as above, so below

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 22.12.13 11:20

Jonathan, what book has most impressed you with that type of info?

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Demonia 22.12.13 11:40

you guys are so helpful with all of these resources among the forum. i just want to say thanks for being so nice and sharing valuable information and tips almost always when someone genuinely interested asks. and they say in teaching others you in turn learn more yourself. so glad this forum is so willing to help those seriously interested in the occult and the astral.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Jonathan 22.12.13 12:22

Maxx I'm yet to find a very good book on OBE. I have taken bits from different books but I always end up not agreeing with something, although they're still valuable as it gets me experimenting with different techniques and theories. Are you familiar with Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce? I remember I liked when I read it but that was several years ago no longer sure if I would feel the same about his process. I've been getting deeper into much darker stuff after those times.

Demonia you're welcome. It's a pleasure to help others when they're interested and committed on a serious path. Often people only seek magick to learn a few tricks and those don't deserve any help. We learn a lot by exchanging information and teaching others.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 22.12.13 14:10

I do think Robert Bruce has some good info.  I have a bad taste in mouth from those he has surrounded himself with in order to make money.  That effort seems to be first and foremost and the teaching benefit has become secondary because of some individuals in that outfit.  He does have some great wisdom and some worthwhile info.......but I am put off by some other things behind the scenes.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 01.01.14 21:36

Here is a little twist.  I had completely forgotten about The Robert Monroe Institute.  There is no question about them being on the level.  Even William Buhlman is an instructor there.  I just wanted to throw this site in as I just was looking over some of the cds that are available at $20 or so each.  Interesting titles.   And I can vouch for the $450 Gateway series.  It is great. Anyway someone might find something on the site they enjoy by viewing through the site. And if anyone has used the programs before let us know about your experience.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 09.01.14 17:01

Here is more info.   If one is just interested in producing OBE, Monroe Institute has a cd program called Journey Out of the Body one can purchase for $99 plus shipping.  I found the same program with no instruction manual for $59 with free shipping.  If one is computer literate you can find it on the net but you will need a flac converter to change to MP3 as Windows media player will not play as it is copyright material.  Anyway, it is a hemi sync produced item and really gets results.  This program recommends one read chp 16 in Robert Monroe's book called Journeys Out of the Body and use it as instruction along with the cds.

I can attest to their Gateway Experience CD set.  It runs $450 from  Monroe Institute and Bostic Media sells it for $299.  I just for the first time went from focus 10 up to focus 12 and opened expanded awareness out into the universe.  I began to see a being standing off in the distance watching me.  I viewed it several times and then went over to it.  It was a Blue being.  It was standing there in human form but had no facial features.  Since it was blue colored I ask was it a particular being I know that is blue.  It told me NO by thought transfer.  Then it gave me its name.  Said it was aware of my energy work and desires to learn advance universal knowledge and therefore came to assist me.  It confirmed by thoughts that we are always watched to see when we reach a certain point then there is aid sent.  I look forward to more interaction.  But I can confirm for anyone not aware of that hemi sync program that it is for real and will work.  Each individual will have results and will be entirely different from another.  But it is available.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Nightshade 09.01.14 18:41

I don't think one has to pay so much to learn OBE or other forms of astral projection. All it takes is perseverance. There are many good tutorials and other material available online even for free. It may take long for some individuals to achieve results while others get them more easily. It doesn't mean one is better or worse than the other but goes down to personal abilities as we're all different.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 09.01.14 19:18

Of course, you are correct.

But I just love gadgets........ Smile

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Kalb 10.01.14 14:29

as above, so below - Page 2 Astral_dynamics

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by BurningFeathers 20.03.14 14:00

Demonia wrote:when a species goes extinct, what happens in the astral? i really want to know... does it return anew, decades or generations from now? or is all of this technology and toxins hindering reincarnation...?

You seem to forget that most species on earth have gone extinct without any help from humans in doing so. In fact, most have gone extinct before humans even ever walked these lands. Extinction is a part of evolution, and it most certainly is a part of the chaos...

Though, I gather that you talk more about species that are actually mythical creatures? I don't think any of them actually inhabbited our realms for real. Some might visit here every once and a while, but incorporeal.

Demonia wrote:and if i have distinct memories of a place not here in the physical plane, but i feel it was destroyed... where does the energy of that place go?
Some of the energy migh be still in place, or it is replaced with other energy. Where is it now? In an endless cicle.

