Different feeding techniques

Lilith's Nightchild
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Different feeding techniques Empty Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 05.09.13 17:27

Random post, but during my college english class something popped into my head and i decided to try it.

I created a kind of energy vortex within my left hand, and then 'flapped' a light wind energy around whole room with astral wings, lifting the energy out of people and bringing it to my hand. After a few seconds, a torrent of multicoloured energy flowed into me.

I enjoyed this particular find because it does not harm one person, but takes a little from each of the collective. (It also worked immensely well)

Has any one else discovered any odd or innovative techniques they would like to share?

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Daniel09 05.09.13 22:54

Sounds more like energy sensing than feeding.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 07.09.13 9:52

Funny, because it felt a hell of a lot like feeding.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 03.11.13 5:52

Stapleraindrop wrote:I created a kind of energy vortex within my left hand, and then 'flapped' a light wind energy around whole room with astral wings, lifting the energy out of people and bringing it to my hand. After a few seconds, a torrent of multicoloured energy flowed into me.
In my experience, feeding from a large group of people at once is very fulfilling, but a gamble, because not everyone in the group is necessarily going to have healthy energy, so you could be exposing yourself to negativity. (This might be something that I need to worry about more than others thanks to my current mental instability.) I've found it better to drain energy from a Christian (or similarly religious) worship service, as it is usually, focused, positive, and uplifing, though I do purge the energy of undesirable vibrations as it comes into me.

Otherwise, I usually pick a few of my friends who are consistently useful and switch off feeding between them (so as not to drain any one person too much), using different techniques depending on my mood and/or the person's personality. I try to choose people who have some trait (physical, mental, or spiritual) that I want to emulate and then intentionally weed out everything not related to that trait so that nothing undesirable slips through and/or transmute some of the undesirable to a more useful vibration. (You might say I'm a picky eater.)

I mentioned one of my methods in another thread:

Lilith's Nightchild wrote:When I'm trying to, for example, feed using masturbation, I'll connect to the person in question, push thoughts of love and ecstasy into them using this chakra, and feed off of the energies I recieve in return. (This also has the added bonus of making the person in question attracted to me in the Dayside, especially if done multiple times with that specific stated intent. I've had girls literally throwing themselves on the ground in less than two weeks using that technique... but I digress.)
Occasionally, I also use psychological tricks (usually in combination with the above technique as well as more traditional love/lust spells) to cause girls (and occasionally guys) to become infatuated with me over a long period of time, at which point I program them to start regular deliveries of the most delicious sort of energy directly to me. Every time they think of me, it's like a little bite of worshipful ecstasy, and if I do it right, they'll think about me all the time. It's awesome, plus it doesn't harm the donors (unless they become so obsessed that they send you all of their energy). I was awesome at it during my senior year in high school, but I stopped after doing stupid things caused severe damage to my chakras. I just recently resumed. I've only done it thrice this year, but two out of the three times I've had the girls in question asking me for sex, while the other (a guy) admitted that he has a crush on me. I'm still getting regular deliveries.

I also feed off of the people in my cult who look up to me, although this feels more like a natural response than a conscious decision; I'd have to consciously make it stop rather than consciously start it up.

Good ol' visualization is useful in situations when other methods are unavailable. Not as fulfilling, but it never fails.

(If I have any other methods, I don't feel comfortable detailing them on a public forum.)
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 03.11.13 12:56

Filtering negative energy solves the problem off of feeding off of groups.

Also, what you described is extremely manipulative. Messing with the free will of people, especially via aura manipulation and over long periods of time is downright rude. Your techniques say a lot about your ego.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Lilith's Nightchild 03.11.13 14:03

Stapleraindrop wrote:Filtering negative energy solves the problem off of feeding off of groups.

