Sethian malice?

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Sethian malice? Empty Sethian malice?

Post by Néné 18.01.14 16:55

Dear members of this forum,

having been a perfectly silent member of this forum for years, I would like to share some information I came across, and an interpretation of these things, with you. Please read carefully what I write and think for yourselves.

Luis Marques states that Asetian are clever beings. So, if you would like to find some of Them, you need to look for bright people, right? And the group with the highest average IQ is ashkenazi jews:

"The IQ distributions of other racial and ethnic groups in the United States are less well-studied. The Bell Curve (1994) stated that the average IQ of African Americans was 85, Latinos 89, whites 103, East Asians 106, and Ashkenazi Jews 113. Asians score relatively higher on visuospatial than on verbal subtests. The few Amerindian populations who have been systematically tested, including Arctic Natives, tend to score worse on average than white populations but better on average than black populations." Source:

Average IQ in detail:

From this, one could perhaps draw the conclusion that there is a higher density of native Asetians in this group than in others. To spot Sethians, one might simply have to find out, who opposes it. As the majority of jews are ashenazis, anti-jewish people would be more likely to be sethian (no matter if vampires or rotten humans) then. Some examples of "candidates" for being Sethian and their postulations:

"(...) Nikolaos Michaloliakos, the head of the Greek neo-Nazi group Chryssi Avghi (Golden Dawn), which entered Parliament on May 6, denied the existence of gas chambers in a television interview broadcast on the evening of May 13. This drew a protest from the government in a country where Holocaust denial is not a crime. “Auschwitz, what about Auschwitz? I haven’t been there. What happened there? Were you there?” Nikolaos Michaloliakos pretended to ask himself (...). “There were neither ovens nor gas chambers, it’s a lie,” he added. He also stated that he had “read a lot of books that question the figure of six million Jews” exterminated by the Nazis. (...) Michaloliakos also repeated that he considered Hitler to be “a great historical figure of the 20th century.” “I don’t say ‘heil’, simply because that’s something said to someone who is living (...).”" Source:

"(...) An Illinois congressional candidate says the Holocaust is the “biggest, blackest lie in history.” Arthur Jones, an insurance salesman from Lyons, Ill (...) “This idea that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust is the biggest, blackest lie in history,” Jones told KMOX. “There is no proof that the Holocaust took place in Europe against the Jews.” Jones – a former member of the Nationalist Socialist White People’s Party – wrote a flyer called “The Holocaust Racket” where he states it is an “international extortion racket” and refutes all the Holocaust deaths. “Millions of dollars has [sic] been spent to spread the lies of the Holocaust,” Jones told KMOX. (...) Jones started the American First Committee in 1980 in an effort to stop all the foreign influence on U.S. policies. He’s looking to oust incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill., because Jones feels Lipinski wants the U.S. to go to war with Iran because of Israel. “I’m the only guy in the state of Illinois against the Israeli lobby,” Jones said. Despite collecting over 1,000 signatures to be put on the ballot, the state’s Republican party refused to do so because of his views. “I didn’t know believing in the Holocaust became a requirement for public office,” he said. (...)" Source:

"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Former President of Iran. Hosted a 2006 conference, the "International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust," at which the panel of speakers included among others David Duke and Robert Faurisson. Ahmadinejad is proud of his achievement: “That was a taboo topic that no one in the West allowed to be heard,” (...) “We put it forward at the global level. That broke the spine of the Western capitalist regime.”
Harry Elmer Barnes - Originally, a mainstream writer and historian. After World War II, a marginal crank who brought his marginalization on himself because he insisted that all accusations against Germany and Japan were fabricated wartime propaganda.
Robert Faurisson - French writer, prosecuted for defamation in 1979 after writing letters to Le Monde claiming there were no gas chambers. Author of a 1991 booklet claiming the Diary of Anne Frank is a forgery. [Just because it was written with something that was invented later: a biro. But that proves nothing, does it!]
Paul Topete - Lead vocalist of the "Patriot" rock band Poker Face. (...) "I am always amazaed at how many roads lead back to one of the largest if not THEE largest scam ever played on humanity... Yes that right... the HOLOHAUX aka holocaust. 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zundel DESTROYED the Myth known as the cult of holohauzianity. In a canadien court of law, Ernst zundel took on the biggest frauds in the SHOAH Industry, and showed them to be the frauds that they were. Names like Raoul Hilberg and Vrba. And several other parasites known to infest this worldly sham. Wake up people, You are being played for fools for you LACK KNOWLEDGE."[11]
Richard Williamson - British Roman Catholic Bishop and former member of the Catholic Traditionalist Society of Saint Pius X, was fined by the German government for denying the Holocaust on Swedish TV while on German soil." Source:

