The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Divine 277 21.02.14 8:29

Im watching this Smile and I thought it would be nice to share it and hear others view points on it Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Maxx 21.02.14 8:51

Divine....thanks for sharing this. I viewed this a few years back as I do have this cd in my library.

I would like to ask you personally, what you really feel about this presentation from deep within your own being? Take the entire presentation view and tell me what your feelings are about this.

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Divine 277 21.02.14 11:48

How to describe how i feel about this…
I see the relevance and connections to different practices …
Cant say that I practice in this type of way, with rituals in that kind of way…

I have my own, and it works good for me Smile

I can relate to what he is talking about and understand his point of view … I am a believer that what lies with in, lies with out .. I also think this is reflected in different beings on different planes of existence, as i see us all living on different levels anyway.

I do not refers to the 4 guardians as angels or demons, however I do understand why it is easier to relate to them as entities, since they are referring to a kind of nature/netheru…. as up high, so down below.

He talked about past life regression true scrying in a black mirrors … I have done so and seen different faces , I have also done this with a original mirror, and it worked also good .. I like working with mirrors … but now a days, not in that kind of way.
I think there are better methods to obtain that kind of knowledge.

Symbolic, I can see why the symbols are used and I know why they use symbolism to hold things in place, its a big study field, and I do not think he got that message true …

However, what one uses it to, is basically in the end up to the individual.

I don't really know how deep you want me to go in this ?

I kinda like concrete questions .. and I should be better at asking those to.

Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Maxx 21.02.14 12:11

Thank you Divine.  very much appreciate your feedback on this.

I would certainly like to see at least 2 or 3 more comments as what some others find in this video.  It will be good to discuss how this video is setting up a supposed first time demonstration to show interested people how to deal with the spirit world with his discovered new technique.....

Number of posts : 4334
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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Divine 277 21.02.14 12:13

I don't really think its a "NEW" technique … though ..
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Matttt 21.02.14 12:17

What he demonstrates is extremely interesting and effective. However, I prefer simpler means. A black mirror/crystal ball and some incense is usually all I use for my meditations and spirit communications. I feel as if I lose myself in all the tools, drawings, and devices.

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Maxx 21.02.14 12:29

Divine...he was saying his NEW discovery was he found placing the mirror within the triangle of manifestation in the circle and putting it at eye level and this would open a more profound way of contacting the spirit. of the spirits he named within this video is the particular spirit that I spoke of in another post that came into my dream and discussed Cayce and Nostradamus. I had not yet finished posting that when you put up this video. Talk about synchronicity. I feel something higher is afoot here. LOL.

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Divine 277 21.02.14 14:15

Max * I know, but most mystics now a days say new … when they really are just re discovering the old …

Divine 277
Divine 277

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The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed Empty Re: The Magick of Solomon: Lemegeton Secrets Revealed

Post by Maxx 24.02.14 10:45

I was hoping to see more comment about this video presentation.  My personal view is that most of this is done in a theatrical mode to create an element of fear and elitism.  This enables one to market this to a novice group for monetary gain.  Who in the hell thinks you stand there for hours on end telling a spirit how great it is and using flower language to pander to it.  Sounds like a Christian preacher praying out loud in front of a group and telling his God how mighty He is using verbs and adjectives with adverbs to tell a God who He is.   That spirit is much more intelligent than that.  There is too much of this stuff going on today out there in the marketing of books and videos creating their own following rather for financial gain than to teach truth.   This element creates a "gag me with a spoon" type presentation.  I am sick of them all.  I can name hundreds of these guys out there today trying to build their own following and I know you see the same thing.

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