Seth And You!

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Seth And You! Empty Seth And You!

Post by Matttt 22.07.14 5:42

I would like to know if any of you have worked with Seth or his energies, or do you feel that working with his energies would be counterproductive in your personal journey as an Asetianist. If you do not feel comfortable posting your experiences in this thread, feel free to PM me.

Personally, I have never attempted to work with Seth.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by Nightshade 22.07.14 8:23

I don't personally work with Seth but I know quite well someone who does. I would like to say that working with the energies of Seth and working with Seth are entirely different things. Most people when working with those energies are actually touching into the energy created by global consciousness though our perception of Seth, similar to how a few Satanists and Luciferians work with the energies of Satan and Lucifer driven by a raising of power created through practitioners throughout the centuries. This is a very different matter than working with Seth himself and I believe that those doing so are very rare and remain hidden. Seth answers to no one but his trusted Sethian followers. People believing to be in direct contact with such a powerful deity are often being deceived by a lesser entity, commonly a trickster taking advantage of their inexperience. Be wary of those metaphysical connections.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.07.14 9:13

When you say Seth, it creates like a vague large section of stuff that can include a lot of shit, just like Nightshade said. The energies of Seth are like the Yang half of Horus... kinda/sorta, my description leaves something to be desired, but Seth/Horus is often shown as a double headed god.

But yeah, having said that I have worked with the energies of Seth. I used to do it a bit more heavily, but occasionally his name might pop up. Um I'm like 95% sure the first meditative astral-y OBE I had was while working with Seth.

As for a 'feel', I guess that changes by the person/situation, etc. For some odd reason, I loved Egyptian mythology when I was a lil kid and Seth was always my favourite god, so my working with that went pretty smooth.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by Jonathan 22.07.14 10:37

As an Asetianist I don't like working with the energies of Seth or the Sethian current but I have explored certain aspects of it before during my personal quest.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by Stapleraindrop 22.07.14 11:29

If I may ask, why not? In the Asetian teachings, the importance as Seth as an aspect of the whole is talked about. These energies are probably frequently "frowned upon" because it is a concentration of them, with a lack of balance that created a bit of a shitstorm.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by Kalb 23.07.14 14:58

The reality is that there is no understanding without exploration. . We must explore and understand what each entity "means" and if we're in tune with Them. I don't feel any sympathy for the energy of Sethians nor by Seth. It's not something I feel I should explore as an Asetianist, but something tells me nothing.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by Tehom 23.02.15 14:07

I feel quite deeply repelled by Seth's energy.. so I do not choose to work with him. I do not judge those who may, however, for it is their choice. I am open to many forms of spiritual exploration and learning.

I have generally tended to curiosity by learning of him, and I do continue to do so, but direct spiritual work with such an entity is not something I can do. I do not mean to offend any by this statement.

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Seth And You! Empty Re: Seth And You!

Post by elizahawk 22.09.16 7:43

I will message you Matt in shortly. Its something kind personal yet not. Not something I would ever forget.....

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