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Post by BurningFeathers 19.03.14 18:24

I'm new to the site, but I'm not new to vampirism.

I've often thought and philosophised about the nature of vampires, not content with most of the information I could find. I actually distanced myself from most vampires that I've known in real life and communities like Strigoi Vii, so I was rather pleased with what I've read so far on your forum.

So why have I come here in the first place?
Most of the time I'm happy being alone with my thoughts, but every once and a while this feeling of loneliness creeps in and I reach out. Most of the time I find that people (and with them most vampires) out there are just the same they ever were, but every once and a while I find at least one kindred spirit. And that is what I hope to find here.

I realise that I said alot and yet not so much, so I'll just give you some quick facts:
I'm a 27 year old, green eyed young man who lives in Belgium, and anything else... ask.

Number of posts : 7
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Registration date : 2014-03-19

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Post by Gunnar 19.03.14 18:41

I hope you find a nice friend :B


Number of posts : 40
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Post by Jonathan 19.03.14 20:14

Welcome to the community. The Strigoi Vii aren't even considered vampires at all by most knowledgable of vampirism. We like to distance ourselves from that kind of roleplay around here.

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Post by Gunnar 19.03.14 21:42

Roleplay... It reminds me that I regret my username Sad

Not that it I knew, but... Mmm never mind.

Number of posts : 40
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Post by Matttt 19.03.14 21:43

Welcome welcome. Smile

Number of posts : 123
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Post by BurningFeathers 20.03.14 11:13

Thank you, thank you all.

Well, I wouldn't call Strigoi Vii roleplay. In my opinion they're worse: a cult - and so like all cults designed to get rich from those who follow.

It was a nice surprise for me to see that none of you seem to believe in different kinds of vampires, at least based on feeding habbits.

Number of posts : 7
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-03-19

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Post by Matttt 20.03.14 12:20

I personally tend to go along with the description given of vampires in the Asetian Bible for all vampires.
Vampirisim is small part in what the Asetian Culture really is.
I do believe that all vampires draw energy in many different forms: blood, sexual, life force (Ka), etc etc.
They are not limited to what the media has portrayed, but then again that all depends on the individual.
I have never had any real experience with an actual vampire and my ideas come from a collage of occult literature.

Number of posts : 123
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Registration date : 2013-12-31

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Post by Nightshade 21.03.14 21:25

BurningFeathers wrote:It was a nice surprise for me to see that none of you seem to believe in different kinds of vampires, at least based on feeding habbits.

Welcome. The abolishing of the differentiation of vampires according to feeding habits came from the Order of Aset Ka. Although this was probably already known in underground studies for a very long time, before the Asetians shared their views and teachings everything that you could find online would lead back to the pathetic arguments of sanguinarians versus psychic vampires. An argument surely not perpetuated by real vampires and yet still alive in some networks maintained by those who pretend to be vampires. The fact that a vampire cannot be defined by feeding habit or method was always part of the Asetian teachings and system of wisdom, being also quite clear in this public article: http://www.asetka.org/vampirism.shtml

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Post by BurningFeathers 22.03.14 0:01

Indeed. The fact that there was only one kind of vampire, and not countless subspecies, is a believe I have hold since the beginning.
But I've long given up on preaching this (except to a few that were close to me) since it felt rather useless.
Most of the time the idea was even met with hostility, especially from "sanguinarians", who in my opinion are the weakest, since they would always depend on a donor for their fix and would be trained less in any form of psychic advancement.

Mattt wrote:I personally tend to go along with the description given of vampires in the Asetian Bible for all vampires.
I have never had any real experience with an actual vampire and my ideas come from a collage of occult literature.
So, you have strond ideas about something you've never encountered? Be carefull with that kind of behaviour, youngun. Not even an order as old as the Aset Ka can have all the answers about that. They claim they are the oldest race of vampire, but I have reason to believe there are vampirian souls even older than that.
You don't have to take my word on it. Just always keep thinking for yourself.