Also, what you described is extremely manipulative. Messing with the free will of people, especially via aura manipulation and over long periods of time is downright rude. Your techniques say a lot about your ego.
lol. I do like to have fun. I will add that I'm careful not to harm anyone, spiritually or emotionally, using my techniques, and I always try to make sure that the target enjoys it as much as they can. One time I took things too far, and it was bad for everyone involved. Learned my lesson. I'm a manipulative bastard, but not completely unempathetic. I do, however, embody the unrestricted desire and perversion of Gamaliel, so sticking your nose up at me isn't going to deter me. Anyway, I do take precautions to make sure that I don't cause any severe damage after the aforementioned experience, and I entirely fail to see how I'm harming anyone. If I did harm someone unnecessarily, especially one of my friends (who are most often the targets for my feeding), I would feel bad. I'm evil, but not a complete monster.

Feeding from someone in any shape or form could be construed as "manipulative". You're stealing something that isn't yours for your own personal use. Look down on me for my methods if you like, but you're doing the same thing. It doesn't make a difference that you need the energy. You're taking life, just like how a cougar takes the life of a deer to make its dinner. Welcome to life. Welcome to nature. Welcome to Planet Earth.

By further extension, most types of magick are capable of harming someone. If you cast a money spell and find a $50 bill blowing in the wind, someone had to lose $50 in order for you to recieve. It's just the way things work.

The way I look at it, I need the energy, and I might as well have some fun taking it. I keep other peoples' feelings in mind as much as I can, but I am a predator every bit as much as a wolf or a cougar is a predator. It's my nature, and I won't apologize for my nature.

That said, you're probably right about my ego. It's something that I need to work on. I've actually removed large chunks of it already, but I've still got a way to go in that department.

Anyway, as Crowley said, every star must be allowed to go its own orbit.
Lilith's Nightchild
Lilith's Nightchild

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Maxx 05.11.13 17:22

the primary reason I asked you to confirm it was that I saw your 3rd shen was a problem.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Maxx 05.11.13 17:32

Listed in wrong topic but you know what I am referring to.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 06.11.13 9:22

I am just as despicable as you nightchild. I too have wound myself into the subtle bodies of others in order to control and feed off of them. I know the twisted ease of making the pretty girls at school bend to your looks. I know the joy of playing them like a harp, enjoying your power and control and using it to feed that neverending void within.

I am not so different from yourself. Difference is, I did all that back when I was 16 and thought power meant freedom. I thought I was free to do whatever I wanted. I was an arrogant egotist.

No longer do I freely manipulate people, simply because I can. I have grown above that.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Maxx 06.11.13 11:33

Since the original topic of this was Different Feeding Techniques I will relate this:

Many posts here talk about the childish ways of drawing energy from other individuals and those requirements of having to feed as they think they are dark vampires, etc. All of these descriptions about Vampires are posted all over the net and anything supposed to be a talent of the Vampire can be taught to any human because it is a mental creation.....so the entire fairy tale crap out there is nothing but human techniques.  Real Vampires do not discuss anything or give any secrets about any part of their life out to anyone.  The real Vampire individuals of the Aset Ka and the Red Order of Seth do have the ability and use it if needed but this is not how they life.  They can kill this way or put a person to sleep using this technique.   (Victor and Jonathan have the patience of Job to put up with these kinds of posts here).  This is the type structure that was taught to 3 year old children of the Essene community and I believe also by the Egyptians in the beginning stage of their occult training. I know the Essenes received it from the Egyptians. True Vampires have no need of this type of childish behavior because they draw the energy they require from the Sun.  This energy is the source of our life on this planet.  This is why you have the connection of early humans in solar worship as it was the real source of life.  Plants receive this and create oxygen to enable humans to breathe.  Humans use this and expel carbon dioxide for plants to live.  When one truly understands how life force can be drawn from the Sun starting 15 mins at sunrise and 15 mins at dusk and then increasing this time, you will begin to understand what the ancients knew and understood.  By living off this cosmic energy source it is possible to obtain all one requires from it and require no food or water to ingest.  All living life source would be furnished just as you already have some individuals living this way today.  I recall posting a video of this process in the past here but it has probably been removed by youtube over time for copy rite infringement.  There are many known individuals today that are living this way.  Even those that would live underground still process this lifeforce the same way but understand that the source is coming from the Sun. This force is also stored within the earth itself....this is why the ancients and the American Indian call this planet living and breathing.  