8lou1 wrote:when you leave your body you are concioussness? then what is subconscious? when you just live your live as it comes?
Subconciousness isn't a state of being (okay maybe for some it is) but it's a part of your mind. It's the conciousness that is there, that knows things and pulls alot of the strings in your life, without you even knowing it.
(Google conciousnes, subconciousness and superconciousness for more on that)

And back on topic:
Undoubtedly the saying is open for interpretation, and perhaps the first time someone said those words, it didnt even mean half to that person of what we are making of it now.
But even though I have heared some good new insights, for me it always meant: The rules apply everywhere.

Below being our realm and above being the places of different resonance, there are some universal rules that can not be broken.

Another meaning could be: that all of that is connected. The heavens, the depths of hell (if one believes in such thing), the vastness of the cosmos and our poor little plannet -and all the poor sobs on it- all is connected, all is one.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 20.03.14 14:43

BurningFeathers wrote:
Demonia wrote:when a species goes extinct, what happens in the astral? i really want to know... does it return anew, decades or generations from now? or is all of this technology and toxins hindering reincarnation...?

Demonia wrote:and if i have distinct memories of a place not here in the physical plane, but i feel it was destroyed... where does the energy of that place go?
Some of the energy migh be still in place, or it is replaced with other energy. Where is it now? In an endless cicle.

8lou1 wrote:when you leave your body you are concioussness? then what is subconscious? when you just live your live as it comes?

Another meaning could be: that all of that is connected. The heavens, the depths of hell (if one believes in such thing), the vastness of the cosmos and our poor little plannet -and all the poor sobs on it- all is connected, all is one.

Here is a great description from a book by Dr.  Robert Lanza                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 20.03.14 14:47

Says consciousness moves to another universe at death.  The book is called:  Biocentrism.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by ChaosRose 12.07.14 9:43

Hermeticism is about everything emanating from one divine source. Therefore, everything is an aspect of that source. The dualism that people assume isn't real. In order to unite with the divine, we need to achieve a balance by dissolving this perceived dualism.

I like to use the Dark Crystal analogy. We divided divinity (we broke the crystal). It isn't until we realize that the evil Skeksis and the benign Mystics are two halves of one divine whole...and we heal the crystal...that everything will be right with the universe.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Tehom 15.07.14 2:06

In my view, the axiom "As Above, So Below" greatly refers to the Law Of Polarity found within teachings of Hermeticism (E.G, The Kybalion). In this, we can find that there must be a sense of duality and balance in order for correct function in the universe itself. Chaos is simply too much order (or too much polarity), rather than an absence of such. There is a sense of duality about all in existence, ranging from the smallest/seemingly insignificant of things to the greatest significance of all. The concepts of "Heaven" and "Hell", unto "Good" and "Evil", and from there, "Love" and "Hate", represent this greatly. The lesson of greatest importance to be found in the Law Of Polarity is that All is One. By this, I mean to say that Love and Hate derive from the same essence, simply 'spectrums' (if you will) at either end of the same 'pole', the true quintessence of energy that defines existence and balance within the Universe itself. True chaos does not manifest, only the illusion of such.

If I am to break a stone in half, has chaos manifested? no. The two halves of the stone may be separate, but as they exist, they are still in a state of Primary Balance, a term I use to refer to the main dualism found within the existence of things (E.g, for as a person exists in a world, so does another. There cannot be one without another, and if there is only one, soon, there will be nothing. This is found in all things. Life, existence, energy. Nothing that exists can sustain purely alone in all forms, it will eventually die. As plants need the sun and water, we need others, the Universe itself, and duality with All.) True chaos is the absence of duality, which ultimately, leads to destruction. However, Chaos as it is understood is simply an excessive amount of polarity within the area it is being discussed. If a bomb is to explode, there are countless dual particles moving at a rapid pace without pause. If overpopulation is to occur, there are countless other members of the same species walking the planet. As mutations occur from a huge collection of cells leading to eventual variance, new life is created from this 'ultimatum' of polarity (or chaos). This applies everywhere. Note that this closely resembles the beginning of the Universe (science understands this to be the "big bang", in general. I presume a previous Universe eventually 'filled up', or began to retract in size, closing far too much polarity into one singular space. As a result, chaos, and then a new form of life. A new Universe.)

