Lycanthrope friend of mine

Filia Noctis
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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by OtherBeing 22.09.13 17:26

As my point is proven, you are no better than the old day christians, you have earned the title of a ignorant bible thumper. Also you made a claim you have yet proven, you can prove youre not human, do so and I would take what you said as fact and shut up, until then what you speak is just as fantasy as you call anothers belief.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Maxx 22.09.13 17:32

I apologize to you, young man.  I know your education... or lack not your fault as nothing can ever be your fault....but I cannot understand half of your enlightened reasoning.....but you possibly may be using two languages at once as you write.....that must be the  reason I cannot understand half of your post.   But, I wish you well in your journey and hope you do not fall prey to the next big movie venue and get sucked into will not be taken seriously here at all.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Maxx 22.09.13 17:34

And if you would read my posts.....I made a specific statement that I am nothing but a human......with a soul.... So go play with your x box.....

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Yewah 22.09.13 17:36

I am here and am in interaction with this site to learn more about your beliefs. Although I may not believe in them  doesn't mean I am any less curious to learn. I have been studying and looking through multiple religions for awhile now. All my beliefs are based more on spirituality hence why I am a Zen Buddhist.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Nightshade 22.09.13 17:39

Maxx you made a valid point. Otherkin as the name implies are beings who are not human. For example vampires could be considered otherkin as in your reference to Sethians. Otherkin implies a being without a human soul, which most agree it's very rare and the ones who are real are not the type to attend silly meetups, just like you don't find vampires in most vampire parties. The fact that many people die and reincarnate really has nothing to do with it. People die and reincarnate as humans again, they don't magically become otherkin. Of course many like to roleplay as animals and demons but that's an entirely different thing and nothing worthy of study.

Now by all means I don't understand why you're feeding this kid with your valuable time. It has been more than proven that this child is a great example of the lowest of humans, always speaking about everything they don't know about and judging you based on your references to the Asetian Bible when he doesn't even know that the Asetian teachings have been around before the earlier times and known history. He will never be taken serious anywhere so he respected forums trolling with his ignorance. What a sign of weakness.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Maxx 22.09.13 17:47

And as I stated yawah, you are certainly welcome here as study is what is done best here.  This site does not ask that everyone agree here or with what the site shows......but education is much different than what your friend otherbeing came here for.   But I think we can both agree that education in many things to find wisdom is a jewel in anyone's crown.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Sybil Mason 22.09.13 17:50

OtherBeing, you are now banned.

Yewah, I will leave your account active for the time being as you haven't been disrespectful as your little friend, but may this serve as an official warning.

We do encourage different views, beliefs and opinions, but we do not tolerate stupidity.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Yewah 22.09.13 17:50

I am not disagreeing with you that otherkin are humans with the soul of another being. I am just stating that many animals and other beings die frequently as well creating a higher rate of humans having non-human souls. Even then although, we have to consider all the planes and dimensions there could be for the souls to go. For my human concept, I was reflecting how it was viewed possibly on other planes, so I apologize if it made no sense at all.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Yewah 22.09.13 17:55

I am not here to disrespect at all, I am here to learn and to express my own opinions on things as well. I am sorry If at times I seemed harsh I was just trying to get my point across. I understand Sybil.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Nightshade 22.09.13 18:05

Yewah wrote:I am not disagreeing with you that otherkin are humans with the soul of another being. I am just stating that many animals and other beings die frequently as well creating a higher rate of humans having non-human souls. Even then although, we have to consider all the planes and dimensions there could be for the souls to go. For my human concept, I was reflecting how it was viewed possibly on other planes, so I apologize if it made no sense at all.
I think I understand what you mean but the misconception there is that you are considering that many animals when dead incarnate as humans. That isn't exactly accurate. I'm well aware that it's accepted this way within some Buddhist traditions as well as other oriental cultures but if you study the subtle anatomy of the soul you will realize things aren't exactly like this. Every living being has a subtle system and for example the subtle system you find in a dog or a cat is incredibly different than the one you find in a human or a vampire. If you could grab the spirit of a dog and place it inside a human body it would die. Just like a plant or an ant can't incarnate in a human body. This may sound weird if that's your belief system but that's why I recommended studying the occult to the other user which I got the dumb reply "not everything is of the occults". lol Most spiritual things are well studied you just have to know where to look. For example the Aset Ka which the other kid ignorantly tried making fun of are pioneers in occult studies and they don't preach anything, they validate things. Research them, master the mysteries. They have been doing so for centuries before people would even invent the word otherkin.
So I believe this may be the main reason why you think there are many otherkin in all those forums while we around here see it differently and know that most people are roleplayers. I'm not saying you are one, just that the majority of people in those forums know nothing about it other than fiction. Same thing goes about vampires, you have tons of vampire forums out there but they are filled with humans. Vampires are rare, but people online are led into delusion of believing otherwise just to feel cool.

