My Introduction

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My Introduction  Empty My Introduction

Post by SheWolf7 17.11.24 9:42

Hello everyone,

I’m new to vampirism and this community but have always had an interest in vampires and magic from a young age. My often odd interactions with people growing up further lead to questioning the nature of existence and the fabric of souls generally . I practice solitary witchcraft and have slowly since I first moved to Salem Massachusetts when I was nine years old. The history and lore of witches, magic and other worldly beings always attracted me, and I found myself witnessing Halloween rituals in my neighborhood at that time which left a lasting impression on my psyche and lifetime interest in the occult and forces beyond our vessels of flesh and bones. A even though is a kinda new topic for me when it comes to vampires and definitely this community but hopefully I can learn more now. Thanks again for having me 😊🙏



Number of posts : 1
Location : Basking in the summer rain
Registration date : 2024-11-17

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My Introduction  Empty Re: My Introduction

Post by Hound 17.11.24 12:27

Welcome to the forum. The world is vast and holds within her numerous forms of magic to discover. There is far more out there than we will ever see staying still. Getting engaged with our spiritual journeys and pushing past the boundaries of familiarity will reward all genuine seekers.

Number of posts : 62
Location : USA
Registration date : 2020-08-03

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My Introduction  Empty Re: My Introduction

Post by Lynskha 18.11.24 10:26

Welcome. Wow, Salem, interesting. Nice to know you practice solitary witchcraft.

Number of posts : 482
Age : 41
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-08-25

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My Introduction  Empty Re: My Introduction

Post by Jonathan 18.11.24 12:09

Welcome to the forum.

Number of posts : 3062
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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My Introduction  Empty Re: My Introduction

Post by Rael 21.11.24 11:34

welcome to this community Welcome Welcome Welcome


Number of posts : 112
Age : 39
Location : Taiwan
Registration date : 2018-10-17

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My Introduction  Empty Re: My Introduction

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