
Sinata Anika Asti
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Hybrid...? Empty Hybrid...?

Post by Hybrid6 04.03.13 19:59

Greetings forum, I'm posting on behalf of a question that I hope some may enlighten me with an answer. Lately I've been told I am a hybrid of a vampire/elf, which at first, being a "logical" person sounded absolutely ludicrous, but now I'm definitely seeing how this claim is what is referred to as "awakening". The person who told me this is also a 'hybrid', but his father is Lucifer (who apparently is from alpha draconis?) I'll spare my personal story, because nonsense emotional discourse is unnecessary. I would however like some pointers as to how to further discover, well, me! I'd appreciate sincerity, and nothing like "well figure it out yourself mortal mind" or "you know inside" because lately, that shit has not been working out... Thanks everyone!


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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 04.03.13 22:21

Unless you look like this, it is highly unlikely:
Hybrid...? Vamp-elf
***All jesting aside, you are going to get the answer that you do not wish to hear in this forum. No one can tell you what you are as it is a personal quest; generally speaking, everyone is working on this for themselves, on their own path...in their own time...***On another note, when you, and not just you personally, but new members collectively state terms such as "hybrid" or use more commonly known entities along with personalization, it appears as role-playing or fantasy nonsense...Not true occult knowledge...This is going to lead to what you may perceive as rude, or no response from members here that have genuine experience and have spent a multitude of years of their current incarnation(possibly others) invested in seeking accurate spiritual information...If you would really like guidance on this matter, it would be advisable to spend time in meditation to get to know yourself a bit better and obtain clarity of the mind...This can lead to quite a few "Eureka" moments, and even draw the information, or open up a path leading you to the knowledge you seek, depending on where you focus your intent...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Hybrid6 04.03.13 22:43

That is quite a lovely picture! I thank you for the sincerity, and I shall think before I post next time. Sadly this is quite frustrating, as I can sense that I 'know' all that I need to know, but do not know how to access that and bypass the mindset of 'fear/anxiety' (or as my friend says 'mortal') when dealing with it. Thank you again, Sinata Anika Asti.


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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 04.03.13 23:26

You are very welcome, and that is why I advised on meditation because it is a major part of different occult techniques and will also help you to develop the ability to bypass fear, anxiety, and any other emotion that is holding you back from the discovery of self.
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Jonathan 05.03.13 1:52

Hybrid? Vampire-elf? His father is Lucifer?

Ok, I will try not to be mean. I agree with what Sinata has said.
You should be advised against all the roleplaying nonsense out there. Also read this:
It's brief but a very important introduction to vampirism. You might then understand why concepts such a hybrids and such aren't taken seriously by occultists and real vampires.

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Divine 277 05.03.13 2:26

I agree mostly with Sinata Anika Asti.

I do agree to the fact that vampirism also is a concision of the soul, However since there are so many different views on what vampirism is and what one defines as vampirism, Im not going to go there. (that discussion is kinda used up and a thing one really needs to put behind, in the whole community, It not constructive and helps no one )

But Since we are in on this subject , I would like to bring up the chances for life in other places in the universe, and the chances that one could have been from another place before incarnated here ...

What are your thoughts ?

Also the chances for existence in a multi level states of existence ...
can creatures from other levels of existence incarnate here ?

What are your thoughts ?

for instance : taken the norse myth in mind ..

Med Vennlig Hilsen Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Hybrid6 05.03.13 9:38

This is all interesting, and yes I know my first post sounded like a WoW storyboard! I'm taking from all your comments that meditation and occult study would be beneficial at this time. A side note, I've started yoga and love it, BUT everyone in the class (including the teacher!) is extremely uneasy around me and I get the feeling I'm not very welcome. Darkness has always been apart of me I suppose!


Number of posts : 3
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Registration date : 2013-03-04

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by witchmark 06.03.13 9:34

Hybrids, during your class you might want to take a look at how you are presenting yourself or that perhaps you yourself are uneasy with those around you. My advice when dealing with the outside world is to put on the sheep's clothing. Just some some helpful advice. The advice given here about meditation is an excellent one, btw.


