Ancient Troy

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Ancient Troy Empty Ancient Troy

Post by Widdershins 23.02.15 21:54

There is some occult lore about Ancient Troy, which located in Anatolia.

Were they Asetians, Sethians, Lycans, Draconians, Illuminati bloodline etc.?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Ancient Troy Empty Re: Ancient Troy

Post by Widdershins 25.02.15 22:07

If anyone has esoteric information about Alaca Hoyuk Royal Tomb or really any culture of Pre-Hittite Anatolia I'd appreciate your insights.

Abraham most likely arising out of the Hurrians has to have some esoteric significance that's eluding me.

The Assyrians are an interesting topic too. They have a huge cultural pride even today in places like Chicago. Wonder if the Assyrians have an occult underground order that is in competition for power....

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Ancient Troy Empty Re: Ancient Troy

Post by Widdershins 11.03.15 22:33

I'd rather not start another thread/topic so...

I've asked this question before to someone who evokes many entities but he never clearly answered this question. So I thought I'd ask here just in-case someone can put this question to rest in my mind.

Do the souls of Asetians, Sethians, Lycans, and Draconians etc only reincarnate on planet earth or do they reincarnate on other planets too? BTW, I do not believe in spaceship aliens etc. That's silly misinformation promulgated by the Sethians IMO.

Is the battle between Asetians and Sethians only on earth or is this going on in the whole galaxy or even the whole of this universe?

How far out do Aset and Seth's Godhood extend?

1) This Solar System
2) This Galaxy
3) This Universe
4) All universes in the void

Does anyone know or have any insights into this topic?

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Ancient Troy Empty Re: Ancient Troy

Post by Troublemaker 12.03.15 4:42

Well, what are your personal opinions, Widdershins? You sure do ask a lot of interesting questions... but most of them might take some heavy meditation on your own part to really answer. A lot of the concepts in Asetianism take a vast degree of mind-stretching to come close to comprehending, and I definitely won't claim to be an authority on the subject.

Aset and Seth are divine, infinite. If they are infinite... well, you see where this is going. I'm going to venture forth with an educated opinion here and say that if they are infinite, it's likely that their godhood extends... infinitely Very Happy Very Happy

I would recommend the Asetian Bible and later, the Book of Orion, if you haven't read them already. We can learn in the later work that the constellation of Orion is a natural sigil and is deeply connected with Asetianism... maybe that might help point you in the right direction.

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Ancient Troy Empty Re: Ancient Troy

Post by Jonathan 12.03.15 14:24

I Agree

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Ancient Troy Empty Re: Ancient Troy

Post by Widdershins 13.03.15 0:06

Thank you Rhea Kaye. That was very helpful. I'm planning to buy both the Asetian Bible and the Book of Orion soon.

There's billions and billions of stars.... probably many with habitable planets. I've always wondered if the astral world and divinities of other planets are connected with planet earth's astral world and divinities. Or if each planet is a closed system which doesn't allow reincarnation elsewhere.

My thoughts were

1. There are deities who exist in the void and rule all universes.
2. Then there is a supreme deity/spirit who exists within every Universe in the void.
3. Then every galaxy has a supreme deity/spirit embodying it.
4. Then every solar system has a supreme deity/spirit embodying it.
5. Then every Star/sun has a supreme deity/spirit embodying it.
6. Then every planet has a supreme deity/spirit embodying it.

This is a great forum with caring people who seem to have a good grasp of how reality works. Which why I love it and post here. If anyone feels like I'm disrupting the forum and not contributing with all my questions, I'll stop.

Number of posts : 44
Location : Great Lakes
Registration date : 2015-02-22

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Ancient Troy Empty Re: Ancient Troy

Post by Maxx 13.03.15 16:27

you may be assuming that one answer would be correct for everyone.  Reality may be different for each one of us and not the same in unison.  Alice Bailey explained it very well below.....

One of the first lessons we need to learn is that our minds, being as yet unresponsive to the hidden intuitions, make it impossible for us to say with assurance that such a condition is this, that or the other; that, until we can function in our soul-consciousness, it is not for us to say what is or what is not; that until we have submitted ourselves to the needed training we are in no position to deny or affirm anything. Our attitude should be that of reasonable enquiry and our interest that of the investigating philosopher, willing to accept an hypothesis on the basis of its possibility, but being unwilling to acknowledge as proven truth anything until we know it for and in ourselves. I, an aspirant to the higher mysteries, and one who has searched into them for a longer period than has been possible as yet to many, may write of things as yet impossible of demonstration to you or to the public who may read these instructions. To me they may be and are truth and proven fact and for me that may suffice. For you they should be regarded as significant possibilities and hints as to the direction in which truth may be sought, but beyond that you should not permit yourself to go.

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