The above stated theory is only applicable if science's theory of a "big bang" holds any truth. If it does, then Polarity is the answer as to "why" it happened. Polarity is the primary law of existence.. nothing can "be" without it. As Above, So Below holds various other definitions, also, making it once of the most important axioms that exist. As I have previously mentioned, all is of the same 'essence'. As you may find another whom is quite opposite to you in nature/energy/existence, you must know that you are both of the same essence and energy. This is the true definition of the concept of all "being One", and also is the reason behind this 'new age' bringing about a movement of individuals seeking peace, whilst destruction and the like rises consistently at the same time. Polarity is rising, and the Universe itself is simply 'balancing us out'. "What will be, will be", so to speak (said phrase also refers to what the Will of "All" wills to be, the consciousness of the Universe, will exist in that way.) One must understand the Universe and it's laws to understand that we are not in a time of chaos, but merely change. The above is likely the answer to what exactly this "means" you have been looking for. If not, perhaps you will find it elsewhere.

As Asetians and Setians are both Vampire in nature, there is indeed a sense of duality, regardless of a difference of origin. The only way we will progress as people, and beings of the Universe as a whole, is through understanding one another the best we can. There will be wars, bloodshed, and overall hatred in this world, and there always shall be. It is the order of things. However, you may choose to be hateful or loving to others, strong or weak, but to create true order, you must do as the Universe does. Remain in the middle. Remain in balance. Too much power will destroy a person, too little will have them squashed by greater forces.. to create the harmony most seek, we must all learn to be balanced, truly, in all areas of life (this being the truth of Spiritual Ascension/Enlightenment/etc.) It is at said balance, we operate on the highest frequencies, feeling true relation and oneness in consciousness and spirit with the cosmos and all that is, allowing us to freely interact with said energies effortlessly, as true unison as been achieved.

Beings of high polarity are those which are most powerful, such as the Asetians, wielding energy that seems to be of chaos (when in reality, it is due to the very advanced energy systems, deriving from the divinity and purity of Mother Aset herself, praise her.)

As Above, So Below also relates to the truth of what is, and what has been, and what will be, is Now. This is in the sense that the Universe works as a constant cycle of existence through continuance and balance.. old laws become new ones, in different forms, new principles were old long ago, as many of you have found through research and understanding. Even the axiom being discussed has been spoken of countless time ago through different tongue. The "Yin and The Yang" to the symbolism found within Baphomet, depictions of Kali to the imagery of Sekhmet, Omoroca (Tiamat) to Lamashtu and Austin Henry Laylards "Monuments of Nineveh", particularly a popular "Second Series" image of a "Chaos monster and Sun God".

It has been represented in all cultures by different means over the ages.. you will find it everywhere, and anywhere. Such is due to the balance of Polarity itself.


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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Kalb 15.07.14 12:12

Your message is fantastic. I really enjoyed reading. Thank you. Tehom.

When it comes to human concept and the way we live is pretty much as we speak but in practice I believe be harder. The total control of balance means mastering the four elements, or if you prefer, be neutral in this world, to live just watching and not taking attitudes, not judging and above all don't create dogmas. The problem of this is knowledge, because an action generates a reaction, and if you take the liberty of not having principles or rules, live like animals in the jungle you will accept your nature exactly as you are and do whatever it takes to survive and that is part of the Chaos. The humans are dead as compared with animals who struggle every day to survive. Hence the metabolism of animals are important in Asetianism and Sethianism, because the animals represent the nature and the Gods are nature itself. Nature in reality is the Tao, and we need to master the Yin Yang for living with her, to live in Tao. As nature is a mirror of the universe, the process works the same way. I have to agree with you that All is One. As the human body. The feet on the bottom of the body and the head on the top of the head, are in different areas but belong to the same body. I can look at my right side, left and middle of my body while maintaining a perfect vision. I understand that now the situation here is that I don't control every muscle in my body when I run or walk, or even when I'm eating. All the movements are automatic and no matter how hard I try to understand how I can do this, I can't find an explanation. My "unknown" can have that effect on me doing all this work. Therefore, giving this example, when it comes to Yin Yang, a part of us will be revealed, another part of us is totally obscure. The same happens with the Nature, with the Universe. We will never understand the WHOLE. Being in Balance is to accept the unknown?

Anyway, Sahaja, is a term of Indian spirituality and means "spontaneous, natural, simple, or easy" is a term of some importance in Indian spirituality. Ananda Coomaraswamy describes its significance as "the last achievement of all thought", and "a recognition of the identity of spirit and matter, subject and object", continuing "There is then no sacred or profane, spiritual or sensual, but everything that lives is pure and void."

