Just an idea...

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Just an idea...  Empty Just an idea...

Post by Laura Tue 3 Aug - 21:41

Well,I was thinking.... Would it be possible to dedicate a part of this forum to books? Like recomended reading? Or where one couldask about different authors? (all book nonfiction and related to the occult).
The reason why I was thinking of this is that, while trying to evolve and learn and find out True Self, one tends to read anything at hand. And lets be honest, a lot of the information and books out there can be missleading. So I think that a section dedicated to books would also be a help.

Number of posts : 82
Location : Mexico
Registration date : 2008-06-07

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Just an idea...  Empty Re: Just an idea...

Post by Jonathan Wed 4 Aug - 2:56

I think we have an open thread already about recommended reading, where several people have already participated and shared their opinions.

Number of posts : 3062
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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