Allow myself to introduce...myself

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Allow myself to introduce...myself Empty Allow myself to introduce...myself

Post by Qlaus 24.10.14 6:09

Greetings Everyone,

I am new to this board. I found this board through a few google searches, and turned on to joining by the enlightening and frank conversations. It seems to me that there are some people who enjoy discussing subjects here that I enjoy or are curious about: Occult practices, magick, society, sociology, anthropology, organizations shrouded in mystery, and vampirism (and the ever fluxing definitions). In the spirit of transparency let me tell you that I do not identify myself with any particular category of being or person; imaginary or otherwise. I do not currently belong to any secret or public societies besides those that improve my career. I am not a "gamer" who pretends to be someone or something that I am not, however I do enjoy the occasional video game (mine craft when I have the time). I constantly strive for self improvement, and consider myself a responsible adult Man. I invite you all to tell me a little about yourselves, and thank you for your greetings that may be returned.



Number of posts : 1
Location : USA
Registration date : 2014-10-23

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Allow myself to introduce...myself Empty Re: Allow myself to introduce...myself

Post by Jonathan 24.10.14 8:38

Welcome to the community. Feel free to participate in any discussion and thread so that we may get acquainted with your views, opinions and experiences.

Number of posts : 3046
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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