Can everyone be one???

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Can everyone be one???

Post by Black Tarragon 30.01.09 4:45

I have some really silly questions :

Can EVERYONE be an Asetian???
Is Asetianism a religion that everyone can join???
What is in the Asetian Bible???

I know I sound stupid, please forgive me Neutral
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Aghrab 30.01.09 9:37

Black Tarragon wrote:I have some really silly questions :

Can EVERYONE be an Asetian???
Is Asetianism a religion that everyone can join???
What is in the Asetian Bible???

I know I sound stupid, please forgive me Neutral


I don't believe your questions are stupid, just too easy to find it on the web with a bit of research.

First, no, not everyone can be an Asetian, since Asetians are Children of Aset (Isis), and people who follow their path are not called Asetians, but Asetianists. Maybe this is what you are misunderstanding.

Second, I don't believe everyone can be an Asetianist, since it takes an open-mind and evolved Soul to comprehend a lot of things in this path. Evolution, which is highly rare in this world.

And lastly, the websites that personally I believe will help you out to understand what the Asetian Bible is, are below.

Long, long answer made short:


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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Kemisi 30.01.09 9:49

Aghrab, couldnt have said it better.
The study of Asetianists is one for the open mind and any reading in the Asetian Bible will open your mind if you let it. The reading is a truly moving and inspirational read. To say that a life has been changed by the book is an understatement.
I believe no question is ever stupid, just misunderstood or the person who asks it is misguided.
The websites provided are the best place to start your research. The Asetian Bible can be located on as well as Barnes and Noble. There are a few other places but these are the most common I have found.

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Jonathan 30.01.09 17:40

Black Tarragon wrote:I have some really silly questions :

Can EVERYONE be an Asetian???
Is Asetianism a religion that everyone can join???
What is in the Asetian Bible???

I know I sound stupid, please forgive me Neutral
Asetianism is the real religion of vampires (and other beings too, even humans), as well as one of the oldest cultures ever found in history. Actually, unlike other religions, Asetianism was not created by men to control the people or for any political or egoistical reasons. It is a religion that was created, developed and given to us directly by one of the Divine Powers of this Universe, the Goddess Aset.

If anyone can be an Asetian or a vampire? Well potentially yes. But vampires are rare and most people are just simply humans. However, being a vampire or not, anyone is free to follow Asetianism, being an Asetianist, not an Asetian. Asetians are Children of Aset, vampires, and they are immortal. But anyone can be an Asetianist, mortal or not, as long as they dedicate truthfully to the path of the Aset Ka and are loyal to the Asetians.

You asked about the Asetian Bible. That is a book, published directly by the Order of Aset Ka, that explains the history, theology, spirituality, practices and concepts behind Asetianism and the secret truth of vampires. It was written by one of the most respected vampires in the world, Luis Marques. He is a well known master from the Aset Ka, a spiritual leader and guide for the whole community, that keep his sacred words at a very high esteem.

Oh, and you didn't sound stupid at all. Feel free to ask any question, we are all here to help and learn from each other. I hope I helped clear your doubts in some way.


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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Black Tarragon 31.01.09 1:01

To Aghrab, Kemisi and Jonathan,

Thank you very much for answering my questions.

Actually I did read articles on the internet about Aset Ka, but maybe you're right Aghrab, that I've mess up some of the English words... haha... now I know that Asetian and Asetianist are different. Surprised

But after reading all of your replys, I have few more questions regarding the Asetian Bible.

As Kemisi had said, reading the Asetian Bible can help to open our minds. Am I right to say that actually, every human soul contains some "vampiric genes" (since Jonathan mentioned that potentially anyone can be an Asetian or vampire), just that most of the human never get things which can stimulate those genes and make them become one???
The Asetian Bible is something that stimulates our souls. But the Bible can only stimulate us, we ourselves have to comprehen things from the Bible, deeply understand it and then our souls would be evolved. (which is very hard and that's why most of the human beings can't do it)

If my statement is true, the is this the process of "awakening"??? Razz

Thanks again...
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Victor 31.01.09 11:15

Black Tarragon wrote:As Kemisi had said, reading the Asetian Bible can help to open our minds. Am I right to say that actually, every human soul contains some "vampiric genes" (since Jonathan mentioned that potentially anyone can be an Asetian or vampire), just that most of the human never get things which can stimulate those genes and make them become one???
The Asetian Bible is something that stimulates our souls. But the Bible can only stimulate us, we ourselves have to comprehen things from the Bible, deeply understand it and then our souls would be evolved. (which is very hard and that's why most of the human beings can't do it)
Well... no.
Vampirism is not genetic. It is a condition of the soul and has nothing to do with genetic predisposition.
What I believe Jonathan meant by saying that anyone can potentially be an Asetian or a vampire, is one of two things:

1. As we all know, there are lost Asetians, who did not find themselves yet in this lifetime. So anyone *could* be an unawakened Asetian. This is surely a rare case and won't apply to 99% of the cases.