And, besides Mahmoud Ahmadinejads Iran, Syria and Libya seem to have been flooded with such anti-jewish stuff, too:

"The Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights was an annual human rights prize founded by the Libyan People's Congress in late 1988, in "indebtedness and gratitude for Muammar Gaddafi and in appreciation for his role in firmly establishing the principle of direct democracy, his persistent struggle, his distinctive inspiration and continuous instigation for the consolidation of human liberty and for issuing the Great Green Document in the era of the masses, for the purpose of bestowing tribute upon symbolic figures of struggle and faith in the values of freedom to all humans, nations, groups and individuals".[1] (...) Numerous Holocaust deniers are despots are among the prize winners",[5] While other groups said it promotes "anti-American and anti-Western hatred"." Source:

"(...) Following are excerpts from an article, entitled "Holocaust!!!?? Again," by Mohammad Daoud appeared in the English language daily Syria Times, an official paper of the Syrian government, on September 6, 2000:
"History has not witnessed a people who have mastered lying, dodgery, and myth making such as the Israelis."
"Their most famous myth is that of the so-called Holocaust."
"Since the invention of this word, they have been living on it and blackmailing the whole world."
"Due to this alleged Holocaust, the Palestinian people were and still are exposed to inhuman practices by the Israelis."
"Many European intellectuals and historians have recently broken the silence, revealing the truth of the so-called Holocaust. As a matter of fact, this Holocaust exists only in the minds of terrorists like Yitzhak Shamir, Ovadia Yosef and others." (...)" Source and full artice:

Gaddafi was reportedly impaled after the rebells got massive assistance from USA, Israel and western europe; Syrias (sethian?) al-Assad got help of Russias (sethian?) Putin, so he couldn´t be executed by his antagonists that easily, and Iran/Ahmadinedjad as well was/were saved by China and Russia from a (massive) military intervention of the USA and Israel. But the latter states at least tried to bring war on these men... Thus, one might wonder, if these are "enlightened" countries, fighting Sethians... As well as Germany, which send Horst Mahler, a former leftist (an RAF-lawer, and the one of "Nazi-Huntress" Klarsfeld) about 12 years to prison for holocaust denial - without even looking at his "proof", consequently, as the eternal truth of holocaust is proven by law and publicly/openly known ("offenkundig") anyway, so it would merely have been a waste of time to examine his "evidence". And I wonder if Asetians should assist such countries in fighting anti-semitic "thought crimes"...

With love,
una femina ex Germania


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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Stapleraindrop 18.01.14 21:00

Not saying anything bad about anybody, that post was big, scary, detailed and informative, but an IQ score is simply how well you can think like whoever writes the IQ test.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Jonathan 19.01.14 2:31

Welcome to the community. While I can't say I agree with all said in your post I can see that you put a lot of thought and research into what you're saying and that is a good thing.
You mentioned being a silent member of this forum for years so would it be possible for you to leave an introduction post in the Off Topic section and let us know a bit more about you, your background and what do you think of what we often discuss around here?

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Kalb 19.01.14 12:34

Welcome, Néné.

