Prepare for the educated idiots

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 11:00

I just heard there is a class being offered at the University of Arizona on Vampires.  This means there will be an influx of those with an interest in how to become a Vampire.  Prepare for the onslaught of the stupid.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Stapleraindrop 09.03.14 12:01

But Maxx why so cynical for? The University may even be so kind as to offer a discount on fangsmithing courtesy of count Sebastian Von houten. (or whatever name he's using right now) Wink

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 13:07

Our education system has been destroyed on purpose.  The cost to send children through this system is out of sight for the result it produces.  No longer do these systems produce the ability to read, write, including math, and teach creative thinking to help society, they market the latest freak trends in a perverted culture where the professors are paid to not even attend class.  The classes may well be taught by another student.  Correct historical values no longer exist.  Political studies are no longer neutral but are designed to produce nothing other than one sided propaganda sessions to turn out mush brains.  When the media has been bought by the ones that control your thoughts they direct all education toward their system of producing slavery.  

I do need to step up my thoughts a bit so you can possibly figure out my true feelings toward this issue.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Stapleraindrop 09.03.14 13:55

I sensed and agreed with your cynicism in the first post. My response was a poor attempt at internet sarcasm.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Jonathan 09.03.14 15:20

Maxx wrote:Prepare for the onslaught of the stupid.
They won't be happy around here. Wink

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Kalb 09.03.14 15:23

I agree with all you said, Maxx. I have the same feeling.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Syrianeh 09.03.14 17:33

Aren't we already surrounded by "them" (the stupid)?

And I agree with Maxx's view on education. The same thing is going on here in Spain, where the Minister of "Culture" has just removed Music from the school curriculum because he thinks it's "useless". Not to speak of the overly biased and manipulative history and politics that kids are taught. It's practically the same all over the place.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Syrianeh 09.03.14 17:35

So it is up to the parents to rear up their children to be critical, see things for what they are, not be easily manipulated and think outside the box.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Maxx 09.03.14 17:54

You sound as if you would make an excellent parent.  Smile

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by dragonsgaze 27.09.14 21:27

I agree with Max on the intentional dumbing down in the educational system. There have been many books and studies on this phenomenon. When I was in college, I had a few instructors who were absent most of the time and only required students show up long enough to sign a roster each day. Also, it was only in my later adult years that I learned about critical thinking skills and the proper use of reason. I was not taught how to think, but what to think. It is very biased. A lot of instructors have an agenda.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Maxx 27.09.14 22:19

Everyone has an agenda.

"The average individual does not have a completely objective mind.  It is a well-known fact that the average man cannot think constructively from his objective mind, for this mind is merely the screen upon which all of the countless acts and experiences of his life are reflected.  What he calls thinking is merely an objective relationship of the present tense to any one of a number of such previous experiences and he reacts according to such extractions of comparisons."   from Ernest L. Norman

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by dragonsgaze 27.09.14 22:46

Yes, I agree that everyone has an agenda. As far as your quote; It is a fact that most people are lost in pasts that are only memories now, and anticipating future events that may or may not come to pass. A method of gaining mental clarity is to be aware, in the only time there is: Now. Things you never noticed before you become aware of and a peace can also result as you are not centered on possibilities that are really only distractions. I guess another look at your quote also suggests a notion of us being only the result of our past experiences and our volition bearing on them. In any case I enjoyed the reply Maxx. I love a good late night think tank.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Tehom 28.09.14 20:30

A class on Vampires?.. at a university, no less?

Oh dear..

There was once a time I wished for such a thing. A more broad form of understanding from the general public (on Vampires), but after seeing what they have become (from controlled, regimented influence), I can only sigh quietly at that old, dying hope. If modern people were to attempt to embrace the "unseen world", or, the one they choose not to see, shall we say, I suspect we'd be faced with a modern "dark age." These people are so lost, they would support a cause to exterminate anyone knowledgeable, simply because everyone else was taking part in it. It'd be the new "cool thing" to do.

Similar to the Spanish Inquisition in some ways, truly. Many participants were not so religious as they were egotistical. Thought themselves "real men" of honour and pride for burning "heretics" at the stake.

Fascinating, yet depressing, how we moved from such physical means of expression, with our only successor being
a failed attempt at "logical" expression of the exact same behaviour. People do not "think" these things through before they do them, for to think is to know. They only view themselves committing the actions they have already chosen to know they shall commit.

Admitting this would shatter their ego, however.. and we can't have that now, can we?

Because that is where the "boys up top" begin to realise that tightening the leash on their people doesn't seem to work anymore.. especially when the people figure out the only leash present is their own obedience to said higher powers.

I feel I have said enough. Time will tell more than foresight based on current predicaments shall, as usual.

Further, and finally, let us hope a revolution of Mind comes with this new age, lest the ignorance of "higher powers" hinder the progress and awakening of the unknowingly wise, the "dormant think", completely, to such extent where I would not be able to converse in a community such as the one seen here.

If that occurs, then I will have lost all hope for modern society's understanding of Self.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Jonathan 29.09.14 12:19

I can see your point there Tehom. The ignorant will always prevail for the most part and only a minority can reach the skills for wisdom and enlightenment.

Vampires, witches and occultists have always lived in the shadows, one way or another. I always have to laugh when I see those Facebook groups trying to push vampirism as mainstream. They have no idea what they are talking about.

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Stapleraindrop 29.09.14 19:26

*I like boys who sparkle*

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Prepare for the educated idiots Empty Re: Prepare for the educated idiots

Post by Maxx 29.09.14 20:20



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