2. Any human can become an Asetian. This is possible by the sacred divine act of the Dark Kiss, if executed by an Asetian Elder.

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Black Tarragon 02.02.09 8:04

Oh, now i understand how it works, everyone could be an unawakened Aetian and the Dark Kiss can turn an human beings into an Asetian.

Then may I ask another question? I sound troublesome... anyway, after the physical death of an Asetianist, where would his or her soul goes??? Chinese believe that after we died, we would either go to heaven or hell, depends on the amount of "good things" and "bad things" you've done in your life. Then what about Asetianist and Asetian??? (Are Asetians immortals???)
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Syrianeh 02.02.09 8:25

Black Tarragon wrote: anyway, after the physical death of an Asetianist, where would his or her soul goes??? Chinese believe that after we died, we would either go to heaven or hell, depends on the amount of "good things" and "bad things" you've done in your life. Then what about Asetianist and Asetian??? (Are Asetians immortals???)

An Asetianist is not the same as an Asetian. An Asetianist is a follower of the Asetian tradition who might or might not have a human soul. So the same principles do not apply to them as to the Asetians.

Now as to where do their souls go (in both cases), I don't think anyone can tell you for sure with complete certainty where souls go after death. According to general beliefs on vampiric and magical metaphysics, human souls (by human meaning non-evolved) return to the universal source and "blend in" with the rest. They die. But I strongly believe that if you evolve and seek Truth during your life in such a way that you gain access to your higher self you can bypass this process and reincarnate - for better or worse. Vampires, on the other hand, are "different" in that they are already detached from the universal source of energy and that's what makes them immortal - though that is not always a good thing to be if you don't know how to "travel through it". It could lead a soul with unresolved issues to be stuck in ethereal planes for a long long long time. Asetians would fall under the category of evolved beings, and thus immortal, but only if they can awake in their physical life and apply their nature towards further evolution.

Funny how the Chinese think like the Catholics, by the way... Cool

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Black Tarragon 02.02.09 8:41

Wow... It's complicated~ Shocked Buy I think I get what you mean~

Asetians, have to be born one. Before they are being awakened, will they have special talents???
How do they feel while they are reading the Asetian Bible?
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Black Tarragon 02.02.09 8:42

Yes, Chinese think like the Catholics, but of course there are still differences between them. Neutral
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Aghrab 02.02.09 13:35

Black Tarragon wrote:Asetians, have to be born one. Before they are being awakened, will they have special talents???
They don't necessarily have to be born one, since as it was said, by the act of the Dark Kiss by an Elder Asetian (Asetian created in the times of the Sep Tepy, when the Gods still ruled Earth), a human can become an Asetian, although only by the acceptance and blessing of Aset (Isis) Herself. But the act of the Dark Kiss is highly rare in our days, so yes, many Asetians are born one.

Will they have special talents before being born? I believe this highly depends. For example, if an unawakened Asetian is living within a very closed-minded environment, where things like magick and energy work would be highly discouraged and where religion would be driving that Asetian astray, then probably the only talent he will have is unconscious feeding in situations such as romantic interactions, sexual interactions, aggressive confrontations, or simply talking with someone or shaking their hand, since after all, they are vampires, and they do need to drain to function. Another talent would probably be the talent of manipulation, although this depends on the Asetian, and what lineage he comes from, since for example Viperines, the lineage of Serpents, are highly advanced at manipulation. I can easily see an unawakened Viperine manipulating in many situations, unconsciously.

Black Tarragon wrote:How do they feel while they are reading the Asetian Bible?
An unawakened Asetian, to my understanding, while reading the Asetian Bible, will most definitely feel a deep change within themselves, for everything would make sense to them. The tradition, the beliefs, the facts, the essence, and even the image on the cover of the book, will all move them and awaken sides of them. They may feel in place, safe and begin to understand many things in their own lives... They would be moved and changed without a doubt, since well... they are reading the divine words of an Elder Asetian Himself, after all... 


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Can everyone be one??? Empty To Black Tarragon

Post by Maxx 02.02.09 21:22

Black Tarragon,

May I ask how you can prove to yourself whether there is a Heaven or even if there exists a Hell? That would be an important factor in then going on to discover whether the facts of what you have been told regarding either one is real or truthful. Could it be that many things you have been told about Religion has been past down from one person to another without any credence at all to determine fact or fancy? Please do not believe everything you find in every book about that religion to be factual. Question your priest, teacher, parent or mentor to determine what is truth........for you. Ask how to prove all things.......only then will things begin to take on a whole different view for you. One that you can feel quite comfortable with.


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Can everyone be one??? Empty Re: Can everyone be one???

Post by Black Tarragon 22.02.09 4:47

Thank you for your reminder Max =)

Maybe I can't really express my question with English very well... my meaning is that what they "believe" their soul will go after they died. I have this question because I realised that different religions would have different believes in that... so i wondered if Asetians would have a totally different believe Rolling Eyes

But you're right... even if we believe in that... no one knows if they really exist ^^
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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