Number of posts : 7
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-03-19

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Post by Matttt 22.03.14 9:37

Could you then explain your theories on vampirism?

Number of posts : 123
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Post by BurningFeathers 22.03.14 12:46

Ofcourse, my young friend. First: The empires of Egypt only started around 3100 bc, so a little more then 5000 years ago, that is actually not so much... And the Aset Ka, being Kemetic can't be older than that, or am I wrong?
Even in deep in the prehistoric times (so starting from 3300 bc) there allready was a fear for vampires all over the world.

And I have had contact with a powerfull vampire who claims to have memories from a time long before that.
You can think whatever you want about that, but for me, those claims are as valid as those from a mysterious order that appears out of nowhere in 2007 and claims to be a club of heirs to a god (no offence).

Vampirism to me always was the evolution of soul. Souls growing older and stronger, achieving new abilities such as stealing prana from others.
What I do believe is that some souls have formed out of life itself, but when they grew, every once and a while little... drops -of living energy- separated from them, becoming independend souls all together.
So different "drops" from the same mother-soul would be considered kindred spirits - or soulmates. They'd have the same traits or characteristics, like enhanced magical traits, enhanced logical traits, or in a way the same kind of personality.

It isn't hard to believe that al vampiric souls, even those from the Aset Ka, all started out from one original soul, either direct - or indirect with a couple of steps inbetween (who then in time would have had their own evolution before splitting into multiple souls).

I hope this is explained clear enough. The idea is simple to me, but sadly I never had the power of speech to bring my ideas across.

Number of posts : 7
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2014-03-19

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Post by Stapleraindrop 22.03.14 12:50

Dynastic Egypt started around 3100 BC. The land of Kemet is a bit older than that.

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Post by Matttt 22.03.14 13:14

I believe you should read the Asetian Bible and then go from there.

Number of posts : 123
Age : 27
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Post by Jonathan 22.03.14 13:59

There was advanced life in Egypt way before 3100BC. You are only taking in consideration Dynastic pharaohs when this civilization was already at its peak. For example there is documented history of pre-dynastic Egypt from 6000BC. Now if you get into concepts such as the Sep Tepy you can easily go 10.000 years into the past and such was the timeframe when the Asetians ruled an empire. In later times such as Dynastic Egypt, Kemet was already a kingdom of man (humans) and less significant in terms of vampirism although still mighty and powerful in terms of magick.
As for a mysterious Order that appeared out of nowhere in 2007 that may be true for you and others in the vampire community that weren't tied to deeper vampire studies. Many have known the Order of Aset Ka for many years before that, members here have knowledge of Asetian teachings, private debates and conferences throughout Europe decades before 2007. The year of 2007 is always mentioned because it was marked by the publication of the Asetian Bible and their internal decision to come to public, although in a very limited way since many things still remain private. Now claiming they appeared in 2007 is terribly inaccurate when so many others have studied them for much longer than that.

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Post by Maxx 22.03.14 16:34

To burning feathers.......from the writings of Luis Marques as well as other historical writings of history....the time line.

Sep Tepy is a huge timeframe that spans from the beginning of times (TO) around 5000 BC.  This is the age where the Asetians trace back their roots, where Aset gave birth to the three Primordials and when the transformations of the Elders occurred.  It was the time when the Gods themselves walked this earth, harnessed their powers and energies, and left the knowledge later to be used by the Egyptian people, to create the most advanced civilization the world has ever seen, in terms of culture, medicine, architecture, engineering, science and of course....magick.

So this is the historical line above mentioned by Johathan.

I will add one thing after watching you try and dimension my friend Matttt by inferring his knowledge is way less than some 27 year old new to the forum trying to establish a higher position in the pecking order.  The village idiot of many years was very much given wide berth by the attacking American Indians when killing American settlers in early history.  They did not pay any attention to the age factor... as they were aware there was a reason given in a metaphysical sense that made that person stand out and act strange....and it had nothing to do with the age factor.  Matttt is not the village idiot here.  I am...and I make your baby years of 27 appear to be infantile.  So you can stop using that method as it will not work here and begins to stir anger in a small wave.

