Hello that awkward moment

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Hello that awkward moment Empty Hello that awkward moment

Post by Curious One 14.03.15 19:56


I was never good at introductions it is always awkward for me. My favorite hobby is singing and it is also my profession. Strong connections are made with music and I feel energy is easily released in that connection. Anyway I am rather new here and feel I should learn more before sharing certain other things about myself.

Curious One
Curious One

Number of posts : 8
Age : 43
Location : Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2015-03-10

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Hello that awkward moment Empty Re: Hello that awkward moment

Post by Maxx 14.03.15 20:10

people used to make a part time living by delivering singing telegrams.  Just be yourself when you want to write something.  The audience will either love or dislike it as they will agree or not agree with it because of the song lyrics and melody.  Either way, what difference does it make as it will not change the way you believe.....or ... it should not.  If it does, your life is not built on a solid foundation that allows others to influence and change your mind with very light discussion. But if you should grow by some additional information that you gain here, well that is a plus.  So If you are an introvert and know who you are on the inside, you should do well here.  Even some strange and misguided people have been here for a long time.....meaning myself.  lol.

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Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Hello that awkward moment Empty Re: Hello that awkward moment

Post by Nightshade 14.03.15 20:54

Welcome. Good luck.

Number of posts : 442
Location : The Mind
Registration date : 2013-06-15

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