Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by Maxx 01.04.12 19:20

This exercise was from a group I was with at one time....It is simple and dealing with energy and this conveys no secrets of theirs at all as you can find this type exercise everyplace. I assume it is ok to have it given here for fun. It has multiple parts. And it is a fun exercise dealing with energy. Try to do them all in a night but if not, split in two, half in one night and half the next. This will create a full immersion of saturation of the experience. Begin by simple meditation and opening of your chakras.

When very relaxed, hold your hands inches apart, fingertips together and sense the magnetic vibration as pulsing through your hands. Move your hands slowly apart, and notice the magnetic push and pull. You will need to find a distance between your hands of critical mass which is the point in which the pull is the strongest. For most, it will be between 4 and 12 inches.

Let your hands hover in that area, pushing and pulling at a perfectly equal rate. Once
you have established this critical mass, visualize your sloar plexus chakra growing brighter and hotter. This is a bright golden color. Inhale, pulling the fiery energy from this chakra up your spine. Exhale and send the energy into your hands. Rather than the energy being released into the environment, it takes advantage of the magnetic push and pull and stays between your hands. What you are doing here is creating a sphere of formed energy in your hands, empowering it and bringing it into a real manifestation.

Sense to the fullest that you can feel the effect of this specific energy between your palms. With the same inhalation/exhalation, pull more energy from your stomach chakra and push it into the energy ball. You may notice the area of critical mass between your hands growing as you do this. This is normal, as you are adding energy, and therefore demanding that more unseen space be provided.

Continue to feed the energy ball until you feel it has reached its full potential. It should be a fiery golden color and may feel hot to the touch. Sit with it, seeing it in your mind, feeling its glow in your hands.

You now can do one of two things to conclude the Working:

1. With one large inhalation, bring the energy back up your arms and into your solar plexus. This can cause what is called astral whiplash from too much energy at once, which will leave you feeling overwhelmed. This will subside.

2. You can slowly move your hands down in front of your stomach and "manually reinsert" the orb of energy into your solar plexus chakra. This is the most natural way to return the energy to its place. Once these are completed, take a break.


When you have "recovered" from the above, do the same with your heart chakra, creating a soft, green healing orb of energy and with your third eye chakra, creating an indigo orb of knowledge, intuituion, etc. Your Solar Plexus, Heart Chakra, and Third Eye are the three chakras you should use in this exercise. At this point, do not start pulling from other chakras, as you do not want to mix certain energies that close together.

After experimenting with the three chakras, form a sphere around you, invoke the element that you feel most drawn to (fire, water, earth or sky), and create an energy sphere between your hands, draw the element into yourself, and channel it into the ball of energy. ( Focus on the elemental sphere of energy in your hands and feed it as you really become forceful with feeling so much of the critical force of the element that it seems at any moment it might break out of the spiritual world and become physical in your hands. (if earth, smell it and feel the dry, dark earth; if water, feel the wet, cold element and inhale the taste of it , etc. and focus very deeply until it is real).

When you have finished the entire exercise, or if you have finished one half of it for the night, rest your head back on your shoulders, open your mouth, and in one breath exhaust all excess energy from yourself. (This is called the Opening of the Mouth, by the way, and was used postmortem in Egypt to allow a soul to leave the body and enter the underworld. Today, while still alive, it can have the same effect.)

As you begin to play with this you will begin to see what you might do with such an exercise and move into other areas with it.


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by Jonathan 02.04.12 10:05

I'm familiar with this exercise of energy work Maxx, not exactly the same but a similar version. Thanks for taking the time to write it here in the forum.
I can say that I have achieved interesting results with this approach and this is a kind of occult work that I find very useful in magickal training. It complements meditation, which everyone should practice, without the need for hardcore ritual.

Considering the two options you mentioned in your text I would like to say that I find the second one to be more beneficial, as it enhances balance. I may also add a third option, or at least a complement to the second one, that some members may find productive in their practice. You can use that focus of concentrated energy and cycle it through your body, giving it a few cycles through your full system, going to every Shen center, and cleansing the energy and absorbing impurities and energy byproducts. This can be a powerful cleansing method, just make sure that you release all that energy in the end through the Root Shen and into the Earth so that those impurities don't solidify inside your system.

