Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Hellen 30.08.09 7:52


I don't think you can imagine my anger ,when i found this site on the internet today .Evil or Very Mad

They don't only limit themselves to their disgusting activities of selling spells , and entitle themselves Order of Isis ,but they claim to be related in any way with Aset Ka , nothing less than a branch of the Order , not telling that they use egyptian imagery, and ankh all around their site .
But owners of the Dark Mark !! This is too much .
Something that can not be ignored and I hope this site will be soon down .


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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Saylamine 30.08.09 10:30

This leaves me without words. The commentary left by "customers" on the page is disgusting also.

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Ankhhape 30.08.09 12:26

This website has been up for quite a while, I think they are also responsible for some of the eBay stuff too.

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 30.08.09 13:04

This is one of the many things all over the web trying to pass as the real deal. I fully understand your disgust towards such situations. Many people try to explore the Aset Ka in many ways, for personal and commercial gain, but only the dumb and unaware are still deceived by such things. A quick and simple research on the Aset Ka will take them to the official Remark from the order addressing such websites and exploitations, and no one would be fooled after that. So if there are still people buying into this crap, only proves how mankind can be really stupid sometimes. Well, but what could we expect from people looking to buy spells online in the first place? lol

Anyways, the Aset Ka moves many many things, and we can find all sort of fakes and wannabes taking advantage of the Asetians in every way. The best we can do about it is exposing them in every way we can, to help bring up awareness from people that are new into this subject.

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Aghrab 30.08.09 14:07

Jonathan wrote:The best we can do about it is exposing them in every way we can, to help bring up awareness from people that are new into this subject.
This is very well said, and quite true.

The Aset Ka can simply take their site down, but apparently they are allowing these Order of Isis scammers to remain online. Perhaps they have a wise reason behind this action and choice. By allowing this fake site to go on, the Aset Ka is teaching a harsh lesson to those ignorant enough to purchase spells and such from this site. People who find "Aset Ka" so amazing and magickal, which is mentioned in the Order of Isis site, but who do not care enough to actually search for the "Kemetic Order of Aset Ka" to read what the actual, real Aset Ka site has to say about selling spells and products online.

Oh, and of course those comments left by customers are all fake. Sites do that many times to sound more active and trusted.


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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Phoenix 05.09.09 21:58

Likewise, I concur. It is disgusting and the cheapest of for profit, charlatan "hucksterism".

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by AnaInDark 12.09.09 0:41

How sad... Besides, how can anyone think that a site connected to the Aset Ka would have such a hideous and unprofessional look?

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Erotica 20.09.09 21:53

What's next? A Viperine's Soul for drinking? Hmm... now that is something I wish existed. Well, I am not the only one...

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by AnaInDark 20.09.09 23:01

Erotica wrote:What's next? A Viperine's Soul for drinking? Hmm... now that is something I wish existed. Well, I am not the only one...
LOL... -.-

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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Jonathan 21.09.09 0:06


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Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Empty Re: Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka

Post by Dreamer 28.09.09 6:29

Erotica wrote:What's next? A Viperine's Soul for drinking? Hmm... now that is something I wish existed. Well, I am not the only one...
Fake Order of Isis claiming to be branch of Aset Ka Icon_eek I assume you meant that... organically. LOL -.-

Anyways, I have seen their site months ago, and came to realize one thing that is very obvious now. The Aset Ka is such a beautiful name - the very essence behind the word when you say it has energy and power... People naturally get attracted to it. It is no surprise that it will be used and abused by people lesser, to try and sell stuff using it. It is a sick move though, deeply sick.

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