Sympathetic vampirism,

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.12.13 20:21

For those who don't know, sympathetic vampirism is the condition of the human body to metaphysically imitate that of a vampire in order to gain energy. This could be a result of a deep vampiric drain or something simpler, like depression.

Sometimes, unawakened vampires who are low on energy instinctually go 'hunting' to fulfill their energy needs. In a sleep-state, the soul will leave to body to feed in the astral plane. This could very possibly have strong connections to dreamwalking. My question to the members of this forum is, do you think it would be possible for a 'sympathetic' vampire to unconsciously utilize this method of feeding?

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 20:57

Of course.  I know that to be a fact.  I was driving down a street years ago thinking about something else as I passed in front of a Catholic church as service was letting out.  The priest was dressed in Green combo robes that day out in front meeting the members as they exited the church.  As I drove by I was almost knocked out of my seat sideways as a power force of energy came off of that priest and entered me.  I had to pull over to the side of the street and get my composure and I knew it was a life force drawn in one big wave.  Somehow I immediately was aware that all of that energy the congregation had given the priest during the church service as they focused on him.  I was also aware strangely that no one in that church knew what was happening as well as the priest. It was like an empty battery all of a sudden receiving a big charge.

I have seen entertainers be the center of focus from the crowd in the large hall as they fed their force to the entertainer in the same way.  Then I saw that force around her become larger and larger until it left.  Then it started over again.  The colors of the aura around her was like a rainbow as it increased in size.

Another time as I walked into a crowded restaurant I looked at and passed the waitress that was waiting on me and as I walked past her all of a sudden I was hit over my entire back by a large force of energy that was light, cold, and brisk all of a sudden. It was like a large wet blanket was thrown over me.  I continued and sat down and as I turned to greet her when she came up to me, it was apparent that she was rather shaken from the ordeal and in some way she knew that this energy had left her and was drawn into me.  These things I have experienced and from this I know that one does not have to go out searching to fill ones energy needs.  It is an automatic process that takes care of itself.  In this fashion no one is hurt.  This type of draw is different than the actual Asetians that purposely draw down an enemy and can terminate that life. That waitress had drawn all that energy from working within that packed restaurant that day and had an overflow of it. She was just not expecting to have it taken from her so quickly and knew nothing of the process.

But as I said, I am not a vampire. I am only a human.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.12.13 21:06

I believe in the ability of a human to give and take energy. When I asked that question I was referring in particular to the travelling of the astral body to go feed, especially during sleep. The regular energy give-and take process is native to humans, but the soul leaving the body to seek a source of food is a bit less ingrained into the human subtle body.

p. 230-231 of the Asetian bible describes the particular type of feeding better than I can.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 21:57

In that account that you mention I am pretty sure there is another element that is not mentioned and is not the entire process description.  It is a part of the process.  Mr. Marquis did not write a reveal all book but one giving a small over all look at this process.  It remains for the reader to find this extra for ones self.  That being my own personal view as to some elements I have become aware of.  I hope this would continue to draw you into more wisdom of this situation as I certainly see you have progressed in rapid fashion with some of your study.  (PS....this statement does not indicate that I am any more advanced than you are in get hot and learn it so you can educate me)

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 08.12.13 21:59

BTW....there is a small liquid light looking element that glows in the subtle body and this can be seen if one looks for it closely. I believe this is the soul that is charging that physical and astral body while we sleep and what the vampire is searching for in that astral journey to renew the self drawn from another.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Jonathan 09.12.13 5:19

Maxx wrote:But as I said, I am not a vampire.  I am only a human.
You state this so many times Maxx that it makes me wonder if you're not unconsciously trying to convince yourself of not being vampiric or consciously turning away from that possibility. Most humans don't find the need to mention so often that they're only human. You understand what I'm saying?

