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Post by Ari.Alba 14.12.14 3:04

Hello again. I have been lurking for a while - and may I say what a fantastic forum this is. I am humbled by the massive knowledge and wisdom here, and am enthralled despite feeling like I know next to nothing.

Now on to my question...

I have gone over the Asetian Bible a few times now, and I can't get over how strongly the Guardian Lineage describes me. I now find myself on an emotional roller coaster of elation and pain. Sometimes I'm sure, other times doubtful.

I know I need more. So my question is, where do we go from here?

I know I'm not very good with words, but I'm in pain and I need something tangible.

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Post by Stapleraindrop 14.12.14 3:48

You may want to look into the book of Orion to further pursue this question. The only answers come from inside, when the light of truth can burn away the veil of ego.

To try to answer your question; the currents of Yod (the hermit) and Gimel (the priestess) are closely associated with the lineage of guardians. The Asetian bible certianly has an initiatory lunar feel about it, and definitely promotes the looking within oneself to find answers. I know I felt a change come from reading it, as have many people on this forum.

"The mountain of wisdom is never reached by those who profess lies of a sacred past" S. 3. utterance 11 from the book of Orion.

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Post by Kalb 14.12.14 16:09

Ari: Just take the Asetian Bible around you and meditate. No need more. The rest comes with time.

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Post by Troublemaker 15.12.14 4:11

I agree with the others and I understand how you feel, OP......

I am not nearly as experienced as the others here, but I will say this... I have been reading around the forum for a while now also and I found a piece of advice that might help, small as it is:

If you are what you think you are, what would you change about your behavior or about the way you live your life? I try to look at it this way--whatever you suspect you may be, if it feels like returning home, like you are remembering something long forgotten (and not putting on a pretty, fancy costume that makes you feel cool), then you might be on the right track. No one, however, can tell anyone what they are so I'd take anything concrete said by others with a grain of salt.

One thing that is helping me with my own process of discovery is looking at it this way: Your true self is buried underneath a pile of rubble, and the unawakened you is on the other end. It is up to you and only you to dig yourself out.

Good luck on your path. Smile

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Post by Stapleraindrop 15.12.14 16:56

I think that rubble you speak of Rhea may resemble the house of god found in the tower Wink

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Post by Troublemaker 16.12.14 1:55

I am not sure what you mean, Stapleraindrop. Would you mind elaborating?

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Post by Stapleraindrop 16.12.14 12:55

In an earlier post you refrenced metaphorical rubble blocking the conscious self from the 'true' self, so to speak. Many systems work with this concept, some more directly than others. In the book of Orion it is described as the sarcophagus of flesh; to thelemites it is the tower of god. The tower is a house; a creation of walls of a sort, subtly put in place by the subconscious mind. These walls are limitations, or barriers of reality between your incarnated and 'higher' self.

The tower arcana in the tarot shows a tower crashing violently to the ground. To many, this looks like terror and represents a card of destruction and death. The tower can represent death, but can be the opener of ways; destroying limitations so you can become limitless.

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Post by Kalb 16.12.14 13:58

I think Inspiration is the key and not the initiations.

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Post by Nightshade 16.12.14 14:21

Don't underestimate the power of true initiations Kalb. Problem is people nowadays overuse the word and end up calling an initiation to rituals and practices that actually initiate nothing of the mysteries.

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Post by Kalb 16.12.14 15:14

Nightshade: My knowledge of initiations is according to Asetian knowledge. I believe that I still don't understand it fully in its definition. In all case, the initiations are ageless when it comes to Asetians and Asetianists, however, the Rebirth is a delite in all of initiations, the only way to recover is to have the Inspiration in the right way, otherwise the power of initiation will not work. One thing is to have an initiation to a unique life, another thing is to have an initiation for future reincarnations. If it were not so, then why is there Asetians unaware?

Death "destroys/hide" any initiation, nature is evolving along with the universe, and the initiations are renewable as nature. I'm well aware of that. Let me give you an example silly, but to me it makes perfect sense. I was initiated in Reiki, in the beginning I was full of Inspiration and inner Will, over the years, my inspiration was disappearing and the contact with Reiki began to be weak. Maybe it was the purpose of my own personality that has weakened and along with that caused damage. But, the fact that regardless of being an initiate in Reiki the vibration in some heights seemed very low or null. Exactly by the missed Inspiration.

