The Abyss or The Desert

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The Abyss or The Desert Empty The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Matttt 12.03.14 15:04

During meditation today, the idea of the Abyss kept hold in my mind. I thought about how the Abyss is sometimes referred to as a great desert. I'm not really sure of the question I'm asking, but Set is the god of Chaos and the Desert. Could this be in relation to the Abyss?

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The Abyss or The Desert Empty Re: The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Kalb 12.03.14 18:26

In Asetianism, the line of the Abyss is covered by the three Lineages, Serpents, Scorpions and Scarabs, and is explained in the Sigil of Orion the meaning of the symbolism. It's more detailed and complex than properly in Kabbalah. Some quotes from Master Luis Marques: (Twitter)

- To reach the gates of transformation you must first cross the desert of the soul.

- 7.02.2012, Full Moon - Can you see Orion reflected in your inner desert?

-Conclave will be granted in the ancient city of Jerusalem. Asetian ritual, meditation and bellydance will be held in the historical desert.

Now if you look at The Priestess (II), you will realize the She is the Path that unite Tiphareth to Kether. You can check and meditate.

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The Abyss or The Desert Empty Re: The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Jonathan 12.03.14 19:50

I'm not sure what is your meaning, but if you meant to ask that if the Desert is a parallel to the Abyss and so Seth is the ruler of the Abyss in Daath then absolutely not. Daath has nothing to do with Sethian influence, it's actually a door to knowledge.

Now concerning the Desert I think that was not meant as a metaphor or symbol, I think it was quite literal in how Sethians held rulership of the far desert while the Asetians kept their empire on the shores of the Nile known today as Egypt, during the time of the Sep Tepy. I'm sure there are more magickal connections to the Desert beyond this but this was a very important cultural identity. Also lets not think in absolutes, I'm sure the Asetians also have a very strong connection with the desert and it's not something we could define as Sethian. It's clear from the words of the Asetians how they also nurture a passion for the hidden powers of deserts still. Am I making sense?

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The Abyss or The Desert Empty Re: The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Matttt 12.03.14 20:08

You are.
I wasn't even sure of the question I was posing.
I will reread the Book of Orion tonight and meditate on the subject again and see if I can be more clear.

Number of posts : 123
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Registration date : 2013-12-31

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The Abyss or The Desert Empty Re: The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Stapleraindrop 12.03.14 20:30

The desert is a very hostile environment outside of the cradle of the Nile. The combination of sand and wind is a very erosive duo, not to mention sandstorms. Seth was the god of sandstorms, chaos and destruction. Like a small 'house' in the astral, dwellings in the desert would be consumed by chaos.

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The Abyss or The Desert Empty Re: The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Kalb 13.03.14 5:59

Good post, Jonathan.

Number of posts : 1280
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The Abyss or The Desert Empty Re: The Abyss or The Desert

Post by Naoom 05.01.17 7:07

Quoting from a book on Thelema :
“Behold Thou
the secrets of the Desert.
For I am Apophis Set
..... .......
...... ......
For I am the depth
& the vastness
of the Wilderness,
For I Am a three-fold God, I the Lord of the Desert,the Depths, & the Darkness

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