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 09.12.13 6:20

Of course.   But as you know there are so many that come through this site that do not even read back conversations.  Many view a movie or TV show one time and then have a "revelation" that they are vampire just because they think it cool. Those are the folks that need to see and understand that humans are humans and with some work and effort there are many things that the human personality can do with natural ability being awakened.  The reason I do that is for that group of kiddie Goth type that play games with their life. I am not a fan of that at this time in life so I always make it a point to shock that young mind because I know they do not spend time in the back conversations reading.  That is my issue with that.  

But I suppose it would be nice to be a Vampire born with great abilities......but that is not me.   Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Jonathan 09.12.13 7:04

Maxx wrote:Of course.   But as you know there are so many that come through this site that do not even read back conversations.  Many view a movie or TV show one time and then have a "revelation" that they are vampire just because they think it cool. Those are the folks that need to see and understand that humans are humans and with some work and effort there are many things that the human personality can do with natural ability being awakened.  The reason I do that is for that group of kiddie Goth type that play games with their life. I am not a fan of that at this time in life so I always make it a point to shock that young mind because I know they do not spend time in the back conversations reading.  That is my issue with that.
I think I understand why you do it. You make it mostly as a message for those pretending to be vampires or innocently believing so without proper study and research just because they want to be a vampire. I know where you're coming from and can see the issues with that kind of mentality you pointed out that we often see online. It has always been a goal of this forum and community to become a place where vampirism and the occult is dealt with maturity, dedication and studied seriously, which is something so rare to be found online, so I thank you for your efforts.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Kalb 09.12.13 9:20

I can agree with Jonathan. Maxx is a honest person. Always searching for the truth. This is so beauty to see. Inspire me alot a person that never give up for evolution.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Stapleraindrop 09.12.13 9:23

When you look at it from the perspective of a random visiting the forum, you see someone who clearly knows their sh*t who also happens to blatantly state their humanity. It both shatters the 'powerful dark mysterious' vampire idea that people can cling to, and even offers motivation to the human peoplez in their practice.

Go Maxx!

Number of posts : 540
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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 09.12.13 9:50

OK...enough of these rumors. All of you get back to work.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Jonathan 09.12.13 10:06

Maxx wrote:OK...enough of these rumors.  All of you get back to work.
lol Maxx is blushing... Devil

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Kalislildevil 12.06.17 4:12

I dont mean to be digging up shit here But theres something in this topic thats struck my interest The whole (sub-conciously feeding on the astral plain)  
Is it well possible, I mean to while asleep blindly unaware feed on energy of any sort.
Then just like that snap out of it and regain control long enough to dream normaly

I feel like ill be pushing shit uphill with this but

per say
I went to sleep tonight im deeply (unaware/asleep) randoms read the above
Is it possible that my mind depending on the depth of (unawareness/sleep)
That my mind would randomly feed off their energies in my astral realm
while their reading this or yet less impolite their surrounds
and perhaps would they contribute to my dream/realm/astral plain
All in a defensive sense of way per say!!

hahaha i dunno but this sort of talk interests me

I know that it would be rare but is it possible Lets find out AY


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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 12.06.17 10:59

If you look closely at the above material you will find that one has to do absolutely nothing to acquire the energy needed as your body will draw it automatically as you need it when you need it. It is like breathing. You do it without thinking to do it. So, you are safe. Continue living and you will be fine. Vampire or Human, the process works the same.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 12.06.17 18:28

that small light I refer to above can be seen by beings out in the ether and they realize the status of that soul or being they are looking at.  The upper 20% of the spirit that is connected to your astral and extends out and over your being, is working with your physical at all times and is a section that can be seen by those beings.  Another name for this is your Holy Guardian Angel that Crowley sought and contacted.  This section will glow at all times being seen in the spirit realm.   Another reason to develop and work towards learning and becoming more adept at moving in higher dimensions.  No one can do it for you.  You are the only one that can develop it.  And just reading about it is not how you acquire it.  lol.  There are beings out there that can help you in your work as they can also help protect you from other beings that will try to draw from you.....but that is something you can study towards in later effort after reaching a certain stage.

