What is a Predatory Nature to you
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What is a Predatory Nature to you
So since my other post on the topic and the responses it got I have been meditating on this for a while. What exactly is a Predatory Nature and by default a Predatory Spirituality mean to you? Understanding this of course is well in the realm of opinion rather then pure Asetian fact, what does the phrase "Predatory Spirituality" mean to you, or rather what thoughts/feelings does it provoke in you when you hear that phrase?
DCxMagus- Outsider
- Number of posts : 60
Location : usa
Registration date : 2012-02-22
Re: What is a Predatory Nature to you
**I split my response to this question into another post as to not dilute the question and have it lost by my own personal answer. If the powers that be deem that not accept and wish to combine the posts I understand and support that.**
I first start by listing what exactly separates a predator or rather an Apex Predator from the rest of it's species, family, genus etc. For those that don't know an Apex Predator is a predator without other predators of it's own, in basic terms it's top of the food chain in it's respective chain. In doing so I began to realize there is a lot in common with the Asetian "religion".
Here is the list of various aspect of an Apex Predator I came up with
silently aggressive
competitive Nature/Drive
quick Thinking
long term thinking
studies adversaries from afar
separates weak from protection
evolves through trails
exhausts all possibilities
celebrates the hunt
always strengthening senses and abilities
shares secrets and findings with only their own kind
learns as much/if not more from mistakes
demands respect through presence not actions
does not fear failure
never static
always evolving towards perfection
tiered goal systems
optimizes role in team
efficient in every aspect
knows and can perform all roles whiles having the knowledge when such action is needed
In going over this list while making it in my mind, meditation, and finally typing it out here I can firmly sum up my answer as following.
Predatory Nature comes down to a delicate but simply balance of aggressiveness, cunning, stealth, self evolution and desire. It is the ability to balance these 5 aspect is our souls that separates a true apex predator from all others, even other predators. Being out of balance or too bias towards towards one aspect makes you "prey" for another type of predator. It is when you can balance these 5 aspect that not only will you be "top of the food chain" but also not draw attention to yourself and in that other predators. Only the fool would see this as a weakness, for shouting from the mountain tops about your strength and abilities does nothing but draw an endless supply of needless competition. A true predator controls all aspects of every situation they decide to be part of. They have thought of all the scenarios, and moves, and how they will over come them should they arise. Nothing is a surprise to them, every reaction is on an instinctual level in order to further control the situation, to the ultimate goal. Hiding in the shadows until it is necessary to strike, and when that time comes it is direct and deliberate, no wasted movements or time. Nothing is left to linger around, in and out as quickly as possible. It is through self evolution and self study that one can begin to forge their soul to this level of sharp cunning.
That to me is "Predatory Spirituality". The quest to sharpen your soul to the level and cunning of the ultimate apex predator. Control of all aspects of your soul and the universe as well as the ability to know how and when to use that power to best suit the universe to obtain the ultimate balance of all.
I first start by listing what exactly separates a predator or rather an Apex Predator from the rest of it's species, family, genus etc. For those that don't know an Apex Predator is a predator without other predators of it's own, in basic terms it's top of the food chain in it's respective chain. In doing so I began to realize there is a lot in common with the Asetian "religion".
Here is the list of various aspect of an Apex Predator I came up with
silently aggressive
competitive Nature/Drive
quick Thinking
long term thinking
studies adversaries from afar
separates weak from protection
evolves through trails
exhausts all possibilities
celebrates the hunt
always strengthening senses and abilities
shares secrets and findings with only their own kind
learns as much/if not more from mistakes
demands respect through presence not actions
does not fear failure
never static
always evolving towards perfection
tiered goal systems
optimizes role in team
efficient in every aspect
knows and can perform all roles whiles having the knowledge when such action is needed
In going over this list while making it in my mind, meditation, and finally typing it out here I can firmly sum up my answer as following.
Predatory Nature comes down to a delicate but simply balance of aggressiveness, cunning, stealth, self evolution and desire. It is the ability to balance these 5 aspect is our souls that separates a true apex predator from all others, even other predators. Being out of balance or too bias towards towards one aspect makes you "prey" for another type of predator. It is when you can balance these 5 aspect that not only will you be "top of the food chain" but also not draw attention to yourself and in that other predators. Only the fool would see this as a weakness, for shouting from the mountain tops about your strength and abilities does nothing but draw an endless supply of needless competition. A true predator controls all aspects of every situation they decide to be part of. They have thought of all the scenarios, and moves, and how they will over come them should they arise. Nothing is a surprise to them, every reaction is on an instinctual level in order to further control the situation, to the ultimate goal. Hiding in the shadows until it is necessary to strike, and when that time comes it is direct and deliberate, no wasted movements or time. Nothing is left to linger around, in and out as quickly as possible. It is through self evolution and self study that one can begin to forge their soul to this level of sharp cunning.
That to me is "Predatory Spirituality". The quest to sharpen your soul to the level and cunning of the ultimate apex predator. Control of all aspects of your soul and the universe as well as the ability to know how and when to use that power to best suit the universe to obtain the ultimate balance of all.
DCxMagus- Outsider
- Number of posts : 60
Location : usa
Registration date : 2012-02-22
Re: What is a Predatory Nature to you
Interesting post, especially when you link Predatory Spirituality with the biological concept of an Apex Predator. I particularly like the list you compiled of predatory aspects, I can clearly see a connection there with traits of Asetian spirituality and practice. Good theory and valuable food for thought.
Jonathan- Master
- Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05
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