Interesting subject. Thank you.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Néné 19.01.14 13:39

PS: My english is better than it seems... Sorry for all the false spelling and grammar in my post - AsetianS are clever beings, Horst Mahler is a lawYer, of course, etc., but after it dissapeared in the black dephts of the world wide web twice, I forgot to revise the third version of it after writing and by accident sent it with mistakes.

Dear Stapleraindrop,
"Racism stands for a doctrine believing in the existence of human races", as german pupils are taught nowadays. So I of course agree that "IQ score is simply how well you can think like whoever writes the IQ test". Shame on me that I didn´t realize this myself, must be my german nazi-genes not properly re-educated into inefficacy which made me overlook that explanation for differing intellectual potential in those racist-invented "human races". All these black geniuses and Nobel-Prize decorated researchers, poets, scientists, that, I am sure, must exist, prove you are right.

Dear Jonathan,
thank you for your "welcome" and for your critical reply! My interpretation of the facts may be superficial, stupid, who knows? I will post an introduction on my views etc. soon. For you, with pleasure.

Dear Kalb,
thank you for reading, and for welcoming me.


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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Stapleraindrop 19.01.14 17:35

You seem kind. Man what took you so long to post?  bounce

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Néné 20.01.14 7:35

First maybe -nomen est omen- shyness, I can´t tell. Later I entered the information war on the side of Truthers and lacked time for religious research, no matter how crucial spiritual issues are. You seem kind too. And for "man" - I take it as a compliment, but I am a female.


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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Stapleraindrop 20.01.14 10:06

Sorry for any offense, I subconsciously revert to hippie slang when in happy moods.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Maxx 20.01.14 13:36


Luis Marques states that Asetian are clever beings. So, if you would like to find some of Them, you need to look for bright people, right? And the group with the highest average IQ is ashkenazi jews:

"The IQ distributions of other racial and ethnic groups in the United States are less well-studied. The Bell Curve (1994) stated that the average IQ of African Americans was 85, Latinos 89, whites 103, East Asians 106, and Ashkenazi Jews 113. Asians score relatively higher on visuospatial than on verbal subtests. The few Amerindian populations who have been systematically tested, including Arctic Natives, tend to score worse on average than white populations but better on average than black populations." Source:

Average IQ in detail:

From this, one could perhaps draw the conclusion that there is a higher density of native Asetians in this group than in others. To spot Sethians, one might simply have to find out, who opposes it.

With love,
una femina ex Germania[/quote]

After reading this below I would tend to think those of the Aset Ka and Red Order of Set will still be able to retain complete secrecy if desired.

Increasing Brain Power

Date: 01-18-14
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Dan Hurley  

Award-winning science journalist Dan Hurley discussed how the dogma surrounding IQ scores was shattered in 2008 with the publication of a major study showing that the ability to make oneself smarter can be significantly increased through training. For decades psychologists have viewed IQ scores as static unchangeable numbers that could not be improved, Hurley explained. The IQ test itself is merely a rough indicator of intelligence, or one's ability to solve problems, and does not adequately assess the strengths and weaknesses of the individual being tested, he said. As anecdotal evidence of how intelligence can improve and develop over time, Hurley shared his own experiences as a third grader who could not read but went on to become a straight-A student and receive high marks on the SAT.

As the brain is used intelligence grows, Hurley continued, pointing out how the opposite is also true. Summer breaks have been shown to reduce IQ in students, he noted. Research into early childhood development reveals a link between bright infants and stimulation through conversation and reading, he added. Hurley spoke about the concept of 'working memory' or keeping track of items as they are pushed aside for other items requiring attention. A study in ADHD students showed how training for one kind of working memory task improved performance in other tasks as well as increased fluid intelligence by as much as 40 percent, he reported. Hurley also revealed how n-back training can enhance memory and intelligence. "You do this n-back and your mind starts sharpening, you get better at these fundamental measures of fluid intelligence, problem-solving ability, your ability to make sense of things," he said. Hurley recommended listeners try online n-back training at

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Néné 21.01.14 14:55

I felt no offense, but wanted to resolve your supposed mistaking me for a man. Sorry if I "sounded" flippant, Stapleraindrop.

