Conclave: Vatican.

Divine 277
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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Kalb 14.03.13 18:33

Em Hotep,

It's always interesting to see how Vatican works, my thoughts go all for Pope Francis, he was elected on 13.03.2013 = 3 +1 +3 +2 +1 +3 = 13 and he have 76 years = 7+6=13. Curious, the Tarot card XIII has a great symbolism, according to many authors of tarot the death will show something has ended and something will begin... The card has two representations that I can't forget, the dove and the serpent, the dove in Christianity has always represented to connect with Divine, and the Serpent has always represented with the temptation of evil.

"There is the dove, and there is the serpent. Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath chosen, knowing the law of the fortress, and the great mystery of the House of God."- Book of the Law: Aleister Crowley.

Of course that automatically, this symbolism took me to the symbolism of the card "The Tower".

Anyway.. Hope listen your opinion not only about what I said but your own opinion.

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Divine 277 14.03.13 19:10

The dove symbolizes the holy ghost (in Christianity ) , and if one goes back true religion and myth one can find the true essence of the dove ....

Father son and the holy ghost ...

The Dove symbolize a free spirit ... it symbolizes peace ... it symbolizes , purity of the soul.

Im not a very big fan of the vatican ... nor Am I a fan of people pushing belief down on any once head .... But to exchange ideas ...IS good and well...

Its Kinda ironic that they choose the 13 as base in year 13 .. cause 13 is the sign they took out from the astrological wheel.

The serpent have been seen as a temptress ... many believe that this figure was Adams first wife ... and a way of waking Eve ..

The serpent symbology in it self is diverse ... and have both "good " and "Bad" aspects to it depending always on point of view and where the myth derives from , but this you know, since you wrote a very goof article about some of its symbolism.

Its an interesting subject ( at least for me , that you picked up there ) .

MVH Luna Aurora Divine
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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Divine 277 15.03.13 1:22

Im sorry .. I meant good article ....
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Jonathan 24.03.13 13:49

So now that a new pope was elected what do you guys think about pope Francis?

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Divine 277 24.03.13 14:06

I think the roman church should BURN Twisted Evil ether way, Does not mater who is on top ... they set a standard that they want to push everyone in to .. and the once that does not fit in to their "perfect " conception , will burn in hell or don't Deserve "gods" love ... What A hell load of bull shit...

( touchy subject at least for me ) So I apologize .

MVH Luna Aurora Divine
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Jonathan 24.03.13 14:10

No need to apologize I can agree with that. Horns

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by 8lou1 25.03.13 7:37

Jonathan wrote:So now that a new pope was elected what do you guys think about pope Francis?

as i said in the vampirereligion topic, i sometimes end up in a strange and evil world.
and with that at hand, i have to say 'he' got bussy fast..

what the outcome of those actions will be and what kind of intent was put in, i dont know. only thing i know is that it was stated that they comforted him when it became obvious he would be the new pope. i find that strange words for something thats supposed to be an honor...

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Jonathan 25.03.13 7:54

Do you think that powers such as the Sethian ROS have any ties to this pope or are more likely to operate in the backstage through his counselors and certain cardinals and the pope itself might not even know of its existence?

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by 8lou1 25.03.13 8:38

im so not at home in the vampire world. i just recently found out, there is a roleplaying world as well.... now that solved me some problems Wink

i get the impression things are still shifting and vampires are not the only ones hungry for power....

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Kalb 25.03.13 13:03

Good question Jonathan.

Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), said God needed vacation, so people did a pause in prayer to God and I stopped praying to God. Sad

Honestly, Jonathan. The Vatican is a very powerful organization and I stopped believing in saints a long time ago. I do not believe they are saints, no one arrives at Vatican for ingenuity. Moreover, the pope is the "boss" in the Vatican, so... I believe they are really followers of ROS.

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by 8lou1 26.03.13 7:54

i get the impression that the pope is a vessel for something since he called that something franciscus of assisi, one could believe he venerates that spirit and wants to bring more of assisi's way of life into the vatican.

also the jesuits are a bunch worth studying ( not all evil there Wink) and claim to know something the church doesnt want to bring out, i tend to believe this new pope is the change everyone was talking about for 2012. for better or worse i dont know.

on the other hand ive also heard people whisper that indeed there is no 'A' in rome anymore.

concerning the saints, i have to say that what is told me and what i found tru experience is that not every one is 'working' for the vatican out of free will. even saints can be prisonners or even slaves...


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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Kalb 07.04.13 12:01


Last week Master @LuisMarques wrote the following tweet: wrote:You do not have to justify your beliefs to anyone! Them Openly celebrate without fear of judgment and find the missing spark. ☥

Today, the Pope Francis said to the Christians:

"Do not be afraid of being Christians."
"We should not be afraid to be Christians and to live as Christians"
"We must have the courage to go out and proclaim the resurrection of Christ"

Maybe it's coincidence, but leave the detail.

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Kalb 10.04.13 1:29

No They have no solution ...


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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Kalb 13.04.13 14:07 Suspect

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by N.Augusta 13.04.13 17:00

That is so strange, but initiations can certainly be quite strange and have you go through some uncomfortable situations, no doubt! But, how do we know that this information is of true merit? I mean we would have to have some professed words of testimony from participants, ie., by priests/cardinals and or popes, that are actually legit and not crafted by others with intent to deceive. Hmm, surely, their higher initiations are surrounded by secrecy as well. Hmmm! Peculiar this is!

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Conclave: Vatican. Empty Re: Conclave: Vatican.

Post by Lightseeker 19.04.13 12:01

I just want to add a quick comment: I believe that Pope Francis is very different than the last few popes. He is a "man of the people", has worked with the poor in his diocese in Argentinia and seems to really want to reform the inner workings of the curia within the Vatican.

Also, when viewed from an occult perspective, I definetely think there is a connection here with the turning point that the world has reached in December 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar.

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