An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by Akura 13.09.11 23:46

I recently came across an explanation that may explain the phenomenon of vampirism...

Remember to keep an open mind when you read this...

What if the symptoms of vampirism are the result of a real disorder, say for example fibromyalgia or more likely chronic fatigue syndrome. This has been suggested before by skeptics, but not in the way that I wish to discuss it. This is where it gets interesting...the placebo effect is known to last for months or even years, and both of these conditions are not serious in nature (they are not like many other serious medical conditions). Can you see where I'm going with this...essentially vampiric feeding could very well be a placebo effect that eases/resolves the issues temporarily. So when a vampire needs to "feed" again, it is merely the placebo effect wearing off, thus leading them to feed again (inducing the placebo effect yet again). This creates the illusion that feeding actually helps, it is a self-reinforcing behavior.

Here is a brief model...(yes I wish to be repetitive, it impresses the point and clarifies the idea)

Chronic fatigue symptoms...vampiric feeding (placebo effect)...Cured of symptoms temporarily...

This cycle also explains the theories that we have about vampirism. Vampires have a lack of energy (either because of broken chakras, or higher energetic "metabolism"), when a vampire "feeds" they feel better, broken chakras and higher metabolism theories are the result of the placebo effect (again, see above model).

This is my open challenge to vampires...

Prove that...
1- The resulting symptoms of vampirism are not just the result of either chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
2- "Feeding" is not just a placebo that temporarily resolves the effects of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

Please use logic and critical thinking, cited sources would also be nice, I wish to know if my idea stands up to criticism. If others wish to help me defend my point, that would be nice, after all I can't answer ten people all at once!

Also, I am a free-thinker and I believe that reason should be applied to all ideas, in order to find the truth we must have sufficient evidence and a logical hypothesis. Unfounded ideas are powerful in a world of ignorant people, therefore I wish to challenge vampirism, I wish to challenge you to think critically and logically.

Please tell me if I have made a typo, or if you don't understand something...please don't be rude, this is just a theory I have come up with, I WANT you to criticize it, that way I will know if I have made a logical error.

Respectfully, Akura

My Sources

On the Placebo Effect,

On Fibromyalgia,

On Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,

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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by Hierophant 14.09.11 1:44

Prove that...
1- The resulting symptoms of vampirism are not just the result of either chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

I'm not sure people can unless they run physical tests for these things. However Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia has specific symptoms that are not related to vampirism, so perhaps people can rule those symptoms out if they had a list.

Prove that...
2- "Feeding" is not just a placebo that temporarily resolves the effects of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

If feeding works 100% of the time, it's not a placebo effect. To prove that you would have to set up blind trials. With vamps, non-vamps. But then you specifically think Chronic fatigue symptoms can be abated by Psi-feeding (as a placebo). Where is your proof of that? Have you run trials with Chronic Fatigue patients? How do we counter claims, you have yet to prove yourself?


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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by Daniel09 14.09.11 5:40

I don't really have any scientific sources, but I began exhibiting traits of vampirism for about a year when my health began to spiral and depression struck my psyche.

Once my depression was cured and my health problems went away, the vampirism subsided.

What I can determine from this, logically, is that this was a case of temporary vampirism caused by physical ailment, echoing into the subtle realm. I cannot comment on inborn vampirism, as I have no experience or reference to draw on what the experience would be.

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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by Akura 14.09.11 9:23

I'm not sure people can [prove that vampirism is the result of other diseases] unless they run physical tests for these things.

Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia are very hard to identify in people, either because they have many similar symptoms to other diseases, or just because they don't have methods of testing that work. Just because it can't be tested, it does not make it metaphysical (apply that to viruses and atoms when they couldn't test those).

However Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia has specific symptoms that are not related to vampirism, so perhaps people can rule those symptoms out if they had a list.

Remember that everyone does not suffer from the same symptoms, this is a big problem that doctors have in diagnosis. Even most vampires disagree on the symptoms, not all vampires have the same symptoms. Yes, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia have other symptoms that do not fit vampirism, but a person may have all of the right symptoms of chronic fatigue, thus leading them to the belief that they have vampirism.

If feeding works 100% of the time, it's not a placebo effect.

The placebo effect has been known to work for months and even years...

To prove that you would have to set up blind trials. With vamps, non-vamps. But then you specifically think Chronic fatigue symptoms can be abated by Psi-feeding (as a placebo). Where is your proof of that? Have you run trials with Chronic Fatigue patients? How do we counter claims, you have yet to prove yourself?

Sorry, you can't do that it's called the burden of proof fallacy. Yes, I know that I am SUPPOSED to be the one with the proof, but in this case I don't have to be. The problem with you saying that I have to prove it, is that vampirism is not a proven phenomena, it is not even scientifically proven.

It is much like a theist saying...prove that God(s) don't exist! They believe that God(s) do exist, so therefore they think that the atheist has to prove that God(s) don't exist (meanwhile the atheist hasn't seen evidence of God(s)). Of course since God(s) hasn't been proven with the scientific method, there is no need to disprove God(s), therefore the burden of proof is still on the theist, not the atheist.

This goes for vampirism as well, it has not been proven by the scientific method. Therefore you have the burden of proof! Of course this is slightly absurd...simply because I am trying to prove a point. I suppose that it is an unforeseen flaw in argumentation, when someone believes nonsense (no offense), the burden of proof is on them, not the skeptic.

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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by Hierophant 14.09.11 22:23

Except I have no agenda. I am no trying to prove Vampirism to you. You are the one challenging us.

I have committed no argumentation fallacy.


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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by schitzophobic 19.06.12 0:45

What would your response be to someone whom has had tests done for a broad range of possibilities? The symptoms align with vampirism. However every treatment that has been tried has had no impact on the symptoms. Eventually after too many tests in which "the result were inconclusive and we need to rerun/ try a new test" I gave up on a medical, scientific and demonstratable answer. Yet practicing the vampiric methods has all but alleviated the symptoms.

My proof lies in the lack of successful alternatives. Whereas the path I follow has been very succesful.

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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by schitzophobic 19.06.12 1:01

Before anyone mentions. I felt the topic was worth discussion despite the original poster having been banned. This was one of the issues I couldn't find an answer to until I applied sir arthur conan doyle's logic. When one eliminates the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

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An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism Empty Re: An Open Challenge to the Idea of Vampirism

Post by Maxx 19.06.12 11:28

As long as one finds that individuals do not always fit into a "catch all" situation and not one single answer benefits everyone, you can live with the results as long as it works for you. That is the most important thing.


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