The angry Sun

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The angry Sun Empty The angry Sun

Post by Troublemaker 08.10.14 21:02

Hello everyone.
This isn't quite so much of a big deal with the coming of winter in my area, but I am wondering if there are any metaphysical techniques that can be employed to protect against the more subtle effects of harsh sunlight.
Without drawing any assumptions about who/what I am, I have noticed that I experience EXTREME difficulty in the sunlight.  When I am outside in the direct sunlight for more than an hour, I get a severe headache that stays right between my eyes.  It's absolutely awful... and I feel incredibly drained all day afterward.  Is there anything that can be done about this, other than the blatantly obvious choice of staying inside? As I have expressed before, I nearly always do this anyway because I'm an antisocial hermit, but once in a while it'd be nice to spend a day somewhere outside during the summer without ending up with a skull-splitting headache.  It gets hard to explain to the family why I randomly get aggressively irritable during vacations and other trips that happen during the day...
Sorry about the odd nature of the question... I am still trying to learn about metaphysics so sometimes a dumb-sounding question might slip out.  I hope someone can help shed some light on this, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Neutral

Number of posts : 1629
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The angry Sun Empty Re: The angry Sun

Post by Stapleraindrop 08.10.14 23:50

Some slick ass grounding and a parasol perhaps?

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The angry Sun Empty Re: The angry Sun

Post by Troublemaker 09.10.14 22:48

Use a parasol and ruin my intimidating aura? Gah! The horror... Wink

In all seriousness, I should have phrased the question better, leaving out the fluff... what I really am curious about is the effect of grounding and/or shielding on sensitivity to sunlight. Although now that I think about it, this is something I should probably discover myself.

Ah, well. Still learning Smile

Number of posts : 1629
Location : USA
Registration date : 2013-12-18

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The angry Sun Empty Re: The angry Sun

Post by Lupus de Umbras 10.10.14 11:41

Have you tried sunblock,sunglasses and hat combo,Rhea?

Strangely enough,I also considered that some kind of aura shielding technique might help.
Lupus de Umbras
Lupus de Umbras

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