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Post by Stapleraindrop 16.12.14 15:22

Awesome post Kalb, but in terms of the true initiations Nightshade was talking about... didn't Maxx make a post somewhere about evocations using a tarot deck?

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Post by Nightshade 16.12.14 17:50

I know you're a committed student of the Asetian path but remember that the concept of initiation is fundamental in Asetianism. In fact, the Book of Orion is completely about the nature of initiation and sheds light on that vital but often misunderstood subject. Initiation is a profound transformation that happens within your soul. It's what the Egyptians called Kheperu (unrelated with what a well known role player calls her group) and the process of spiritual becoming.
It's not fair to compare the initiations that I'm describing with Reiki since in the practice of Reiki the procedure would be more accurately defined as an energy attunement and energy channel cleansing than an actual initiation. I understand they may also be described as such but in Western society most people don't take Reiki with the seriousness it requires and approach it as a light energy practice.
In an extreme case even the infamous Dark Kiss of the Asetians, the process of birth into immortality and communion with the divine, is in fact an initiation. Just a very powerful one.

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Post by Troublemaker 17.12.14 0:12

I'm not going to lie, the concept of needing inspiration does confuse me a great deal. I'm not saying it's wrong, because I clearly don't have the authority to claim such a thing. However, I will say that I think some sort of initiation process has begun in my own life, and there are many times when I grow weary of it. There are times when the intensity of my feelings surprise and terrify me, and put me through a great deal of pain... kind of how the OP put it. There are times when I want to throw it all out the window, because sometimes it feels like too much to handle... times when I feel so completely uninspired that the changes take a huge toll on me. Being on fire is an uncomfortable situation... And yet, something is making me keep a hold of that stake. I'd be dishonest if I claimed inspiration was always the fuel of my own transformations... I think perhaps the more correct word in my own personal case would be love. I cannot give up, because I feel this profound love for Aset that can't be described with words. Of course, my stating this in a public forum isn't meant to prove anything, but the original post kind of hit home for me.

What if there isn't always an inspiration? What if you feel almost as if the path just sort of found you, and attached itself to you, become a part of your life? Love can definitely be seen as inspiration, but I don't think they are always interchangeable.

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Post by Kalb 17.12.14 1:02

I spoke in Reiki was in order to compare the attunement of each incarnation with our old past lives. I understand the difference between the two, the Asetian Bible is clear in this regard. What I mean is in the case of anyone and Asetians too, this initiation is not always visible in the next reincarnation. Despite all its symbolism live in his soul. One thing to Asetian unaware is with dealing with the physical age, his soul is eternal and having to deal with age is a trauma for them. In this case, the initiation is creating an obstacle in their minds. Now, as we know and not always an Asetian has the largest tools to Awakening, the Asetian Bible in this case would be the Inspiring for them because all his life start to make sense and the full potential of their souls would be unveiled and the Transformation continue until their physical death.

Images, words, music, silence itself are attunements that comes an Inspiration for the return of its transformation and diretion to Home. This process of Inspiring is not true to all, for example, I do not see it happening with Asetian Elders. In short what I mean, is that initiation will have no effect in the next life if there is no external touch/Inspiring(attunement). If we talk in our current life, that's easier to talk. The Book of Orion is an Attunement and inside the book has an Initiation, this initiation is not possible without an important detail: "Involvement"; "Evolve".

But without a doubt, the biggest initiation is the soul become Asetian. But, in that I'm not very comfortable because it requires a lot of metaphysical interpretation and I do not have that maturity or knowledge to understand.

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Post by N.Augusta 20.12.14 7:56

Hello all!

Regarding initiations: I will just add a little something. First and foremost of importance is ones very own expectation of initiation. Are they practical and realistic? Some blindly go into them thinking that an initiation will change them instantly, dramatically and profoundly. This is quite silly and yet reflective of the typical "I want it now and I don't want to work for it!" society and times in which we live, or dare I say typical human nature? While there may not be bells, whistles and fireworks going off whilst having an initiation (dang it!) I believe it is more accurate and reasonable to expect that they be subtle and ongoing. But also, that one does the ongoing "work" needed to get the most and make the best of them, and be open to change. "As above so below."

Lastly, there are many kinds of initiations out there. If something works for one, then that's great. Just be cautious and don't jump into things. We all are on this journey of life and experiencing the initiation of life at our own paces. What greater initiation than that of life? 😀

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Post by Ari.Alba 20.12.14 13:33

Great posts! Thanks to all.

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