genuine emotion.
Thank you for writing it, it gave me goosebumps to read this article.

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Troublemaker 02.07.24 15:26

This was indeed incredible, and I think your words will resonate with many and become a beacon to the lost yet sincere.

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Selene Skotia 02.07.24 17:30

I don't participate often in here but just logged in to applaud these words.

May the primordial flames burn everlastingly, burning all that is untrue and leaving only pure magic in their wake.
Selene Skotia
Selene Skotia

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Johnny 02.07.24 19:26

What an incredibly great post Nightshade. Your wisdom and dedication is admirable. Thank you.


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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by NyxWolf 02.07.24 20:58

I am new here, but this post made me proud to have joined this community and to have started studying the Aset Ka. Very well spoken indeed!

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Tehom 02.07.24 22:02

Thank you, Nightshade.

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Lynskha 03.07.24 12:18

Beautifully said. These words touched me a lot.

"Eternal gratitude to Her Highness Aset and the labyrinth of Her Wings mirrored in the night sky. The first initiatrix, true creator of magic and the crown of all mysteries, in honor to Her and all Her Dragon kin, I lay myself bare in mind, body and spirit."

And I could feel your emotions, your honesty, your love.

Thanks for this post!

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Victor 04.07.24 7:39

An emotional post from a genuine devotee of The Path. When the words are truthful and come from the heart the energy always comes through and touches those in their path, unlike dead and empty words of no meaning.
This ancestral culture is indeed the highest blueprint of excellence that all real traditions of magic should aspire to learn from. The occult world would be a much better place and an era of honor would then rise once again.

Here I quote as well the latest Words from our Master:

“As our torches illuminate the numinous path of One in the Zero so the triadic mystery of Three in the Nine is revealed under the winged shadow of Seven in the Three. Violet and Red transmuted into the Sword of Flames with the cypher of the Dragon carved in its blade as 379. ᛉ“  -Uttered on 7.3.2024.

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Shieldmaiden 05.07.24 11:34

Nightshade wrote:I know that I have not been present very often in the last few years when compared to our past(s) together, but I wanted to share some thoughts and feelings towards what is not only one of the oldest but also more capable and accomplished occult communities in the world. In an era of so much falsehood and dishonesty that surrounds us from all sides, where the weak and the fake thrive by preying on the ignorance of others, I just can’t avoid being proud of this tradition and realizing how blessed I am to be able to walk the Immortal Road of the ancients, the first path of magic and the original Art.

Aset Ka as a legacy is the very first stone in the Stellar Pyramid of the immortal soul. It is the ineffable path that ignites eternal fire and the true alchemy of mystical wisdom at the core level of the soul. It is the origin. The nexus of witchcraft.

Often imitated but never replicated, the wisdom and teachings of this community, culture, path and tradition are undeniably unparalleled. It may very well be the most dangerous path in existence, with initiations that literally touch the very fabric of death and life, but its power is not only palpable but factually verifiable to those who humbly walk it. And only those do Know.

Alas, it is not a path for the weak, the arrogant and the dishonest. It is not a path for those unable to put in the hard work to unleash the phoenix of their own creation. And the world is littered with the decaying husks of many who have failed to walk this road. We all know the diversity of their names. We all have seen it time and time again, like flawless clockwork that never fails to point towards the uncomfortable truth behind the terrifying field of Asetian psychology. Corrupted by their own ego, vanity and a deluded sense of false power, perpetually severed from magical spark under a life of no meaning or direction. This is a path of lifetimes...

Hail the Triad! Hail the Primordial Dragon!
Eternal gratitude to Her Highness Aset and the labyrinth of Her Wings mirrored in the night sky. The first initiatrix, true creator of magic and the crown of all mysteries, in honor to Her and all Her Dragon kin, I lay myself bear in mind, body and spirit.

I’m speechless in all the best ways Nightshade…this post and others like it, is the reason I am in here. I don’t wish to create too much of an echo, but I must send gratitude for sharing with us… it’s very refreshing to see posts like this in here more often. Looking forward to reading more from you again soon.

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Registration date : 2024-06-11

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.07.24 14:17

Immensely beautiful post, Nightshade, I second the others. Thank you a great deal for sharing these words of flame - words of raw passion and devotion to Her banner - with us here. Truly inspirational to us all!

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Jonathan 06.07.24 11:52

Victor wrote:An emotional post from a genuine devotee of The Path. When the words are truthful and come from the heart the energy always comes through and touches those in their path, unlike dead and empty words of no meaning.
This ancestral culture is indeed the highest blueprint of excellence that all real traditions of magic should aspire to learn from. The occult world would be a much better place and an era of honor would then rise once again.

Here I quote as well the latest Words from our Master:

“As our torches illuminate the numinous path of One in the Zero so the triadic mystery of Three in the Nine is revealed under the winged shadow of Seven in the Three. Violet and Red transmuted into the Sword of Flames with the cypher of the Dragon carved in its blade as 379. ᛉ“  -Uttered on 7.3.2024.

Hail the Triad!
Hail the Primordial Dragon!

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.07.24 14:49

Something I shared in another place - referencing the community:

It's a sharing of bonds, knowledge, thoughts, magic and experiences that strengthen us, in such a unified way; we're an ouroboros of complementary and amplifying wisdom, a sword against dishonesty and a flaming banner of truth, composed of truly honest seekers. It's such a beautiful self-empowering virtuous circle I observed right in my early days on Vampirism Forum, the community always standing united sharing in knowledge, mutually enriching in wisdom, continuously strengthening in spirit and always supporting one another like an unfailing organic machinery of evolution under living flames.

Em Hotep.

Number of posts : 1344
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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Tehom 07.07.24 15:23

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Something I shared in another place - referencing the community:

It's a sharing of bonds, knowledge, thoughts, magic and experiences that strengthen us, in such a unified way; we're an ouroboros of complementary and amplifying wisdom, a sword against dishonesty and a flaming banner of truth, composed of truly honest seekers. It's such a beautiful self-empowering virtuous circle I observed right in my early days on Vampirism Forum, the community always standing united sharing in knowledge, mutually enriching in wisdom, continuously strengthening in spirit and always supporting one another like an unfailing organic machinery of evolution under living flames.

Em Hotep.

Indeed, Mystic. Ever-unveiling the numinous labyrinthine paths to an acosmic existence.

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Sinata 09.07.24 22:37

Em Hotep Nightshade. I must say, it has been a pleasure reading your thoughts over the years. It is great that you are still here to share. Your post was beautifully written and contained much truth.

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Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka) Empty Re: Gratitude and Blessings (Aset Ka)

Post by Nightshade 10.07.24 17:25

Thank you all for the kind words and shared emotions, it is always my pleasure to experience these humble exchanges with the true practitioners of the Art.

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