Hello from Saberwolf

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Hello from Saberwolf  Empty Hello from Saberwolf

Post by Saberwolf 19.09.13 20:12

Hi my name is Allan, I've been a lurker in the community since adolescence never really got into the psi/sang vamp community till about January of this year. I'm new to the whole vampire thing and I guess I am awakening (If you could call it that) very slowly mainly as I gain more knowledge of myself and vampirism.

I'm a psi vamp (I believe) and I've been taking energy both consciously and unconsciously since childhood.

I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you with my petty life story

I'm very new to this and I tend to ask stupid questions as my knowledge is far too inadequate to sound intelligent on the matter.

I'm here to learn about myself and be around like minded folk. So bear with me if I digress into an oblivion of idiotic questions and comments.

Number of posts : 5
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-09-19

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Hello from Saberwolf  Empty Re: Hello from Saberwolf

Post by Daniel09 20.09.13 7:08

Welcome. I would mention that if you are psychically active, adolescence will feel like Vampirism simply due to the increased energy demand of your physical and spiritual body growing. The pressures should ease off as you approach twenty. Just, you know, don't count your chickens before they've hatched.

Number of posts : 850
Age : 32
Location : Nowhere
Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Hello from Saberwolf  Empty Re: Hello from Saberwolf

Post by Jonathan 20.09.13 13:18

Welcome to the community. Don't worry about stupid questions as no question is really stupid when we're trying to learn unless we're asking it to troll around then that's a different matter. If you want an advice don't be quick to draw any conclusions at this point and take your time reading around, researching and learning. It's a great journey ahead.

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Hello from Saberwolf  Empty Re: Hello from Saberwolf

Post by Nightshade 20.09.13 14:10

Welcome. In what communities have you been lurking around? It may seem irrelevant to outsiders but that's actually a very important detail.

Number of posts : 439
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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Hello from Saberwolf  Empty Re: Hello from Saberwolf

Post by Saberwolf 07.10.13 23:29

Thank you for your replies

I'm 24 actually I was (slightly) considering myself vampiric in my teens but I rejected this because I was dealing with schizophrenia and normal teenage craziness

But now I'm starting to re-evaluate that consideration

But yes I know what you mean Very Happy

Nightshade--to answer your question I've been hanging out at vcmb recently but I really don't like alot of the people

I don't really have time to spend on forums anymore but I'm an otherkin and have been all my life. But I've been disillusioned again and again by rpgers and really idiotic snotty people who think they know everything there is on the subject and make sure they let you know


Number of posts : 5
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-09-19

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