In addition you were not able to try and assimilate the fact that ALL vampires have conscious control over their reincarnation and are aware of all of it.  By that simple feat alone, without having to list other abilities, along with compassion as well as very pronounced metaphysical abilities that have occurred over centuries, is how it can be determined if you are vampire.  This is how the soul of the vampire is affected.  Not just some simple act of blood or psychic draining.  To spot light draining of blood or energy alone as being a profound need to sustain one shows a possible role playing situation and a need to draw attention not to mention delusion.

Democritus recognized two forms of knowledge, the genuine and the false---the first coming from the interior of our being and second corresponding to the illusions born of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.  I suggest you take control of your senses.

Pythagoras would list the age of 27 to fall within the frame of being a young person.  He says you will not reach adulthood until you attain the age of 40.  Good luck with your schooling.  By then you might become aware it is not good to enter a group as you come in from the street and attempt to diminish their members or their history.


The Village Idiot

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Post by Stapleraindrop 22.03.14 22:32

I was wondering who was going to do it. Maxx you are like a doctor for the ego. You've definitely help me break down and develop. Thanks buddy Very Happy

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Post by Maxx 22.03.14 23:04

careful there.....you might be viewed as hanging out with village idiots and jackasses. A deadly combination without any hope for redemption....lol.

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Post by Stapleraindrop 22.03.14 23:08

Everyone knows blondes have more fun.

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Post by Nightshade 24.03.14 18:52

I am surprised to see how this post went unanswered. Wink

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Post by Maxx 25.03.14 16:08

Nightshade....I suspected this forum site is not one that ranks high on his information screen....It was obvious from the beginning.  Just here for a spotlight.

To Stapleraindrop.....I thought of you and had to laugh when I read this in the latest Ann Coulter column where she stated....

"First of all, young people are idiots. I love them, I was one once myself -– but they're idiots. We'll be interested in their opinions on the basic rules of civilization as soon as they have one of three things: a household to run, a mortgage or school-aged children. Being in college is like living in Disneyland "

She always gets right to the point.  LOL.

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Post by Stapleraindrop 25.03.14 20:49


May as well ride the roller-coasters then eh?

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Post by Nightshade 07.04.14 4:07

Maxx wrote:Nightshade....I suspected this forum site is not one that ranks high on his information screen....It was obvious from the beginning.  Just here for a spotlight.

I just have to laugh at how quick people change their minds and run away when something or someone doesn't suit their pre-conceived notions no matter how inaccurate they may be. There's no growth in that. If everyone would avoid a subject or place every time they were proven wrong then no one would really learn anything.

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Post by Lupus de Umbras 07.04.14 10:03

Bloody hell, Maxx!Remind me not to piss you off.By the way ,,,I couldn't help noticing your age on your avatar Very Happy 
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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Post by Stapleraindrop 07.04.14 10:35

Funnyily enough, I was talking to a 'demonkin' the other day and the subject of vampires came up. He linked this forum and said: "they were a bunch of mean vampires who worship AsetKa as their lord vampire who gave them power" and continued to imply that there is a high degree of stupidity and role-playing here.

This same fellow claims he can only project to the etheric realms and not the astral, and also just happens to be the physical embodiment of Seth.

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Post by Nightshade 07.04.14 11:26

Stapleraindrop wrote:Funnyily enough, I was talking to a 'demonkin' the other day and the subject of vampires came up. He linked this forum and said: "they were a bunch of mean vampires who worship AsetKa as their lord vampire who gave them power" and continued to imply that there is a high degree of stupidity and role-playing here.

This same fellow claims he can only project to the etheric realms and not the astral, and also just happens to be the physical embodiment of Seth.

No doubt he is also the physical embodiment of Pokémon.

Number of posts : 438
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