Of course the IQ can be pushed by training, Maxx, even that of adults. Studies with "identical" twins that were seperated as babies showed their IQs varied up to about 14 points, due to different millieus/raising obviously.


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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Maxx 21.01.14 15:13

my summation is that I could not feel comfortable in placing larger numbers of Asetians within a particular group just because of a higher IQ.

Also, The Aset Ka is more of a Etheric plane based group (out of this world) than the Sethians, so looking for many of them in this physical location would be useless, unless they wanted to lower the vibrations. (see their site that kalb referred to where they indicate that they are a spiritual organization......certainly can be viewed from 2 perspectives and all in how you view the meaning.)

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Néné 23.01.14 15:50

You certainly have a point. Yet there may be hardly or no born Asetians in some groups:

„Lahn and colleagues examined two genes, named microcephalin and ASPM, that are connected to brain size. If those genes don’t work, babies are born with severely small brains, called microcephaly. (…) For the microcephalin gene, the variation arose about 37,000 years ago, about the time period when art, music and tool-making were emerging, Lahn said. For ASPM, the variation arose about 5,800 years ago, roughly correlating with the development of written language, spread of agriculture and development of cities, he said. (…) Lahn’s own calculations acknowledge that the microcephalin variant could have arisen anywhere from 14,000 to 60,000 years ago, and that the uncertainty about the ASPM variant ranged from 500 to 14,000 years ago. Those criticisms are particularly important, Collins said, because Lahn’s testing did find geographic differences in populations harboring the gene variants today. They were less common in sub-Saharan African populations, for example. (...)“ (my emphasis)

„Spiegel“ was clearer on the last statement: “Sorge bereitet Collins etwa, dass die von dem Team beschriebenen Variationen bei vielen afrikanischen Stämmen nicht auftreten – er befürchtet genetisch motivierten Rassismus.” [Collins´ concern is for instance, that the variations described by the team are missing in many african tribes – he apprehends genetically motivated racism].


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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Maxx 23.01.14 22:55

Also, that percentage that you listed earlier regarding the Jews has me remembering a post I made earlier here about dna testing done on Jewish population in many sections from regions over the world.  It found that only 1 out of 8 classified as Jewish were actually of the Jewish dna.  The other 7 out of 8 were actually of the Palestinian dna located all around Israel and the arch enemies of the Jewish people.  So it showed them to one and the same stock but they do not know it.  How funny.  But the large part of the Jewish side know this fact to be true.   I also remember one section in the Bible saying something about those that declare them to be Jews but they are not...etc.  This sent me back to memory to recall and it takes on a different meaning for me today.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Néné 24.01.14 8:52

With all that has been said, I need to correct a particular of my slips: I wanted to write "candidates for being Sethian", instead of "candidates" for (...).


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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Maxx 26.01.14 13:32

Also, to follow up on a statement I made here, I will point out the info came from a wise person from this forum.  The location of the Aset Ka Temples and meeting places on both the astral and the larger Temples beyond that in the Etheric levels, are fantastic places of learning.  If you are invited by them to meet and are taken there, it is said that you return with a higher wisdom that is imparted to you.

For those that think they can go into those locations when one chooses without being invited or receiving an invitation, you are asking for destruction on a large level.  The one giving this information says many have tried it and it is not very wise.

