...What do you mean the third dimension is going away.

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...What do you mean the third dimension is going away. Empty ...What do you mean the third dimension is going away.

Post by Maxx 21.07.13 15:57

It was suggested a topic listing books that may be of interest or help for readers in studies......Here is one with the authors name and title at the end of this except from the book....As I have mentioned several times here, the most important thing one can do while on this planet is learn how to manipulation energy.  Here is a book that gives a reason why everything is turning upside down on the planet at this time....everything is beginning to become uncomfortable....this book not only tells what is happening with the earth changing its vibrational frequency but also gives exercises and how to work on changing YOU and ME to move into the coming change.......the book is called......
"What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?.....by Jim Self.
It is available on Amazon and on Kindle for download instantly....
below I have copied a brief except to give an idea of what you might expect......

Have you ever wondered where thoughts go when you are finished thinking them? Whenever I ask this question, people look at me with a stunned expression on their faces. The notion that thoughts could possibly have an existence of their own after you’ve finished thinking them is something that few people have ever considered. You see, thoughts don’t simply evaporate into thin air; they all go somewhere. That somewhere is the fourth dimension. They continue to live in either the lower or higher fourth dimension, depending upon their density, weight, texture, and emotional charge. Like attracts like, and all thoughts bond and cluster with all other thoughts of similar character. Thoughts that are nasty, mean, negative, and vicious in nature feel dense and heavy. They gravitate or sink to the lower levels of the fourth dimension and lurk in what we would call nightmares and other disturbing dream states. How is this possible? Your emotional body and your astral body are the same body. When you lay your physical body down to sleep, you give a command and the physical body begins to go
into rest/ sleep and the emotional body detaches from it. The connections between the two are held within the acupuncture points in the meridian system. They act like magnetic docking points to hold the astral/ emotional body and your physical body together. As you drift off to sleep, one by one they begin to demagnetize. As they do, you, the spiritual body in the vehicle of the emotional/ astral body, leave the physical body and pass through the lower fourth then through the higher fourth dimension on your way Home to the etheric realms. Every stratum in the fourth dimension contains a collection of all thoughts that have ever been thought that are of a matching vibration. So if, as you fall asleep, your attention or energy is in thoughts with a dense, ugly and rigid vibration, you will begin to get pulled right into that lower layer of heavy thoughts as you pass through. As we pass through each successive layer, there is a lesser charge to the magnetic/ electrical thought patterns stored there. The higher you are able to rise, the less dense and heavy the energy of each layer. What makes this even more challenging in terms of our ascension is that these layers of thoughts are held within the emotional body of planet Earth as well. In other words, the Earth’s emotional body is the repository for whatever thoughts we hold in our own physical, emotional, and mental constructions. And right now, the Earth changes that we have been experiencing, are a result of the Earth going through her own transition, and doing her own cleansing. What about those lighter, happy thoughts? Light thoughts such as ‘butterflies’, ‘children playing in the park’, and ‘flowers blooming on a warm spring day’, have a simple, bright and airy vibration to them. Lighter thoughts like these don’t linger in the third or lower fourth dimension. Instead, they live in the higher levels of the fourth very close to the fifth. In order for us to align and feel the higher vibration of, for example, Beauty, we must step out of the dense 3D consciousness into present time, which is a higher fourth dimensional space. “Wait,” you say, “I know beauty!” Yes, you do, because you are now living in both the third and fourth dimensions simultaneously. But how often do you deliberately align yourself with, linger with, or roll around
magnetic, emotional charge which reinforces the habit of letting yourself become consumed and affected by lower energies. It’s the dynamic of one particular heavy, unconscious thought form attracting all the similar heavy, unconscious thoughts to it. That thought is simply: I am not okay. That thought is generated by the external third dimension, where we have been encouraged to look away from our own internal guidance of well-being and instead believe what the third dimension says is true. This is why it’s vital to become conscious of the thoughts you think and the emotions you throw into your vibrational soup.

Self, Jim; Burnett, Roxane (2013-01-01). What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away?

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...What do you mean the third dimension is going away. Empty Re: ...What do you mean the third dimension is going away.

Post by Demonia 24.07.13 14:09

It's always a good reminder to think happy thoughts.. thanks for the book suggestion Maxx Very Happy I'm interested in reading more!

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...What do you mean the third dimension is going away. Empty Re: ...What do you mean the third dimension is going away.

Post by Maxx 24.07.13 15:13

I realize it is only from the white light perspective but the guy does have some excellent exercises....I got involved last night with the first  one listed in that book which took me to the website.....it was moving into the middle of the brain and kicking out all the useless stuff from the mind....it was quick and also enables one to get on track for opening of the 3rd eye.....I cannot recommend it enough.....he does have a load of free stuff on his sight and the book is great with cleaning up your thought process....

Number of posts : 4334
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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