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Kalislildevil 13.06.17 0:33

Hmmm you've got me thinking now, More in the fashion of "I really have lept blindly head first into a field of knowledge that i have no idea about "
I know a few things have gone off in my head.
1st The light: That i have never seen, but "im normaly unobservant to it" It makes sense though.
2nd the crowley mention

3rd Ill be honest i would like to learn not so much how to feed on energies But to work with and through them, while maintaining a healthy level of energy with a balance of give and take
to assist me in furthering myself

Maxx wrote: Continue living and you will be fine.  Vampire or Human, the process works the same.
This has me laughing Its kinda cool actually i ah dunno somedays i feel more like a robot to be honest Wink

Anyhow I will be honest I would really like to learn more about what you mentioned above as it is close to my heart But I think one thing stands in my way true masters are hard to find and even harder to learn from as they do not disclose knowledge easily
anyhow im off to research some more thankyou again for you input Very Happy


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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by A.Nightside 13.06.17 23:50

It's already been said, so not sure much more I can add, but Yes, I do think it's possible. Especially if the individual is already familiar with the practice. I don't think I ever visited the astral plane though, only dream walked to friends and sort of remote viewed friends, family and stragers..

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Kalislildevil 15.06.17 7:06

hahaha fair call i too have viewed friends but little can be said of choice of actually wanting too
I seek much but more to learn for its hard where i am from and sitting no matter what i read until i see truly i am unsure thanks all the same, and i think one day we will all know


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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Maxx 15.06.17 10:39

M P Hall mentions a light here....I found this interesting.

“The great King Thevetat, the invisible dragon, is what Eliphas Levi called the “astral light.” This is the same force which the Knights Templars were accused of worshiping under the name of the Goat of Mendes. The astral light is the sphere of sorcery or what the ancients termed “infernal magic.” The ruler of this sphere is the great fire prince, Samael, who is supposed to have taken upon himself the form of a serpent when he seduced Eve. His is the sphere of fire, or more correctly, the sphere of ambition with which the ancients identified the martial spirit.
The Atlanteans were natural psychics. They could see the invisible worlds and possessed, in part, the secret of functioning in them. But they did not understand completely the mystery of the astral light. Nearly all aboriginal peoples worship various forms of demons, elementals, spirits, and ghosts. The present red and black races are of Atlantean origin, and their demons, shades, specters, wraiths, and vampires are characters which their progenitors actually saw or precipitated by the power of imagination in the subtle, fluidic essence of the astral light.
The question as to what caused the destruction of Atlantis, then, is very simply answered. The Atlanteans did not possess the power to control the imagery projected into the astral light by human thought and emotion. Atlantis never produced a philosopher. How then, might be asked, can an individual or a race possess supernatural power without philosophy? This question can be answered by another. Why are mediums so often illiterate, and though usually quite ignorant of the affairs of the living, yet have the ability to talk with the dead? The Atlanteans, like the mediums, did not possess supernatural powers—they were possessed by the powers. They were moved by the astral light like a planchette. As the sphere of the astral king was one of excess and fury, he poured forth his qualities through them until the whole civilization collapsed in a common ruin.”
- Manly P. Hall (Atlantis)

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by Aetherian 15.11.20 22:09

I was under the impression that sympathetic vampirism referred to feeding via sympathetic magic, IE: using a photo or valued possession of someone to feed remotely. At least, that's what the term is used for by the TOV. I always referred to what you were talking about as just a "Temporary Vampiric State". Is there a different word for the above phenomenon other than sympathetic vampirism?

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Sympathetic vampirism, Empty Re: Sympathetic vampirism,

Post by A.Nightside 25.01.22 1:23

Aetherian wrote:I was under the impression that sympathetic vampirism referred to feeding via sympathetic magic, IE: using a photo or valued possession of someone to feed remotely. At least, that's what the term is used for by the TOV. I always referred to what you were talking about as just a "Temporary Vampiric State". Is there a different word for the above phenomenon other than sympathetic vampirism?

I realize how ate to the party I am, but might you have been looking for the term "pseudo vampirism".

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