If you divide the word into two parts Sah and aja, you will see that the first part is directed to the ancient mysteries of Ancient Egypt. Directly connected with the Sigil of Orion. Part of the wisdom of Gods. The Sigil of Orion, as you know, is all based on the Orion Constellation and where that famous phrase "As Above, So Below" is famous. Saying that, I believe that this axiom does not symbolize the polarity, but rather mirrors of reality.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 12:16

tehom, If that is all you have to say....then I sentence you to add another five paragraphs to what you have already written.  You are not allowed out of the cell until you complete it.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 12:29

If you consider this video closely, I believe one can see an excellent example of balance within nature..


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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Tehom 15.07.14 12:49

I am glad you enjoyed my post, Kalb. Your point of view on this matter adds to our understanding of the axiom largely, and I do see the astronomical significance in the axiom itself. You have had me think further on this subject, and I do love to ponder. However, if we are to analyse that further.. are the mirrors of reality not an example of polarity in themselves? opposing spectrums, showing each other what you would see of the other from the perspective you are at? a depressed man or woman cannot see the point in pursuing positivity.. he only views his own darkness, and only through a change of perspective does this ever change. The same principle applies with one of positivity, avoiding negativity at large for his own self-growth and benefit. A simple change of perspective can change this, too. More than perspective, it is a change of Mind, and as the Kybalion often references, "All is Mind". Just a further input, food for thought. As we cast a large object into the air, the higher it rises towards the light, the darker and larger the shadow beneath it. This is only due to the sun, however.. the source of light. As it may ascend to light, so grows the depths of dark beneath. Ironic.. or perhaps one of the many signs left by the laws of the Universe in order to remind us of the order of things. Perhaps both. Gravity ensures that although it may ascend, it will eventually fall back to darkness.. being bound by the material, the Earth. However, when it ascends beyond, into the Universe, closer to the vast, spiritual and fascinating mass of consciousness that is the cosmos, the source.. well, a true venture into the unknown begins.. perhaps infinite. It depends on the Universe itself, from there. Interesting how we can apply this spiritually, as letting go of the material world and moving towards the spiritual truth has us ascend towards enlightenment. You could even say they are, in themselves, polar opposites. Fascinating, no?

And Maxx, have no fear, an entire biblia composed of various inputs and sources will be prepared by midnight. It will be narrated by Morgan Freeman for audible satisfaction, also. May his honeyed tone bring greatness to my future posts.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Demonia 15.07.14 14:44

I really enjoy reading all of this.
welcome Tehom- I chuckled at the Morgan Freeman note!

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Kalb 15.07.14 15:09

In my point of view no. The mirrors are not opposites or positive/negative. They are complete, it's like you put in front of you a mirror and watch your own image. If you put 12 mirrors around yourself, you will have 12 different images of you, but all complete, only views in different ways. However, the mirrors have limitations of views such as nature. As the macrocosm with the microcosm. Now, I believe that we are beings with mental balance by nature, but, over time we are "forced" to lose this balance by lack of strength and inspiration. Looking at, for example to the teachings of Kabbalah, the tree of life has three divisions, the left hand path, middle and right hand path, and each Sephiroth has a positive and negative aspect. Seven planets and 12 signs. My focus is on the Zodiac, which is attributed to the Goddess Maat in Asetianism. She is the essence of Order and Balance. Therefore, the 12 months of the year are attributed to the 12 signs, as we always in laws of 12 months we are influenced by the balance and order of Maat by nature.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 15:22

kalb, I believe you are correct in what you are saying because of how you are using those mirrors.  But if I took two mirrors facing each other, one on the West wall and one on the East wall, which I am working on now... I will be opening a portal connected in one on the East side using a negative charge.  It will be used to travel into other dimensions and universes.  The one on the West wall I have already used with each sphere connected to the Qlippoth.  So by opening both of these and leaving them open at all times, I suspect a large negative charge will originate.   What I am saying is that each situation can become entirely different as shown by my illustration.  But you certainly presented a very good vision.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Kalb 15.07.14 16:38

My knowledge is based on what I read from one author to another, then I analyze and interpret in my way. What you're saying is beyond my reach.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 16:59

I disagree. You just have not gone toward that direction yet to involve yourself...It is certainly not beyond your understanding at all.

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Stapleraindrop 15.07.14 17:31

Holy shit Maxx... Someone's being productive...

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as above, so below - Page 2 Empty Re: as above, so below

Post by Maxx 15.07.14 17:42

Dawn of a new daaaaaaaayyyyyyyy.

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