Nature of the Keeper

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Jonathan 29.12.13 17:14

Good points by Victor and Maxx. I have to say I agree with your views and this thought that Maxx brought forward about the Keepers is very interesting and makes sense from what I have also learned myself. The secret traditions of witchcraft are very old and true witches may very well be using magickal processes and techniques that have drawn elements from Asetian magick. Keepers can be seen or described as witches and wizards, so we can see there is close relation with Asetian Magick, Sethian Magick and Witchcraft. There are common elements to the three processes, since true traditional witchcraft originated from older Asetian Magick and the occult process of the Keepers. These systems of witchcraft have been used by other groups and in other traditions, changed and altered in many ways, being found today in diverse practices. Yet if you pay attention you can still see in them elements of Asetian/Keeper influence.

This thread is growing into a very interesting discussion and contrasting ideas. I like this.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Stapleraindrop 29.12.13 17:32

I remember a while back some guy had said he received a 'dark flame' or something. If that isn't altering a magical process I don't know what is :p

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Kalb 30.12.13 0:14

Thank you, Jonathan & Maxx. You open my mind in some subjects.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Kalb 02.03.15 13:38

Any of you ever wondered if the Keepers can be great protectors in daylight? After all, the Asetians are beings of the night, they "biggest weakness" is during the day and here enters the Keepers ... always attentive and protective.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Troublemaker 04.03.15 0:27

It's an interesting thought to consider. Would make a lot of sense...

I wish I had more to add on this. I have wanted to know more about the Keepers ever since picking up the AB, because for as long as I can remember (even before discovering this path) I have felt a strange fascination with Anubis. Every time I thought of Anubis I would get this strong feeling of awe, the energy vibe is fierce, protective, and makes me feel more at ease.

From those feelings I get, it is easy to imagine the Keepers fulfilling such a role for the Asetians. Or any role... with perfect dedication.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Stapleraindrop 04.03.15 0:45

I felt a connection between keepers and templars, with the baphomet symbolism and all... It's hard to find anything clear though, with all the mythology and speculation about such a mysterious group.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Troublemaker 05.03.15 22:09

Can you perhaps elaborate on this? If I am understanding history correctly, the Knights Templar were strongly associated with Christianity. They were driven by their religious fanaticism and supported by the Catholic church... I am interested to hear the thinking behind this idea for those reasons.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Stapleraindrop 05.03.15 23:17

That's the politically correct history. I believe there may be something more to the group than what is commonly believed. Like how people think the Illuminati is a media conspiracy, the truth often has many more shades of depth than what can be found online.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Tehom 09.03.15 0:14

Staple, on the subject of your comment (for I want to add more to what you have said),

Any form of mass intelligence in great power will appear how they wish to whomever they wish.. the actual truth of their form can only be discovered alone.

A man most wise man could stand in a large gathering of people unnoticed by all, he would only need appear a beggar or average passer-by and all would assume him to be none other than that of which has been shown. It is only when one takes the interest of questioning further beyond the minds of others that the man tends to reveal himself.

Note that the more intelligent the man, the more able he is to appear however he wishes. And if said man holds secrets in a world where most know of him, well.. all he would have to do, truly, is pretend to admit said secrets. In the eagerness to "know", most would believe lies over truth. Truth unspoken.. unbeknownst to people, of course, but unspoken nonetheless.

We may never know the truth of said man in said room.. perhaps if we were to simply ask, he'd remove that silly mask and announce he'd been wondering why no one had done so yet. Perhaps it truly is that simple.

Or maybe the idea of that alone is just my interpretation, one of many, priorly determined..

The most mysterious things in the world are unknown by all outer observers due to the circumstances that awarded them the title of apparent "mystery", one of which often relates very strongly to "illusion". Now when taking into account we are discussing a group/organisation, the questions become what do we call the individuals within said circle casting said illusion? further, why do they do it? and finally, what lies underneath the illusion? whatever "it" is, it is worth the effort.

To find an answer to those questions, I think, is to find answers to all others that shroud the subject's sought-after truths.

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

Post by Tehom 09.03.15 0:14

A man most wise*

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Nature of the Keeper - Page 3 Empty Re: Nature of the Keeper

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