Hello...looking for help

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Hello...looking for help Empty Hello...looking for help

Post by dontFeelNormal 06.02.13 13:54

Hello my name is gina. And i am looking for some help in whatever it is that is going on with me...to be more specific recently i cant stand the sun not that it burns me but it hurts my eyes and is just very uncomfortable to me and i just feel off in a way like i don't belong were i am in life..kinda like someone or something is waiting on me and I dont know what...I kinda feel like Im crazy and also I love the taste of blood but I have only had my own...lol....I need a friend or mentor Just someone who can help me.

Number of posts : 7
Age : 34
Location : Delaware
Registration date : 2013-02-06

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by Jonathan 06.02.13 14:41

Hello and welcome here. Your nick is kind of weird, maybe you could have used your name instead? Would make more sense if you wish to be a part of the community.

Anyways, let me tell you that intolerance to the sun doesn't mean that someone is a vampire and such a thing can have many medical conditions associated with it. I'm not telling you that you are or that you aren't, just that you should not assume something easily. I know that many vampire forums out there will play receptive and understanding of those ideas but they will just be deceiving you, so I think if you seek for truth you actually did come to the right place. Again, careful going around asking for a mentor, especially in any of those other vampire forums out there as you are likely to find someone willing to trick you, use you and abuse you. So please keep that in mind.

Bottom line is that vampirism is a very serious and dangerous subject, but unfortunately not everyone is serious and knowledgable about it, especially online.

Would you mind making a longer introduction about you? So far we know you have some sensitivity to the sun but not much else. Tell us more about you and be open but honest. Do you have any background in the occult? What are your hobbies and way of life?

Just trying to help you...

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by dontFeelNormal 06.02.13 15:08

Thank you for your honesty so ill just give you a short but sweet bio-ish on me
I have always felt out of place i got bullied in school so i droped out and home schooled myself and I have had a few experiences with witch craft...one of my hobbies is looking into different religions i guess you could say as in Wicca and most recently vampirism....that is how i found this site last night really....I have always felt like there is something missing and at times felt that I just dont wanna be here and that whatever was on the other side of life (death) had to be better then my life now I have tryed to overdose and i have been a cutter since i was 14 up until about 18...
(im not looking for sympathy or anyone to tell me you shouldent cut blah blah...just saying)
I feel i used to cut because i could feel the release of bad energy and it just mad me feel better...if that makes any sense...
I dont really have a preferred religion or way of life but i do have a 2 year old daughter and thats what inspired me too look deeper into why I feel the way I do
I have been on medications and had therapy because the doctors say im depressed and honestly I feel normal or atleast happy when im online reading about vampires and their way of life (and im deff not saying i wanna become a vampire thats not why im here)

If you have more questions just feel free to ask im an open book...thank you

Number of posts : 7
Age : 34
Location : Delaware
Registration date : 2013-02-06

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by Kalb 06.02.13 15:28

Welcome dontFeelNormal.

Jonathan, I am with you. Good point you shared. I have the same opinion than you. However, I Just want to add one thing. dontFeelNormal: if you're looking for a way to better find yourself don't try find a mentor or a Master to help you, takes your freedom and explores the world ... And gradually you will find the pieces of the great puzzle.

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by dontFeelNormal 06.02.13 15:36

well what I ment by a mentor is someone that can help me learn about the vampirism culture i know very little from what i have read on the internet but i honestly would like to have a first hand point of view on it all someone who knows what they are talking about

Number of posts : 7
Age : 34
Location : Delaware
Registration date : 2013-02-06

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by Kalb 06.02.13 15:57

I understand.

My advice to you is you read this link: http://www.asetka.org/vampirism.shtml

Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28


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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by dontFeelNormal 06.02.13 16:11

I will read that thank you

but i do wish to talk one on one with some people if anyone is intrested I would love to talk about all of what vampirism is about and why do i feel so connected to it

Number of posts : 7
Age : 34
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Registration date : 2013-02-06

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by Syrianeh 09.02.13 15:39


I know this might sound frustrating, but asking for a mentor usually has the opposite effect. I should know because it happened to me. When I first joined this forum, about 5 years ago, I asked for the same thing. I got silence in response. Now, this might seem snobbish or hostile cruel, or whatever you want, and that's certainly one of the things that crossed my mind at the time, but these years have shown me that I was very wrong.

In this time, by acts of fate or just because the time was right, I have come to know many extraordinary individuals who have taught me and guided me and continue to do so.

But your most important Master right now is you. Don't underestimate your own power of evolution.

"The Master will come when the student is ready". That simple sentence holds much more truth than catches the eye - and the mind. If you wish to be initiated in the mysteries of vampirism and occult spirituality, you certainly can. All you need to do is start the journey. But know that at first, and for the grestest part of it, the journey will be a lonely one. Kalb said it quite well:
gradually you will find the pieces of the puzzle.

This said, I would encourage you to keep reading, looking around the Forum here and some other sites that are referenced here, and of course, asking questions. Smile

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Hello...looking for help Empty Re: Hello...looking for help

Post by Filia Noctis 15.02.13 14:59

I have to agree with people here. A mentor will not get you any further in what is the thing that fits you the best, they will only teach you what fits them the best. Look around here and ask questions.
If you want to talk to someone one on one to get to know someone else's point of view (and don't mind that it's not based on the Aset Ka or anything in it) you can message me, I am usually up for discussing interesting subjects and I don't mind answering questions.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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