The Asetian Bible includes several Shen tables with a system of correspondences in its appendices, as well as a beautifully illustrated Shen map. This is very useful as it includes both the primary and secondary Shen centers, and the secondary ones are very hard to find in other occult books since it implies advanced metaphysics. Don't be afraid to use them in your practices, as these are good tools!

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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by Maxx 02.04.12 10:16

Yes, that is important. I purposely did not center this after I went through the exercise and kept it tuned in my body to see how it would affect. I went to bed and was wide, wide awake and I could certainly see the difference. I then took and released it and went back to normal to be able to sleep.

There are many ways to use these energy balls as well as the transfer of energy in different ways and we get into some in the future if there is any interest in it.


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by DCxMagus 07.04.12 2:45

I've always had good success with these types of technics as it's something I use to and am starting to practice regularrly again.

One thing I do like to do with the energy balls is focus on any blockages in my shen centers and pull those through my system into the balls I'm creating. Then using the elemental of fire, I'll break apart and amply the low level energy as I use it to form a shell around me. After about 15mins of this I'll pull it back into a ball and re insert the energy back into the shen center I pulled from.

Works wonders for clearing out specific parts of the system when an overall movement of my system's energy doesn't target the blockage enough. I am beginning to see good progress in doing this with my root shen as I have trouble grounding all the energy I cycle naturally.

Thanks for posting this one Maxx, it's a great starting block for working with energy and as you stated can be expanded upon to do a great many other works and techniques.


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by Maxx 07.04.12 8:01

When trying to decide what to post in the second exercise I had remembered something you posted earlier about a minor problem you had had, and I decided to list this one for your purpose. I am glad you found the process was helpful and have started using this type of exercise again.

As for myself, It may sound strange to some, but I have used a similar exercise to heal other people from a distance. I would just create the correct color associated with the type of healing and send it off to that person in an energy ball. I could feel it as it left, and then I could feel a wave come all over my body when it arrived and went inside the person. It would not be long that I would hear comments from the person about them feeling heat that had entered their body in a quick entry pattern, and then in many cases, the problem would be changed for the better. In some cases, complete turn around of the condition.

I must admit, in some of these cases, I was very much astonished at the outcome, myself. I know you are told not to doubt at all,,,,,but some of the outcomes were very profound.

Anyway, DCxMagus, I am glad you are having such good results with your spiritual work.


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by witchmark 08.04.12 10:48

I enjoyed this exercise. I found that I had a higher vibratory rate that I could feel within me as I worked with the balls....that is as I placed them back inside of me. I also, found that my dream state walked it's way into OBE on a more "natural" feeling.

I can see where those balls of energy can be useful in working in other areas as well even though I have not attempted them.

Maxx, this is indeed a great tool! Many thanks to you!


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by witchmark 23.04.12 10:24

I am still playing with this exercise and well I must say that I find it rather interesting as there is really no other expression that I have formed just yet.

I came across a situation where I was asked to do a bit of shielding for another...someone that I did not know. The request came from a student of mine. He is a student and remains one as long as payment is made....payment that is as long as he is making the attempts to grow. That is the deal that I had made with him.

I had questions where honesty is concerned.....being that 3 individuals were involved and with me only knowing one of them....my student. Well, here is where it got a bit interesting....

I needed to have clarification as to the validity of what I had been told. I did use this exercise to gather the element of honesty.

I filled my bathtub up with wonderful soothing warm water. I turned the lights out and started to have a think.... I found myself forming a ball of energy, one that actually had tiny little tendrils that looked as if it were about to head in three different directions. My thoughts were to seek out and bring back the information that I needed. I also needed a means to verify if I were accurate or not.

I sent out the thoughts of "scare the hell out of any of the three who would bother to lie to me." I even clarified it even further that should I have been told a lie,,,,,let me hear the words....it scared the hell out of me and follow it with deep silence.