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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Kalb 06.03.13 12:55

Here is Gomez, reading this thread with the Uncle Fester...

Hybrid6: Welcome here. Follow the message of Jonathan, Please.

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Maxx 06.03.13 17:28

I am not reading this......

Uncle Fester

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Kalb 07.03.13 3:38

Ohhh.... But you respond ... How possible Uncle Fester not read and respond? confused My sweet Morticia we need talk with Grandmama about Uncle Fester.

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Maxx 07.03.13 7:54

Uncle Fester is psychic....knew about it without reading it......
wears aluminum cone hat at night while sleeping enables vast transmission worldwide.......

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 07.03.13 15:23

I love you Uncle Fester...Always has a great idea...
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Maxx 07.03.13 17:42

I owe everything to my aluminum cone hat. I AM THAT I AM. And witchmark called and told me I need to be more careful about how I present myself....so I will.......and I will stop glowing in the dark.....so much...

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Sinata Anika Asti 07.03.13 22:24

Uncle Fester,

Next time you return to visit us all at the Addams Estate, from the Bermuda Triangle, I must implore you to advise on the proper geometric ratios when constructing said aluminum cone hat...Awww...Glowing in the dark is one of your many charms...although I haven't been able to conclude if it is from your hanging out at radioactive sites, or habit of turning on light bulbs with your teeth...Ah...the mysteries of life...Uh oh...did Witchmark catch you pretending to be a chloroform rag again for Halloween?
Sinata Anika Asti
Sinata Anika Asti

Number of posts : 161
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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Maxx 07.03.13 22:27

Now back to your activity......Hybrid.....if you will make sure you spend at least one hour minimum a day working on Chakras, or transferring energy through your body, or working on focusing with mental exercises.....and preparing your sleep each night by directing your thoughts on what you want to work on during your dreams ....by concentrating on that last thought as you fall into detachment from your physical body....and keeping a record of your dreams each night....writing it all down while not taking much of it in any other way than symbolism......and expect your mind to talk to you at night...giving you answers on questions you give yourself to research.....spending all of your thoughts in the direction of working on the astral or spiritual worlds that are around you at all time...........phew...that is alot....daily......If you would do this daily for 30 days....and then come back here and write a report on what you discovered about what has happened to you.....Uncle Fester would be interested in that...

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Maxx 07.03.13 22:44


All I know that on Halloween when I open the door the kids coming around to Trick or Treat ........whenever I open the door ....... They give me Candy...

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Daniel09 07.03.13 23:38

Maxx wrote:Sinata....

All I know that on Halloween when I open the door the kids coming around to Trick or Treat ........whenever I open the door ....... They give me Candy...

Aren't you a lucky son-of-a-gun. I'm usually dressed as a ninja and the one giving out candy.

As for the original poster, this is certainly a matter for personal introspection. I am certainly not one to divulge such information, but I am able to tell you that what you are is certainly what has always been for you. Whether you want it or not, the divine always has a purpose, no matter how inane it may seem.

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Lupus de Umbras 08.03.13 7:59

I must admit to a moment of scepticism when I saw the "E" word.However,I believe that how we perceive ourselves largely defines who we are,and it is not up to others to label us for their convenience.In some respects I can all myself a hybrid due to a recent and growing awareness of my vampyric tendencies.In addition to this I have several lupine qualities;including appearance.However,this is largely due to my astral body.Several psychically aware friends have remarked on lupine features superimposed over my physical features.Also,I enjoy occasionally roaming the inner planes in wolf form.So Divine6 you're not alone in this respect.May I suggest that you consider the excellent advice given in previous posts,and check the section 'Otherkin' in the Asetian Bible .All the Best.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Divine 277 08.03.13 15:19

before I lay my head down to sleep, and pray to ... that my ... will ...

@lupus who exactly are you replying to ? the Divine6 kinda throw me off ..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Lupus de Umbras 09.03.13 10:58

Sorry-meant Hybrid6.Spend a lot of time zapping in and out my body chasing Astral rabbits.

Very Happy Maybe I should adopt the foil headgear?
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

Post by Divine 277 09.03.13 11:00

I bet Wink lol..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Hybrid...? Empty Re: Hybrid...?

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