
Sybil Mason
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Post by Kalb 16.08.13 14:43

IndiaS wrote:I wondered if you could help me?

I am currently doing some research into being a real life vampire - just to find out what it's all about ... and the variety of things that people do outside of their 9-5 jobs.

We are just in the research stage of looking into great hobbies/passions of everyday people. It's for a positive series about people who have interesting lives outside of work .... from teachers who in their own time are taxidermists to truck drivers who are drag queens.

Anything mentioned at this point is strictly for research purposes and we will only use case studies or references if given permission by you to do so.

If you yourself or anyone you know would be willing to talk to me via Skype about their experiences as a real life vampire then it would be brilliant if you could put me in touch, they can of course remain anonymous.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Dear, IndiaS.
You're in the wrong place. Please expose your thoughts here in public way and wait for someone respond you. You will notice why you're in the wrong place with the wrong asks.

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Post by Sybil Mason 16.08.13 14:52

Kalb, she did contact the administration to request permission and advice for her research.

I'm not familiar with her project so I can't endorse it or validate its truthfulness. That is up for each of you to judge and decide wether or not you wish to speak with her.

Anyways she has been polite so deserves politeness in return. I know that many people in this community are wary of scams and lies, having worked hard to expose them, but lets not be hasty in judging everything as such.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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Post by Kalb 16.08.13 15:00

Unaware of it. So apologies for my thread.

Please, dear users.. Ignore my thread.


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Post by Sybil Mason 16.08.13 15:03

No need to ignore, it is fine to discuss it. As I said, I am not aware of its truthfulness. I just think we can't be so quick to judge. Maybe she can join in and share more information about what is this research and what project is she working for? I am sure that would make most members more at ease.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

Number of posts : 119
Location : Land of eternal night
Registration date : 2011-02-02


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Post by Jonathan 16.08.13 16:20

I agree, further information would be beneficial otherwise it may be interpreted as spam.

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Post by Maxx 16.08.13 18:04

Don't any of you remember the same tactic that M. Bellinger and her group used when they did almost the same thing here on this site.. they wanted info for a book they wanted to publish....they wanted any interview in a fashion by filling out that questionnaire and sending it back to get info on anything they could on the Aset Ka group.....of course they will never be able to obtain that.   But you can find all that material here from the past.

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Post by Maxx 16.08.13 18:07

Let them have the address for that idiot that wanted the press to interview him ..... LOL. Why would any real vampire submit to ANY interview.....the only individuals they could find for this type stuff are the delusional and gamers....no real vampire would even consent to such.

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Post by Jonathan 16.08.13 19:32

I think the case Maxx is mentioning was in fact Merticus and his Suscitatio Enterprises Vampirism study (VEWRS & AVEWRS), who were asking everywhere online for people to fill some forms for them and joined this forum asking about it. I don't think that case was Michelle Belanger herself doing it, although could be related as Merticus seems to be a fan often promoting her stuff. Belanger has an account on this forum, not sure if banned or active, but it's obvious she reads it either way.

No idea if this new study is related with them but from time to time they come out again with those forms and questionnaires. The only thing I find ironic on their studies is their expectation that vampires can be catalogued in data sheets, which shows great misunderstanding not only of vampirism but the occult community in general. The problem is that if you raise those questions they get deleted and your opinion is discredited.
Although there's also the chance they don't really care about real vampires and vampirism (looking at how they always try to silence the Aset Ka and the places that discuss their teachings openly) and find more value to their goals in goth media craze, twilight fans and blood fetichism.

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Post by Maxx 16.08.13 20:19

Now......that sounds more in tune with the reality of the beast.......

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Post by Stapleraindrop 19.08.13 16:20

Somebody please link him to Belanger`s website Vampire Bat

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Post by Maxx 19.08.13 17:32

IndiaS is a female......so surely you were not referring to me......and they certainly do not want me on their Christmas Card mailing list......

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Post by Nightshade 20.08.13 3:38

Well from the lack of communication and clarity on her end I'm very suspicious this research project is legit. Concerns were raised and silence is all we got. Doing investigation myself, this is not how a professional project is handled.

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