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TechnoMagy Empty TechnoMagy

Post by Kalb 25.02.13 5:42

Em Hotep,

I'm not really sure if that's how write "Techonomagy" in English, scratch

Anyway, this theme is based on online spells, online protection, such as casting spells through emails, sms, etc.. How to protect yourself and protect computers from attacks and spells sent by eletronic and informatic things. In your opinion, is it possible to create forums, websites, or even create spells to attract people?

I am interesting in your opinions.


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TechnoMagy Empty Re: TechnoMagy

Post by seeker 25.02.13 8:06

I've read about this before, I believe it is possible to manipulate energies through e mails, articles and websites. Computers, just like everything are a manifestation of energy. Sometimes I find it difficult to write on my computer, typing slows down my creative process. Whereas if I have a pen and good old notebook, I can go on for hours. When I noticed this pattern getting stronger in me, I had to take a closer look. My energy was not flowing as smoothly on computer as on paper. After some exercises and practice, it got better and now I feel more in line with my writing even when I'm typing.

Similarly, in olden times magicians and meta physicians used the apparatus they had. A lot has changed over the time, computer and internet have become a part of life in a way. Just like we cleanse the energy of the house so that there are no unwanted visits from the spirit world. Keeping the energy of computer clean might be a good idea.

Also, if you connect with the machine you're using.. You will start understanding it intuitively you will know the trap when it's in front of you. Not going deeper into magik, all the websites want to make sure that their articles and add's are catchy, attractive and the punch lines are used to have a psychological effect on the visitors. I may be wrong, it's only my observation. Smile

I find it easier to sense the energy online when I'm more present and connected with myself. I try to connect with the energy of laptop, even while reading books or online discussions. If I find something of value to me, I feel the energy strongly and when it's not the right information, then also I feel it.

I think, seeing deeper and working with cyber magik using the same basics of any other form of magik will provide you enough means to stay safe. Smile


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TechnoMagy Empty Re: TechnoMagy

Post by Jonathan 25.02.13 8:50

I'm not sure what to think about this subject. My first thought was to dismiss it as nonsense but then what seeker said made sense, energy is everywhere and it can also affect technology as with everything else. However I think that all those sites sending spells by email and texting really are nothing but a fraud. Even if we can use energy and magick on technology it would take a great level of mastery and it's nothing like what we see in those sites, usually selling their "spells". That's not magick. But then we can feel others while chatting with them, even in here you can sense energies and feelings of others, but I don't think that's related with the technology but with the actual bonds that are formed and shared, as well as the energies being emanated. For example words cary energy especially when they come from Will, after all isn't that related with the power of Heka from Ancient Egypt?

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TechnoMagy Empty Re: TechnoMagy

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 26.02.13 23:13

I feel similarly to what Seeker stated regarding it being a manifestation of energy. It is quite a useful tool if you stop and think of it, as most people are plugged into this great energy collective a.k.a the world wide web...Like Jonathan stated, sites that sell spells, etc...are more thank likely fraudulent in my opinion...I think that if a person is skilled in energy manipulation then they can send positive or negative things to another person through this medium...Reality is still reality...If I tell you something through e-mail/chat message(create a medium), it still exists to be discussed through phone or in person...I have used an online tarot reading site before, and then done a reading in person and had the same cards appear...On another note, it is a useful tool for gathering like minds and even making connections that become physical from forums such as these...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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TechnoMagy Empty Re: TechnoMagy

Post by Lupus de Umbras 28.02.13 6:12

I'm still finding my feet as far as Vampirism and the LHP in general are concerned.However,I do agree that trusting our inate awareness and common sense play a big part in our actions and hence, our protection. Even when dealing with something that appears as remote or insensate as the web.
.As previously stated,all is energy,and energy is constantly seeking to connect,ie- electricity.As I see it,I totally agree that there is a psychic and mundane connection when using the web.Which is why I tend to shield myself in addition to the previously stated precautions.Plus,joining an unethical online community etc can complete the connection by allowing oneself to be within their egregore. Hence,influence or control.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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TechnoMagy Empty Re: TechnoMagy

Post by 8lou1 03.03.13 6:31

there is a spike and suzy/willy and wanda/suske en wiske story that also speaks about magic in the computer
im sorry its only in dutch.

the books are handed out at some schools in the netherlands to 12 year-olds to warn about 'evilish' sorcerers online.

spike and suzy is a comic book series from belgium first publiced in 1945. it has a lot of occult in it and is presumably written by a mason. the writer died, but the 'opening of doors' continues....

with love,

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