Mixed Bloodlines?

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Mixed Bloodlines? Empty Mixed Bloodlines?

Post by Carpe Noctem 22.01.09 21:44

Currently, I am gathering as much information as I can about Asetians and the Aset Ka without the AB (as I am trying to figure out how to purchase it without my parents finding out). When watching the bloodline youtube videos, I thought, "Would it be possible for the bloodlines to mix? For example, could there be an Asetian who is both a Guardian and a Concubine?" I would appreciate anyone's thoughts and ideas, and possibly some closure to these questions.
Carpe Noctem
Carpe Noctem

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Mixed Bloodlines? Empty Re: Mixed Bloodlines?

Post by Helliana 23.01.09 14:39

Personally I don't see how they would mix since it's not a physical bloodline, it's metaphysical. It all has to do with the soul.

I'm sure others will be able to give you more insight in detail. =)

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Mixed Bloodlines? Empty Re: Mixed Bloodlines?

Post by Jonathan 25.01.09 11:16

Personally I find that unlikely. I don't believe Lineages can be mixed. They complement each other, each being a part of Aset, if they could all mix it would make one more "complete" than the other, which I find it not really possible in natural and metaphysical terms. Also, that would probably cause some pretty awkward inner imbalances in terms of energy. You mentioned Guardians and Concubines, which are pretty much highly "opposed" archetypes. Concubines are talkative, social and interact greatly with the human kin. Guardians are terribly anti-social, have no bond to their biological families and usually no friends outside of the Aset Ka, being the most elitist of all Asetians in terms of social interaction. So to me seeing a hybrid of those two Lineages would make no sense at all...

I will wait for the opinions of others though.


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Mixed Bloodlines? Empty Re: Mixed Bloodlines?

Post by Hellen 25.01.09 13:06

Greetings ,

I happen to see the behaviours and trajectory of an Asetian to be something like a energy print similar to male and female energy emerged from Duat at the begining of times .
The subject though inspired me another question of how we can see the concept of evolution along the lineages , as they appear much as fixed archetypes ,with traits that seem not changeable and how the idea of evolution and change which is also essential to every Asetian affects the archetypes , if it does.



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Mixed Bloodlines? Empty Re: Mixed Bloodlines?

Post by Syrianeh 25.01.09 14:48

Hellen, that is a very interesting question. I also would point out the fact that the traits and specifications for each Lineage are not necessarily strictly compulsory for each of them. Whilst they are all complementary and necessary for one another, of course there must be variations and changes from one member of each Lineage to another.

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Mixed Bloodlines? Empty Re: Mixed Bloodlines?

Post by Jonathan 25.01.09 17:53

That is a very interesting thought Hellen. I believe the Lineages can be dynamic if we take in consideration the aspect of spiritual evolution. I mean, of course they must be. The archetypes presented in the AB are probably a basic definition that give us an idea of how energy manifests in each Lineage, but even the author refers that those are just guidelines and not something definitive. None of us can say with certainty that we are of a specific Lineage, since that task is fully dependent on knowledge kept within the Aset Ka that we do not possess. But we can surely suspect and feel...


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