This is why I stated that the location of the Aset Ka is very much out of this world while the Red Order of Set is very large in this world.   Food for thought.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Kalb 29.01.14 5:14

Interesting info. Maxx.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Maxx 29.01.14 7:06

kalb, I know you are aware that we are multi-dimensional beings.  We operate on 3 to 5 levels at any one time depending on our realization of our development.  It only stands to reason that a group as highly evolved beings as the Aset Ka would be more at home in the astral and etheric locations than in this muck and mire of the lowest vibrational level in the universe.  It is said that the higher beings have great respect for us as we come into the most difficult place to confront a most unusual assignment.   It is one that we have agreed on before entering here.  One that we plan on finishing before leaving.  But the problem is that once we get here, we have lost all memory of what it was that we came here to do.  How is that for an assignment?  It takes some work to find what we lost but that is why one MUST make effort to find it.  The highly evolved ones in the Aset Ka have no need to contact us until we show an ability to operate more on their level which is to show an ability to seek entrance knowingly into their world. This, I suspect, is why they are not out there in back and forth jabber with the mundane world.  They have no need of this.  

I have never been invited into their locations into that higher level.  Maybe someday they will find me at a point where that will happen....but maybe not.

I can say that I have been taken into a lower dimension of the 4th level where I saw a group of beings that give humans a hard time in this world. They live just outside of the realm of our earth and operate more in the negative energy than the positive.  There is no balance in that world as it is more in line with chaos.   I was rather concerned about their abilities over us.  That was why I was taken there and shown that once we reach that level, the tables turn and then they become the ones that are frightened of us.  They were absolutely shocked that I was in their place instead of them coming to our place to create havoc on us.  They became very frightened because I could see them and also that I could hear them speak. They were in awe and I kept hearing them say, " he can even see us" They no longer had dominion over a human and the tables were reversed.  I was taken and shown this to give self confidence into the spirit world. It is a beginning step.  

Each of us vibrate just a little differently than the other.  This is why different methods work for one and not another.  I was told that we need to find the best beginning method that fits with our energy vibration and then perfect that method until we become able to move into higher realms.  It is different for each of us. Find how our body will best walk in balance with the universe.  We should not give up and lose heart just because someone else we see seems like it is so easy for them and then when we try their method it will not work for us. Again, they told me it is different for each of us and personal balance is what one seeks.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Jonathan 29.01.14 10:05

Good post and honest information, Maxx. What you say does make sense and also matches what I have observed from my own limited perspective.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Kalb 29.01.14 11:23

Maxx: Thank's for your info. Good food.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Divine 277 29.01.14 12:08

Thank you Max ... this was helpful on more then one level. Thank you again.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.02.14 8:16

Ah, dear ones.

An astral library - idea into my mind, months ago - accessible by the heart of a child. I do not know if I should share this, but there is the key, to work in the ether. Others also spoke of an astral library. The library contained within it books and what I call philosophers. This is an idea worth thinking, and working with, in the ether. I do not know if this should be kept secret, but there is a door way. All since my anti-psychotic medicine were elevated in quantity, I am less etherically open: I should start practicing on this again - not to be psychotic, that is due, but that of sensitivity into the astral plane.
Psychotic, yes, but self-aware, self-conscious. Consciousness is the gateway.
With heart of a child, faith, all is possible. As a playing ground for little children, so no lurking mischief is allowed. If this could be the way of playfulness, of accessibility.
I had a dream in the morning, wherein I saw all physical surrounding as lighter, as I saw the world as through spiritual eye: yet another dream and I saw a figure in the dream world light, touching near me, above my head. Devas thought of.

Do you have recommendations for working on the ether?

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by Maxx 06.02.14 8:24

You have a spiritual being and maybe more than one at all times around you that is there to help and aid you in this procedure. Could even be your higher self.   Listening is the main thing as you shut down all outside interference.  As said before each of us vibrate in a different way but you need to find the best way that works with you.  Perfect meditation.  Read astral projection or obe books which have been recommended here in other posts.  Main thing.  Develop a focus to constantly think of this and concentrate on these efforts.  How one thinks and the degree that is put into the effort will be rewarded accordingly.   Answers will come out of the ether to you if you seek.  Keep knocking and it will be opened to you.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.02.14 10:27

Thank you! I follow this advice dear in heart.

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Sethian malice? Empty Re: Sethian malice?

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