Not 24 hours later did my student contact me. One of his family members was rushed to the hospital. He said...."it scared the hell out of me" and deep silence followed his words. Now, for him, class is over on a very permanent level as I am not here for entertainment. Btw, the family member who was rushed to the hospital suffered nothing terrible as it turned out. So all is well for that individual.

I think I might call this exercise...."What would Uncle Fester do?" Maxx, please don't offense to that as I find you a very endearing individual but the family you must have come from just might be the Adams Family. Full of fun, love and well magic everywhere. Smile

Thanks so much for posting this exercise. It is a great one to be shared amongst those that are more interested in doing rather than arm chair talking.


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by DCxMagus 24.04.12 2:02

it seems you created and programmed a nice little servitor witchmark.

Sadly enough people do take this type of work and advancement in jest, some so much to ridicule others that take part of it. Glad you were able to find out one of your students was falsely abusing your teachings so you no longer have to waste your energy on them.


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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by Maxx 24.04.12 6:33

My Dear Witchmark,

I find that very result oriented and an excellent example....and after speaking with Gomez, Morticia, Lurch, Grandmama, Wednesday, Pugsley and, of course, Thing......I would love to invite you into our family as a full fledged member. Although we do not spend too much time in the bath, we have all agreed to overlook that part in your case. We look forward to you moving into the castle with us. Please let me know the evening you will arrive and I will stand on the front porch and illuminate the darkness with a light bulb in my mouth to direct you down the path.

Welcome to my strange and very different family.

Uncle Fester

And I love the example of no one being injured to accomplish the end result....shows maturity on your part.

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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by witchmark 24.04.12 8:09

DCxMagus, You are correct when you stated that others take these sort of things in jest. I often wonder just what keeps folks from doing when they are reading in any area of the occult. Fear perhaps? That goes into so many different areas and I do realize that is subject matter an entirely different subject than what is appropriate for this thread. None the less, the method that Maxx listed is a very useful one that has been introduced here...one I will use for a variety of things.

Maxx, you are so funny! I got my morning chuckle so thanks.


Number of posts : 159
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Exercise 2:  Push/Pull Energy  Empty Re: Exercise 2: Push/Pull Energy

Post by DCxMagus 24.04.12 20:46

Indeed this exercise is a jumping off point for many basic(well slightly above basic) to advanced energy workings. As a word of caution though, especially those that relate to a "vampiric" type nature. Using your own personal energy especially from one of the major shen centers of the body can be intensely draining on your system. I have always recommended that when using this type of technique is a working that requires the energy to be released in order to be realized that outside energy is drawn for an external source, cycled through your system, then used for the working. I find cycling energy for a short period of time through your system won't overload it to an extend that is too uncomfortable, yet you still infuse the energy with enough of your personal signature(and at the same time your will) to have a profound effect on the working and its success.

Drawing outside energy without cycling has always provided diminished effects on any energy work I have done. But I still can't dismiss that might be a personal "problem" as I find it harder to NOT cycle the energy I draw in then to innately cycle it through my system.

As far as dabbling in the occult is concerned, it's a sad but true fact of the innate mystical draw of this path we follow. Anyone and everyone wants their every though and desire to come true, and magick is something that will allow that to be a reality. The reality of it though is, those that are at a level in order for that statement to be true, are also evolved and spiritually advanced enough not to ask for ego driven things. This is rarely stated and made known to the unprepared soul that, on a random night decides to go on a google hunt for "magick, spells, witchcraft, etc." So they dabble in hopes for that fantasy to become a reality so they have have millions of dollars, and whatever else their ego desires. When the prospect of spiritual work and advancement is thrown at that as not only a prerequisite but a life long requirement in order for these workings to have a chance of effecting the universe in a way they desire they sway and falter. If they wanted to do actual work they would have never searched for those terms in the first place. Sadly this has an effect on those that actual wish to follow this path for what it truly is because it drives those orders that hold great metaphysical knowledge into the shadows. The saving grace of all this though is, the knowledge has a way of falling into the hands those that truly search for it, it just might take a while but the universe has a way of working these things out Cool


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