Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

Post by NyxWolf 05.07.24 12:33

I've just finished reading about how Aset created Her three children in the Duat and brought them into the physical realm. One was Horus and He had two sisters who's names have been lost to time. It's said that these three children of Aset remained in the physical plane after Sep Tepy ended and still reincarnate to this day.

Do we think that they all reincarnate at the same time to lead the Aset Ka or do we think they may only come when truly needed? Do we think Luis Marques is one of them?

I'm just about to start the section called Epic Wars in the Book of Nun so if there's more to the story that I haven't gotten to yet I'm looking forward to it. I'm just generally curious if the community has thought about these questions and if any consensus has been drawn.

Number of posts : 13
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Registration date : 2024-03-01


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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Re: Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

Post by Antonio Anghel 05.07.24 22:48

Some users with an impeccable reputation say that Prince Marques is incarnated in Horus…. Let's be sincere NASA did give him approval to post Orion stars to the “Book of Orion” The idea is that have been published because they are all spread in the entire world and The Asetians exist everywhere so yes you bring a good idea! brave Nyx!! Keep studying but not in a sportive way, this is Prince Marques's statement

Antonio Anghel

Number of posts : 26
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Registration date : 2024-04-19

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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Re: Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

Post by Sinata 09.07.24 23:02

Of course some people have thought about it, it's even been discussed here on the VF. Regardless, does it truly matter? It's a question with no answer. Are you on the hunt, or truly studying to learn something?

Number of posts : 50
Location : The Path Between Fire and Ice
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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Re: Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

Post by NyxWolf 10.07.24 12:22

Sinata wrote:Of course some people have thought about it, it's even been discussed here on the VF. Regardless, does it truly matter? It's a question with no answer. Are you on the hunt, or truly studying to learn something?

Excuse me, I was merely asking out of curiosity. I've been reading and thought maybe I would try to get some thoughts on different things.

Number of posts : 13
Age : 36
Location : Boston, MA
Registration date : 2024-03-01


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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Re: Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

Post by Sinata 10.07.24 12:41

You’re excused, no harm, no foul. Simply stating again that those concepts have been discussed within this forum. Hence the person who responded prior to me mentioning the presented concept of Luis Marques possibly being an incarnation of a Horus. Unfortunately, everything is mere speculation at this point, even among the most knowledgeable in the community, as neither the Aset Ka nor Luis Marques have released his identity within the Asetian family line publicly. As you read further, you will come across information, that has been written indicating more or less that making contact with an actual awakened Asetian from the Order is essentially a statistical improbability. If you felt taken aback by my wording in my first response, that wasn’t my intention.

Number of posts : 50
Location : The Path Between Fire and Ice
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Ka with Ba

Post by Antonio Anghel 15.07.24 14:37

You Females(feline) know the best how to digg the past” Best archaeologists are female” indeed they are code in Prince LuisMarques words but I see this because I am skizofrenic and been different from all...I will remain sick but with Prince Luis Marques all things are clear for my behavior!! Mea culpa cuz I am skizofrenic but from my perspective teachings of Luis Marques are stunning for me and make me sense the entire behavior of a lion

Antonio Anghel

Number of posts : 26
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Location : Ani Soph
Registration date : 2024-04-19

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Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation) Empty Re: Horus & His Sisters (Triple Rules of Aset Ka & Reincarnation)

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 15.07.24 15:21

Antonio Anghel wrote:You Females(feline) know the best how to digg the past” Best archaeologists are female” indeed they are code in Prince LuisMarques words but I see this because I am skizofrenic and been different from all...I will remain sick but with Prince Luis Marques all things are clear for my behavior!! Mea culpa cuz I am skizofrenic but from my perspective teachings of Luis Marques are stunning for me and make me sense the entire behavior of a lion
Oh brother what do we have here . . .

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