Are you okay with not knowing something.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 27.08.13 16:37

With all of the "what is and is 't true" stuff around, I'm just going to assume some of y'all here would like to know everything for sure. But what about not knowing.

I just don't think about things and never decide whether it is true or false.

Just wondering.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Maxx 27.08.13 17:49

It appears that something you saw on this forum started you thinking.  That is a process of life and it is priceless.  The more you become interested in finding answers for yourself, the more answers you will attach to those questions, and that is a certain progression we all are led toward...that way you build a firm foundation of experiences that are the basis for your personality and how you act and react.  That way you rely less and less on what others say, and know for a certain fact what is true for you in your life.   Good for you that you stopped and recognized it for what it is. Answers to your life's questions.......

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 27.08.13 17:59

Gawsh you're smart Smile 

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Maxx 27.08.13 18:31

yes, I have been called a smart ass many times.....

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 27.08.13 18:37

No, not like that.... Sad

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Jonathan 28.08.13 1:18

No one knows everything, no matter how powerful and experienced they are. Accepting that you just can't know everything is part of the process of growth and finding yourself. You will always find doors that cannot be opened (at least for now) and questions that you don't know how to answer. This life and this world are full of mysteries most people don't even imagine possible, we get surprised everyday when dealing with the occult and all the possibilities. So answering your question yes we have to be ok with not knowing something as that's part of life, just don't sit down waiting for life to pass and go research and learn so that tomorrow you may know more than today.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 28.08.13 15:51

Maybe not "knowing everything" but what I meant was 'knowing the truth" or "why is and isn't"

Like in this topic about, whatever, but turned into a discussion about christianity.

Because, I wouldn't say if it was true, or if it was fake or just created/made up. I just wouldn't question it.

Same with other things.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Maxx 28.08.13 18:00

Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”  says Lao Tzu.

You are afraid of making any mistake attached to an opinion so you refuse to venture anything afraid that you would look small in someone's else's eyes....hang that up....and join life and be the best you can be by rolling up your sleeves and learning from your mistakes.....that is the best teacher of all.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 28.08.13 18:25

I'm not sure if I would say that exactly. I'm just cautious and don't do much. Or I'm in denial about it at the moment.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Maxx 28.08.13 18:44

OK....wait 7 years and see if something has changed by then.......Cool 

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 28.08.13 18:45

I confused my self with a lot of what I just said Sad 

But thank you

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Jonathan 28.08.13 23:45

To question things is very important because that's what makes you go out looking for answers. Not to question, like the example you pointed out about christianity, is accepting everything no matter how crazy it is. That's not how you grow. As far as truth or not, some things we may never know, others are just history that people try to ignore because it doesn't fit their dogma they grew so attached to.

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Filia Noctis 29.08.13 11:47

VampyreFox wrote:I'm just cautious and don't do much.
I could be wrong, but I think that's about the worst mistake you can make. If you don't do much you won't make much mistakes -which is probably the reason you don't do much- but you won't learn anything either. And if you don't learn now by making mistakes you'll do that later in your life and maybe you can't afford to make mistakes then because it can cost you your job, or a good relationship with someone, or something else you care about. And of cours by the time that happens you'd wish you had done more when you were younger.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 29.08.13 16:06

Filia Noctis wrote:
VampyreFox wrote:I'm just cautious and don't do much.
I could be wrong, but I think that's about the worst mistake you can make. If you don't do much you won't make much mistakes -which is probably the reason you don't do much- but you won't learn anything either. And if you don't learn now by making mistakes you'll do that later in your life and maybe you can't afford to make mistakes then because it can cost you your job, or a good relationship with someone, or something else you care about. And of cours by the time that happens you'd wish you had done more when you were younger.
What kind of mistakes exactly? Thank you and Jonathan and Maxx

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Filia Noctis 30.08.13 10:23

Anything. You learn from any mistake you could possibly make (if that's not the case you're doing something wrong). When I was young I used to be very outgoing. I said what I thought and I did what I wanted to do and of course I made my share of mistakes while doing that, but I'm glad I did because those mistakes taught me things I would not have known otherwise.
Filia Noctis
Filia Noctis

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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

Post by Gunnar 30.08.13 16:19

Ohhh, okay, gotcha. Thank you

Number of posts : 40
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Are you okay with not knowing something. Empty Re: Are you okay with not knowing something.

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