blood facinates me, am i wierd?

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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by krille13241 01.07.12 13:15

don't know what more to say, i have always been facinated of blood, i get slow minded, extra focussed, is there something wrong?


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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by Maxx 01.07.12 13:28

You could possible fall into that 15% of the population that will go into a trance very easily when you enter the beginning operation of hypnosis. These are the people you see on the stage where the stage hypnotist uses them to do strange things for the entertainment of the audience.

The fact you see this scene pictured in the funny vampire movies of today would help explain your beginning emotions to fall into this type experience.

Uncle Fester


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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by witchmark 02.07.12 0:34

It actually sounds to me more like romantic thought forms of what a Vampire is really all about. Take the movies and all those books that have held popularity all these years. We now have Abraham Lincoln hunting down vampires before he frees the slaves in the south. It should not be too much longer before there are kids on sites that actually think they are vampire hunter's if it isn't already out there.

Doing some research that stays completely away from fiction is recommended here as well as putting it through a healthy/critical thought process. If one is experiences such things that Krill is then I would suggest seeking out medical advice to see if there is not an underlying cause.

The occult does draw in people who are seeking answers that are often found within the medical community.

I hope I have been helpful here as that is my intention.


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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by Daniel09 02.07.12 9:07

There actually is anthropological thought surrounding the application of what you admire or study into your own mannerisms and subconscious effects. There is even study around the perpetuation of stereotypes simply for the reason that you think that is how you are meant to be, so you subconsciously change your attitude and such to be more like that.

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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by Demonia 02.07.12 9:17

is there something wrong? no. bulls are naturally attracted to the color red. bees are attracted to flowers. some people, are just attracted to certain things. i love the color turquoise. im also attracted to shiny things.

perhaps you are subconsciously making yourself feel slow minded and extra focused around blood, simply because of other fascinations pertaining to blood? i did see you write about fictional vampires in another thread.

what i mean is, you could just be doing it to yourself, or syke-ing yourself out. women who think they are pregnant but really aren't sometimes experience pregnancy symptoms without being pregnant at all.

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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by Maxx 02.07.12 12:08

Yes. And that type certainly makes a wonderful subject for my stage hypnosis act. As mentioned, fully 15% of the population call be put under with nothing more than a snap of the finger.....


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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by DCxMagus 04.07.12 3:42

"Wrong" is such a general, often misunderstood, term especially when occult virtues are in or dancing around the discussion. I also don't really seem to understand how one can become slow minded yet extremely focused at the same time, they tend to be on the polar opposites of the "focus" spectrum.

Blood fascinates me quite a lot, it is a very powerful vessel as well as having a very intricate and some what "dark" history. Almost anything related to blood in terms of the occult and/or fetishism is deemed extreme by open minded individuals and down right evil by most, this includes but not limited to blood play, blood rituals, blood drinking, blood bonding, etc.

"Trance" as well is an overused and misunderstood term, only those will great spiritual training and fortitude will realize they have entered a trance and when they have left one. Even greater understanding of many high workings is required to effectively remember what is done during said trance.

More then likely it is as other have suggested, your doing it to yourself or at least your exaggerating the natural response to blood to an extreme because of the popularity of vampirism, and/or your interest in it.

All that being said, large amount of fresh blood, i.e. someone just got smashed over the head with a boulder and they are gushing out blood right in front of you, could lead to a metaphysical reaction in more energy sensitive people. But I doubt normal everyday cuts and nicks release enough energy to begin such a reaction, anyone THAT sensitive to energy would either show no signs of a reaction because of their spiritual development or have long gone crazy as they would be reacting to almost everything in a metaphysical sense, it would be too overwhelming.


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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by N.Augusta 04.07.12 6:15

Yeap, you're weird, for sure! Razz

Blood is fascinating on a cellular level-- from a scientific perspective.

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blood facinates me, am i wierd? Empty Re: blood facinates me, am i wierd?

Post by Lafaeyette 11.08.12 6:10

You are not necessarily a vampire, if that is what you are asking... However, humans, throughout history have been fascinated by blood. When we wound ourselves it is the first thing we see. It is the essence of what we are, in a very metaphysical sense. To coin a tired phrase "the blood is the life"


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