So please grow up and stop coming here talking about all the childish tales of Vampire lore......you are only telling everyone how much of the process of life you are not aware of.......and

we now take you back to the regular scheduled programming........

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 06.11.13 13:55

When some first discover metaphysical abilities they are not mature enough to use them properly. Vampire or otherwise, everybody must make mistakes for failure is a necessary part of the learning process.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Maxx 06.11.13 16:31

And you, you little devil, I was not referring to you....I posted the above in case of the hundreds of goth babies coming in and signing up here on the forum....

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Maxx 07.11.13 21:55

This is NOT an example of a specimen I was referring to......this one is an example of all talk and show.....this is a complete idiot trying to ride on the clouds.  A blind man can listen to the voice and understand......


But he is funny, above all else.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Maxx 07.11.13 22:18

this one you can see the difference...


another one.....


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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Gunnar 10.11.13 21:25

Sun gazing? :0

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 22.07.14 11:01

Stapleraindrop wrote:Random post, but during my college english class something popped into my head and i decided to try it.

I created a kind of energy vortex within my left hand, and then 'flapped' a light wind energy around whole room with astral wings, lifting the energy out of people and bringing it to my hand. After a few seconds, a torrent of multicoloured energy flowed into me.

I enjoyed this particular find because it does not harm one person, but takes a little from each of the collective. (It also worked immensely well)

Has any one else discovered any odd or innovative techniques they would like to share?

I find it really fascinating how people understand / find out the secret mechanisms of vampirism, at random.

I, actually, really like this technique, although I use it with different colours (but that doesn't really matter, trust me).

Oh yes, it can be very uplifting; the though that you do not really hurt one prey, because you take only bits of life force from a crowd. Why not? If it's feel good (for your conscience)...

I remember I tried this technique with summoned "familiars"; it's funny, but I do not use them often, because this little trick needs to much attention and I like quicker ways to feed.
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.07.14 11:36

Oh god lol my old posts were in such a different time. Sungazing is so much better x.x

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 22.07.14 13:20

Stapleraindrop wrote:Oh god lol my old posts were in such a different time. Sungazing is so much better x.x

Sungazing?  Shocked 
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Demonia 23.07.14 7:43

sungazing is great

it actually helped me to see energy better- its like a constant thing. it was always a constant thing, but , its like you cant ignore it now its all in your face.

sungazing- gaze at the sun during safe hours, 30mins before sunset, and also right as the sun rises. its healthy for you Smile

@stapleraindrop using wings is fun ! i do it quite often


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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 23.07.14 7:52

Wow! Interesting.

Unfortunately, I'm a night owl. Very Happy

If moonlight is actually reflected sunlight, then "why don't we have both?" Smile
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 23.07.14 9:28

Theres a difference between direct energy and reflected energy

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 23.07.14 9:54

Stapleraindrop wrote:Theres a difference between direct energy and reflected energy

I was just joking. Wink

The energy model is not bad, by the way.
It helps you "feel" magical acts, for example vampiric feeding.
But sometimes the information model gives a better explanation.

Link: chaosmatrix(dot)org/library/chaos/texts/model.h(TEE)ml

In fact, the meta-model is the perfect one (if one can handle the paradoxes). Very Happy
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Demonia 24.07.14 8:54

Moon gazing has benefits too of course ! Very Happy I love gazing at the moon more hahah

the sun is masculine energy, the moon is feminine energy. the moon heals and soothes, the sun is for action. from my understanding Smile !

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Primus Erebus Magnus 24.07.14 9:52

Demonia wrote:Moon gazing has benefits too of course ! Very Happy I love gazing at the moon more hahah

the sun is masculine energy, the moon is feminine energy. the moon heals and soothes, the sun is for action. from my understanding Smile !

Yeah, you're right.

I love moon gazing!  Very Happy 
It's beautiful and feels good. Those soft, peaceful energies..!

So you say it heals? I've never thought about it that way...
Primus Erebus Magnus
Primus Erebus Magnus

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

Post by Stapleraindrop 24.07.14 10:14

Just the other week there was a supermoon type thing. It was a hell of a sight.

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Different feeding techniques Empty Re: Different feeding techniques

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