House of Horus?

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House of Horus? Empty House of Horus?

Post by Saylamine 28.03.10 17:59

On page 150 of the Asetian Bible, there is mention of Egypt being unified by the House of Horus after being divided into Upper and Lower Egypt. This unification is also known as dynastic Egypt. I tried to do a search on the House of Horus with no luck. Would anyone, by chance, know any information on the House of Horus in Egyptian history? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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House of Horus? Empty Re: House of Horus?

Post by Jonathan 29.03.10 11:05

I have once read an article about what I believe was referring to that, but I remember they mentioned Hor or Hur instead of Horus. I no longer remember, but it discussed the unification of Egypt under one single king. I no longer have the link, though, but when I get some free time I might try to dig up on that again.
Also, wasn't the Scorpion King said to have unified both upper and lower Egypt and defining the beginning of the dynastic period?

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House of Horus? Empty Re: House of Horus?

Post by Saylamine 29.03.10 14:39

I think the Scorpion King was said to have unified upper and lower Egypt. I think National Geographic gave a special on the Scorpion King once that I missed. In my search, I found NG's website on the Narmer Pallette that supposedly depicts the unification:

If you ever run into that link, please let me know, Jonathan. I'd appreciate it.

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House of Horus? Empty Re: House of Horus?

Post by Saylamine 29.03.10 14:40

I'll probably do a search on the House of Hur/Hor too...

Number of posts : 145
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House of Horus? Empty Re: House of Horus?

Post by Kalb 11.03.14 6:53

Em Hotep,

The Sigil of Orion, has something interesting about the House of Horus. It's  between Alnitak and Serpent, we have the letters Vav and Beth. The meaning of Beth is "Home". The Primordial Vampire of the Serpents is the King Horus. Hence, I deduce, The House of Horus. This unification which is spoken in the book between the Upper and Lower was been achieved in Djehuty of the Hawk. In the same Djehuty great monument was performed, the pyramids of Giza with the famous phrase... As Above, So Below.

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House of Horus? Empty Re: House of Horus?

Post by Jonathan 11.03.14 7:24

Interesting detail. In this sense the House of Horus may very well mean the Lineage of Serpents. Horus is the Primordial of this Lineage and all Viperines are of "His House". It's just surprising to find such connections in the Kabbalah and the Hebrew language.

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House of Horus? Empty Re: House of Horus?

Post by Minaethiel 05.05.16 23:16

A thought:

The House of Horus might also simply mean "House of the Living King." Dynastic Egypt usually just refers to the stretch of time between the 1st and Ptolemaic (before the 1st is "pre-dynastic" and after Ptolemaic is the Roman period). I read that Viperines were Pharaohs in Egypt, and so it fits that Viperines would be of the House of Horus/ House of the Living King.

In hieroglyphics, the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt is demonstrated through the pschent - the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt, always worn by the current Pharaoh. Sometimes the pschent is used in place of the symbol for Pharaoh, so that the very presence of a Living King implies Egypt is united (symbolically, at least). This symbol is used all the way from the First to the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Ideally, the entire job of the Pharoah was to unite Egypt and keep it that way.

In particular there is the Pharaoh Djet of the First Dynasty who first depicted the pschent - not on his own head, but on the head of his Horus. This could be the first and original unification referenced in the Asetian Bible.

A completely different approach:

Hathor's name translates to "House of Horus." If Horus is the sky then Hathor is what birthed and "houses" the sky. Hathor ends up being absorbed into the Isis-entity too; thus the House of Horus might also point simply to Aset.


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