Now I'm not trying to change your belief at all so I hope you understand that. I'm just trying to make things clear to you and explain why people here feel this way. Maybe they will make sense to you at some point. Look around you, some users here have been researching and practicing these things for many years before this was even trendy online so they may know what they're talking about other than what people claim in forums. And by experienced users I'm not talking about myself.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Yewah 22.09.13 18:21

well, thinking about your concept it does make sense. I will need to research this concept a bit more before I can really say I will incorporate this into my belief. I know that every being is not only different from one another anatomy-wise but chakra-wise as well so in my thought process it would make all the more sense as to why our systems are different from one another. I am not exactly otherkin, I used to identify myself as such but the term doesn't fit together due to my belief that what I am is more then just spiritual.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Nightshade 22.09.13 18:28

See we can have a respectful debate when people are open minded. It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree as long as we respect what others believe but also try to justify our thoughts with intelligent reasoning. This hasn't been possible with the other user due to his own limitations. So thank you Sybil.
Yewah feel free to take your time studying and reading more around the forum, if you take it slowly you might enjoy your stay. I know that there really is a lot to sink in.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Kalb 23.09.13 4:18

Nightshade, You have been brilliant in your explanation. Very well explained in a simple and elegant form. I liked very much.

Thank you.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Victor 23.09.13 10:56

OtherBeing wrote:Yet again you know nothing about me
OtherBeing wrote:You cannot check me out or anything based on the little things I have said
This poor fellow really has no clue what magick can do or what resources we have if he thinks we know nothing about him.

Oh boy didn't he come to the wrong place.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Victor 23.09.13 11:00

Yewah wrote:Not to be rude, but what you are stating is a belief system. There are many other beliefs out there regarding otherkin and how they are defined.
Yewah wrote:I am here and am in interaction with this site to learn more about your beliefs. Although I may not believe in them  doesn't mean I am any less curious to learn. I have been studying and looking through multiple religions for awhile now. All my beliefs are based more on spirituality hence why I am a Zen Buddhist.
Yewah, you were not rude but let me try to explain something which others may also benefit from reading. If you study it deeper (and I'm not saying it's easy because it surely isn't) you will realize that Asetianism is not a belief. It's an ancient magickal system safeguarded by the Aset Ka, but it's not built on belief. That would imply that people find truth based on faith, which isn't how it happens in the Asetian path. You find your truth through a long process of validation and experience. That is why this is a path that works very slowly on the mind and soul because it requires work and initiations into wisdom that are only possible with time. You overcome obstacles inside you and outside which lead you to places most humans would find unimaginable. Things will be shown to you in a very real sense, it has nothing to do with blind faith at all. Fact is this is not something any of us can show you, only you can find it out by yourself. But be warned, this is a path that requires a great deal of strength and honesty. Most fail along the way.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Kalb 23.09.13 11:26

Bingo! I've seen a lot of people to fall for fear of the time, this is the harsh truth.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Jonathan 27.09.13 20:02

It seems like he was only interested in saving his friend from the evil vampires.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Yewah 27.09.13 20:27

Jonathan wrote:It seems like he was only interested in saving his friend from the evil vampires.

I am a she by the way and that was not my intention at all. I was just curious nonetheless. Just because I don't post often doesn't mean that was my interest in joining the site..I am more of an observer and researcher.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Jonathan 27.09.13 20:44

I see you're still lurking there. That's good.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Kalb 28.09.13 6:55

Roll Laugh 

You confused the masculine with feminine. I'm getting worried about you. Hope in real life that not happens, Jonathan.

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Jonathan 28.09.13 14:13

You should look into it more closely my friend. Wink

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Kalb 28.09.13 15:35


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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Kalb 28.09.13 15:44

Btw, I am just joking with you. Nothing more than that. I know that you have a great sense of humor and I like play with you.


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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

Post by Jonathan 28.09.13 15:49

I know and I welcome your jokes. Don't worry about it. Smile

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Lycanthrope friend of mine - Page 3 Empty Re: Lycanthrope friend of mine

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